My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 601 - 183: Answer My Question

Kyle stood up and looked Brian in the eye.

"Yes, it was me," Kyle admitted casually. "But what can you do about it?"

Before Brian could say anything, Kyle spoke again, "Brian, let's wait and see who wins this one."

Brian leaned in to look Kyle right in his face. A sardonic grin spread across his face.

"Kyle William, I will never give up on this company."

With that, Brian was about to leave.

"Brian, shall we play for something more interesting? Why not increase the wager?" Kyle said in a dry tone.

"What do you want?" Brian scowled.

"Diana. If you lose our little game, Diana belongs to me."

Brian launched forward and punched Kyle in the face after hearing this, sending him crashing back into his chair.

"Kyle, I'm warning you now, leave Diana out of this."

Then he turned around and marched out of the office.

Brian was on the way to his office, but after a second thought, he went down to the design department.

Jessica beamed when she saw Brian coming.

"Boss, may I help you?"

Brian still looked angry and said straight, "I need designs for a new collection from you ASAP."

"A whole collection?" Jessica cried out. She never had such a heavy workload.

Brian felt sorry for her but insisted, "Yes, I need it urgently. Whatever it takes, you decide the price, and I'll agree."

From Brian's urgency, Jessica knew he was really in desperate need.

"Forget about the money. I'm thinking of going for an industrial style, but I need some fresh inspiration. Could you help me?"

"To find inspiration?" Brian felt confused.

Jessica nodded. "Yes, I need a little creative spark, something to get the ideas flowing. I like to immerse myself in whatever scenery can inspire my designs. However, I'm not very familiar with the city yet. Do you think you could take me somewhere? " Jessica asked, blinking her eyes rapidly to appear as sweet as possible.

A nearby porcelain factory came to Brian's mind.

"Sure, let's go."

"Now?" Jessica was surprised.

"Is there a problem?" Brian inquired.

"No," Jessica smiled, "Let's go."

Brian headed towards the parking lot at once, and Jessica followed.

Everyone in the design department uttered a sigh of relief after Jessica left.

Diana had been waiting for Brian in her office for a long time, but he never showed up, so she decided to go home first.

Meanwhile, Brian was driving Jessica to the porcelain factory.

Of course, Jessica's real focus was not on the art; she was only there for Brian.

When they arrived, Brian politely opened the door for Jessica.

"Miss Reagan, we are here."

Jessica got out of the car. With Brian standing just in front of her, she decided to test his restraint and slotted her arm into his.

Brian was embarrassed by her intimacy. He tried to pull away, but Jessica feigned ignorance and held him more tightly.

"Why are you standing still?" Jessica looked at Brian questioningly.

Brian had no choice but to go inside with a forced smile.

The main product of the factory was exquisite blue-and-white porcelain.

the bowl admiringly, looking at it from all angles.

"Miss Reagan, do you like it?" asked Brian.

Jessica nodded. She was very taken with the bowl in her hand.

"I have decided the leading colors for the new collection," she said.

"Really?" Brian was lit up by her words. "Please help me pack this," Brian said to the factory owner.

As they finished looking around, Brian asked, "Miss Reagan, when do you think I can have the designs?"

"Give me two days, and they'll be ready." Jessica was eager to help Brian with this urgent collection if she could do a good job with this, who knows what she could ask in return!

"Great!" Brian was ecstatic.

As Jessica and Brian arrived back at the company, Diana happened to be leaving the building simultaneously.

Jessica was happy to see Diana's expression.

"Miss Anderson, Mr. William just took me out shopping. See, this is the bowl he bought me. Isn't it beautiful?" She proudly presented the bowl to Diana.

Her words were so ambiguous that Brian quickly explained, "Miss Reagan said she needed some inspiration for the new design."

Diana couldn't hide her feelings when she saw the bowl in Jessica's hand, as an unpleasant smile appeared on her face.

"Well, I'm feeling a little uncomfortable. See you at home," she said to Brian.

Brian nodded naturally, "Okay, take care."

In front of Jessica, Diana made a point of giving Brian a longer than usual goodbye kiss.

Brian didn't notice the tension between the two women. In fact, he was rather happy, as it was rare for Diana to take the initiative like that.

The expression of surprise on Jessica's face was obvious.

"Mr. William and Miss Anderson, you are such a cute couple."

Diana smiled gently at her, "Thank you."

Then Diana called a taxi and waved goodbye to them.

Just to be safe, Brian recorded the taxi's license plate number, which further burned Jessica's jealous fire.


When Diana got home, she felt tired and exhausted. She had been so sleepy recently. When she lay back on the sofa, she soon fell asleep again.

Later, when Brian finally arrived back home, he found Diana sleeping on the sofa, curled up like a kitten. He sighed, then lifted her and walked her to bed.

Diana was vaguely aware that Brian was back. She tried to wake up to look at him, but her eyelids were too heavy to even open, then she fell asleep again.

The next morning, when Diana woke up, Brian was still in a deep sleep. So she got up quietly and went to the kitchen to make breakfast for him.

By the time Diana finished preparing the breakfast, Brian had woken up, gotten dressed, and came down from the bedroom.