My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 572 - 154: The Baby Is Lost

Kyle drove as fast as he could to the hospital. However, it was rush hour, and he was blocked by long traffic jams. Looking at the unmoving cars, he began to panic. In desperation, he jumped out of his car and ran to the hospital.

The whole time he hadn't realized that despite his intentions, he had already fallen in love with Carol.

Out of breath, Kyle finally got to the hospital and found the room Carol had been brought to.

Carol looked pale and lifeless. When the doctor saw Kyle, he explained with a pained expression, "I am so sorry, we tried our best, but the child didn't make it."

Kyle was shocked. Was Carol pregnant? She never told him!

"The poor girl drank a whole bottle of whisky. That could have done major harm to the baby. Even if she hadn't had the accident, we might have advised her to have an abortion."

Kyle nodded without emotion, just looking at Carol.

After a long time, Carol woke up. She caught sight of Kyle but said nothing.

Kyle thought for a while. He decided to tell her the truth.

"The baby…is lost."

Carol was blank. The baby? She had not realized she was pregnant.

Gently stroking her belly, Carol said calmly, "Maybe it's not a bad thing…"

"The baby shouldn't come into a world if I can't give it a true home. It might not even have had a father," Carol thought.

"I'm sorry," Kyle said bitterly,

He was a little confused by Carol's reaction. She was normally very emotional and open with her feelings. Now she just lay on the bed. She didn't cry. She didn't say anything. She looked calm. It seemed that she had lost all sense of feeling.

The door was open, and Diana suddenly entered. Out of breath, she rushed to Carol's side. "Carol, What happened?"

She had come at once after receiving the call. Now seeing the state her friend was in, Diana was very worried.

Kyle left the room to give them some privacy.

Once Kyle left, Carol cried out, "Diana, I lost my child."

Carol threw herself into Diana's embrace and exploded into a fit of tears.

Kyle lit a cigarette as he waited outside the room.

A nurse saw him. "Sorry, sir, but you're not allowed to smoke here," she said.

"Sorry," Kyle answered blankly. He turned away and put out the cigarette in his own hand. It seemed he couldn't feel the pain.

It was only when he heard the crying from Carol's room that he came to, the feelings of panic and pain swiftly returning.

The crying calmed eventually, and after a while, Diana came out. She didn't look good. Diana marched straight up to Kyle and hit him hard in the face. Though Carol didn't tell her anything about her accident, Diana knew it must be related to Kyle.

"That was for Carol," Diana said coldly. Then she stormed off.

Kyle smiled bitterly to himself. "Diana, you're right. I really am a bastard."

Several days later, it was the time for the ribbon-cutting ceremony for the new cooperation between the William and Anderson groups. The Anderson's were the biggest Chinese traditional medicine family in the city. So when the William Group decided to expand into medicine, there was no doubt that the Anderson's were the best choice.

Finally, the new drugstore was to be opened, and a grand ceremony was held to mark the occasion.

This meant another chance for Brian to see Diana. And he wasted no time in getting down to 'business'.

"Miss Anderson, would you like to have dinner with me this evening?"

"Sorry I can't." Diana refused him at once.

Brian had already foreseen this. So he prepared a real business excuse.

"In a few days, I have to go away on a business trip. But there are still many details regarding our family's deal that need to be finalized beforehand."

"Fine, I will have dinner with you. But it's strictly business," Diana replied. Since Brian was talking about the business, she had no way to refuse.

To Diana's great surprise, Brian took her to the sidewalk snack booth where they had eaten together before. He ordered two bowls of noodles with shellfish. Diana stood in astonishment. She had only taken him there once.

Diana felt the Brian who sat opposite her was like a stranger. He seemed to have abandoned all his previous bullshit and games.

"Diana, I know you won't forgive me, but I still want to explain to you," Brian began.

Diana didn't say anything but nodded for Brian to continue.

"That day after we argued… I was so annoyed… I went to the bar to drink. Vera found me there later, by which time I was very drunk. As a result, I woke up in her bed the next day. But I really have no memory of what happened."

"Really?" Diana exclaimed.

Brian was sure he hadn't had s.e.x with Vera that night. But Diana was not a child anymore. She deserved to have all the information and make up her own mind.

"I know there's no point in saying anything more. But Vera's baby was not mine. Please believe me, Diana." Brian stared at Diana with love in his eyes.

However, Diana turned away.

"Sorry, I feel a little tired. Can we go back home now?"

"All right." Brian had no choice but to take her back home.

Brian had finally found the courage to speak to Diana, but Kyle still didn't know how to face Carol. So he hid shamefully at work in his office.

As he sat contemplating everything, someone knocked on the door.

"Come in."

"Hi, Kyle, Why don't you go home?" It was Antonette.

"Don't start with me." Kyle looked impatiently at her.

"Don't be angry, Kyle," Antonette smiled coquettishly. "So I was wondering, now the Anderson's and the William's are in business together, how long do you think it will be till Diana marries Brian? Your beloved Diana…" Antonette said cruelly.

How could Kyle give up? Since they were children, Brian got everything Kyle wanted. Now he loved Diana. But Diana loved Brian. How could he accept the fact without doing anything to change it?

Antonette saw the conflict in Kyle's expression. "Kyle, I have an idea to break up the cooperation between the Anderson and William Groups. Are you interested?"