My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 571 - 153: I Will Always Love You

As the Jefferson's sat happily together, Diana quietly got up and left them to it.

Just when she was about to leave the reception, Simon's secretary stopped her from leaving.

"Miss Anderson, Mr. William would like to see you now," she said respectfully.

Diana nodded. Since her family's company had begun their relationship with the William Group, she would have to meet Simon now and then. She followed the secretary outside to a fountain, which was located at the back of the hotel. When Simon saw Diana, he was a little awkward, but he still said with a smile, "Hello, Miss Anderson."

"Hi, Mr. William."

Simon felt even worse when he saw how polite Diana was to him.

"I'm sorry for how I have acted towards you previously. I really didn't know you are the daughter of the Anderson family."

"Never mind, my father always kept us out of the limelight. It's normal you didn't know."

"So everything that happened before…"

"Mr. William, that's all in the past. I am the representative for the Anderson Group now. Our personal relationship is irrelevant."

"That's all right then." Simon felt reassured by Diana's relaxed tone.


After saying goodbye to Simon, Diana went back home alone. Though it was summer, Diana felt a little chilly as the night breeze picked up. She braced herself against the cold and continued on.

It was then that an off-road vehicle appeared from behind. It stopped beside Diana, and Brian wound down the window. "Get in."

However, when Diana saw who it was, she quickly walked away with her head down. Despite this, Brian was not angry and continued following her at a low speed.

"Just get in the car. It's not safe for a girl to go home alone at night. Let me drive you."

"No, thanks. I ate too much at the reception. I just want to walk off the food."

Brian insisted, "Come on. Now you are a partner of the William Group. I have a professional duty to get you home safely."

Diana thought for a while and finally was persuaded to accept the offer.

Inside the car, Diana could smell the pleasant odor of male perfume, which made her feel comfortable.

As the radio played in the background, Brian suddenly said, "I often blame myself for not asking you to stay when you left. I really regret that."

Diana was surprised to hear Brian speak so openly, she didn't know how to reply.

They drove the rest of the way in silence, cruising silently along the quiet roads. Just

as they arrived at Diana's house, there was a song playing on the radio, "I want you back, I want you back for good…"

"Diana, I want you back," Brian murmured.

"What?" Diana was confused; she didn't hear him clearly.

"Nothing, good night," Brian smiled.

"Good night," Diana replied, still trying to figure out what Brian had said.

"It's okay. I will wait for you, Diana, no matter how long it takes. I will always love you," Brian thought.

As for Kyle, he was still acting as he had done since his wedding.

Carol had already grown accustomed to being on her own all night. One such evening, when she was lying alone on their queen-sized bed, someone called her. It was a girl she knew who was known for hanging out with celebrities.

"Hello?" Carol answered.

"Hi, Carol, I just saw your husband in Adam's Bar." There was a clear mocking tone in her friend's voice.

"What?!" Carol couldn't believe it. Kyle called her before and told her that he was working overtime, so he wouldn't be back tonight.

She hung up the phone and got dressed. It was time to confront her husband.

The atmosphere in the bar was amazing. Everyone was singing and dancing together; the dance floor was full of beautiful women and handsome men.

Carol pushed through the crowd looking for Kyle. Eventually, she spotted him, sitting in the middle of a sofa, surrounded by several girls.

Carol was about to cry as she walked towards him, her body trembling.

When Kyle saw her, he didn't panic. On the contrary, he was calm and cold.

"What are you doing here?" he asked.

Carol took a deep breath to control herself. "What about you? You told me you were doing overtime."

Kyle was silent. A girl with heavy make-up who sat beside him was unhappy at Carol's interruption. "Who are you? It's none of your business, whether Mr. William is doing overtime or not."

Carol had never been to a bar before. It was her first time to be in such a place, and she didn't know what to do. Looking at Kyle, she begged him, "Kyle, let's go home together, please."

"Go home? Haha… Mr. William, ignore her. Let's drink." The girl laughed scornfully at Carol's pleas and passed Kyle a glass of wine.

Kyle stared Carol directly in the eye and then took a sip of his drink.

Carol was heart-broken. She had sacrificed her dignity by asking him to come home, and he rejected her for some bar s.l.u.t.

Smiling bitterly, Carol snatched the glass from Kyle's hand and drank it.

"You want to drink? Fine. I'll join you." Carol was staring wildly at Kyle.

Despite himself, Kyle felt a hint of pain to see Carol like this. And he did not like such feelings.

"If you wanna drink, then go ahead. Drink yourself to death for all I care. Just stay away from me."

The final hope disappeared from Carol's eyes. She wiped the tears on her face and turned to leave.

Desperate and confused, Carol surprised herself by staying in the bar for hours afterward, drinking solidly. And things soon went from bad to worse, for as Carol stumbled out of the bar, she didn't look carefully at her surroundings and rushed out into the road. Out of nowhere, she was knocked down by a truck; the driver unable to break-stop in time.

Kyle was still in the bar, drinking and dancing when someone called him. It was the hospital.

"What?!" Kyle sat up straight.

The girl next to him saw his reaction. "Mr. William, what's wrong? I'm sure it's nothing, let's drink!"

Kyle grabbed his coat from the back of the sofa. He looked coldly at the girl who was still sitting on his l.a.p. "Go away. Don't make me say that a second time."

The girl was scared and didn't dare to say anything. She let him go.

Kyle took out a wad of cash from his pocket and threw it on the table.

When the girls saw the money, they all fought for it desperately.

With that, Kyle left the bar. There was something about the feeling in those places that he couldn't resist. It almost felt like it wasn't real life, just a place where people become someone different. That was certainly what he did.