My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 608 - 190: Not A Guaranteed Result

After Diana and Ken walked out of the office, Diana's immediate reaction was to blame Ken.

"How could you approve his proposal? We will lose! I am a woman. The directors will never stand by me. What should I do?" "It is not a guaranteed result. Some of the directors support Brian. They won't vote for Kyle," Ken explained.


"There are still three days. We will fight to make you a leader. The fate of the company depends on it." Ken wanted to do everything he could to encourage Diana.

Diana agreed. She would persist in this fight for Brian.

In Kyle's office, Antonette put the doc.u.ments on his desk. The handprint from Diana's slap was still clearly visible on her face.

It was so hard to accept that Diana would slap her in front of all the directors. They used to be friends.

"Kyle, even now that she is literally opposing you, you still don't want to fight against her?" Antonette growled.

"Antonette, I have told you, don't do anything to harm Diana," Kyle threatened.

Antonette left, angry and frustrated.

When Antonette arrived home, she went to find Mrs. Garcia.

"What are you doing here?" Mrs. Garcia sneered at her.

But Antonette didn't care. She walked towards her and grabbed her roughly.

"Mrs. Garcia, I have something important to tell you."

Mrs. Garcia brushed Antonette away and said with evident disgust, "Just say it. There's no need to touch me."

Antonette took a deep breath to calm down and told Mrs. Garcia everything that had occurred.

"What?" Mrs. Garcia changed her expression. She seemed unhappy with what Kyle had done.

Mrs. Garcia was looking forward to Kyle becoming the president of the company and to the money she would receive as a result. How could he make such a misguided decision just for Diana?

"What should we do?" Antonette asked.

After thinking for a while, Mrs. Garcia had an idea.

"Antonette, keep an eye on Kyle. If he goes to meet Diana, tell me at once."

Antonette promised she would, then quietly left the room, closing the door behind her.

Despite her tiredness, Diana made an effort to visit every director on the company board to persuade them to vote for her. However, most of them didn't want to openly support her while it was not clear who would win.

By the time she visited the last person, it was well into the evening, and Diana was exhausted. Ken helped Diana into the car.

"Where should we go next?" Ken asked patiently. Since Brian was still in a coma, Ken considered it his duty to take good care of Diana.

"Take me home, please, Ken." Diana decided not to visit Brian, as she wanted to rest before the final push for the presidential vote.

The next morning, when Diana got up to head out, Ken was already there waiting for her.

When Diana got in the car, Ken said, "I will pick you up until Brian wakes up."

"Thank you so much, Ken." Diana really appreciated his offer; she knew that she should take good care of herself and also the baby.

On the way, someone called Diana. She had a look at her phone and was surprised to see Kyle's name on the screen.

She answered the call and put the phone on loudspeaker so Ken could hear as well.

"Diana, do you have time to meet me now?"

"What do you want?" Diana asked suspiciously.

"I think we should talk about it face to face. The Blacktop Coffee on 28th Avenue, let's meet there, okay?"

Diana turned to Ken for help. He nodded silently.

"Okay, I will see you there, Kyle."

Diana was confused. What was Kyle going to do? Tomorrow was the day the directors would decide who would be the president. What did he want this last-minute meeting for?

Kyle phoned Antonette as soon he finished the call with Diana to inform her of his meeting with Diana.

"Hello, Mrs. Garcia. Kyle is on the way to meet Diana."

At the coffee shop, Ken suggested to accompany her upstairs, but Diana refused.

"No, I want to go in alone."

Ken didn't insist. He went back to the car and waited patiently for Diana to finish.

When Diana reached the entrance of the cafe, a waiter came and opened the door for her.

"Good afternoon, Miss. Do you have a reservation?"

"Should be under the name Kyle William."

"Okay, this way, Miss." The waiter led her to a table near the window.

"What would you like, Miss?"

It occurred to Diana that Brian's favorite was Americano.

"Americano, thank you," Diana answered bitterly.

"Okay." The waiter wrote down the order and left.

When Kyle arrived, what he saw was a breathtaking scene. Diana was sitting beside the window. There were delicate rays of sunshine criss crossing across her face, illuminating her in an angelic light.

Kyle held his breath and walked silently. He didn't want to disturb the peaceful moment.

However, when he sat down opposite Diana, she turned cold at the sight of him.

Kyle felt bitter about her change, and asked, "Diana, you seem awfully on edge, what's wrong?"

Ignoring his question, Diana asked with an unfriendly voice, "So, why did you ask me here?"

Kyle looked up, staring at Diana, the woman with whom he had fallen in love all those months ago.

"Diana, can't we be the same as before? We used to be so close, all the time we spent together in collegeā€¦ let's go back to that."

"How could we, Kyle? After what happened with Carol, we can never be like we were before. You murdered her!"

Kyle smiled bitterly. She was right. He had killed Carol.

But he didn't give up.

"Diana, let's start again. There will be no Carol. There will be no Brian. Just the two of us."

At this time, the waiter arrived at the table, carrying Diana's coffee. He set it down in front of her and then asked Kyle, "Sir, what would you like to drink?"