My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 600 - 182: Well Done

Brian took her to the design department and showed her to her desk, positioned at the head of the table where the other designers worked.

However, Calvin was unsatisfied with Brian's arrangement.

"You would have Jessica work here? She needs her own office!" He said with a scowl.

These words made the smile on Brian's face stiffen.

He was not the only one, either. The other staff was listening closely too.

"Who does she think she is? Taking herself so seriously," someone whispered.

"Miss William worked alongside us," murmured another.

Jessica looked as unhappy as Calvin sounded.

"Where's Miss Anderson's office?" she asked.

"She works next door to me," Brian answered frankly.

"I also want to work there," Jessica demanded.

Jessica's hands had clenched into fists of determination.

Despite her confident request, Brian was clearly unhappy. He didn't want his and Diana's world to be disturbed.

Seeing Brian didn't look too pleased, Jessica chuckled.

"I'm just kidding. How could I disturb you and Miss Anderson?"

"Thank you for your consideration, Miss Reagan. Is there anything else I can help you with?"

"No, thank you. If anything comes up, I'll let you know," Jessica said sweetly.

"Well, see you later," said Brian.

As soon as Brian left, Jessica's innocent smile disappeared.

She looked at the designer in front of her with a malicious smile.

"Do you guys have any opinions on me?" She stared at them intensely.

"Who do you think you are?" One of the girls grumbled.

Sybil had been kind and easy to approach, while Jessica was plainly the opposite, which made the other designers immediately resentful.

On hearing that, Jessica squinted her eyes. Without any word, she walked up to the girl and slapped her in the face.

The girl burst into tears at once. No one had ever treated her this way before, how could it be?

Jessica glanced around and gave them all a warning look.

"Now, I am the new chief designer. Everyone in this department must comply with my demands."

Jessica was satisfied with the silent fear she'd created. She returned to her seat with her head held high.

"Diana, I will steal Brian from you one day," she swore silently to herself.

When Brian returned to the office, his assistant was already waiting there for him.

The assistant walked forward and whispered something to him. What she said made Brian frown.

"Is this real?"

The assistant nodded affirmatively.

"Okay. I'll handle it."

After the assistant left, Brian's face turned a deathly pale.

Diana had finished the pharmacy's inventory and was on her way back to her office when she ran into Fannie. She was clearly upset, her eyes red and puffy as if she'd been crying.

"What's wrong, Fannie?" Diana asked concernedly.

On seeing Diana, Fannie was brought to tears again. She started to complain, "Miss Anderson, it's Jessica, she is the devil! She has already made several designers cry from her scolding. What's worse, she even slapped a girl!"

"What? You mean she actually, physically hit her?" Diana was amazed by what Fannie was saying.

Fannie nodded angrily.

"And she asked me to buy coffee for her. I went to the coffee shop three times already, but she is still unsatisfied with what I bought, even though she won't tell me what she likes. I think she is purposely difficult for me."

Fannie felt like weeping but had no tears left to cry.

As Diana was comforting her, Fannie cried out after checking the time, "I have to go! The She-Devil only gave me half an hour to buy the coffee. See you later, Miss Anderson."

"Stay safe," Diana shouted as Fannie fled back to the design department.

After a second's thought, Diana decided to tell Brian about Jessica.

"Brian…" Diana's words were on the tip of her tongue when she arrived at the doorway of Brian's office, but she found Brian was on the phone.

Thus Diana retreated silently from the room.

After the call was finished, Brian came rushing out of his office, straight past Diana. She would have to wait to talk with him later.

In the IT department, Brian gave a USB to the department manager.

"How long will it take to recover the files?"

"About half an hour," the manager estimated.

"Okay, I will wait here," said Brian.

Afraid of wasting the boss' time, the department manager started to repair the USB immediately.

Brian thought loathingly about the news he'd just received. His assistant had informed him that they found the ID of the person who sent confidential information to M-Color. But whoever it was had been very cautious. They only used the ID once.

Brian's mind was fixed on Kyle. He was sure that this matter must have something to do with him.

It didn't take the IT guys long to finish their work.

"Boss, I've managed to recover the information on the USB."

"Well done!" Brian came up to him and patted him on the back.

The department manager showed Brian the file on the USB. It was all the design drawings for this quarter.

Brian gritted his teeth. As expected, it was Kyle who had been sabotaging the company.

Brian stood up, then headed directly for Kyle's office. It was time to confront that bastard.

Kyle was at his computer, checking an email. He looked up after hearing the loud footsteps approaching his door and was met with a livid Brian.

"How do you have time to come over today?" Kyle asked ironically.

Ablaze with anger, Brian threw the USB at Kyle's face.

"You'd better explain this!"

Kyle picked the USB up with a sneer.

"Since when did our dignified president have the hobby of rummaging through trash cans?"

Brian's face turned black, "Answer my question!"

"Explain? There is nothing to explain." Kyle didn't care that Brian had found the USB.

"You!" Brian was raging.