My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 560 - 142: You Whore

Brian was still fast asleep on the bar's sofa. This was typical for him as, luckily, he wasn't one to get rowdy and loud after drinking too much. He was a sleepy drunk.

Vera tapped his shoulder and tried to wake him up, but Brian didn't react.

Vera smiled; she had a plan. She called a bodyguard to carry Brian out to the taxi.

"Bradley Avenue, please," Vera told the driver. The taxi pulled out into the road, and they set off together from the bar.

Looking at Brian's sleeping face, Vera was sure she would win this time.

When they arrived at her home, she tried to carry Brian out of the car. Although he looked slim when dressed, he was, in fact, quite muscular. So, it was no easy task for Vera to help him up to her house. But after much struggle, she managed to move him.

Vera laid Brian down on her bed, then took a shower, still weighing up her decision. But when she came back out and saw Brian, it sent her wild with d.e.s.i.r.e. She threw off her towel and climbed on top of him.

Brian woke up, groggy, and grumbled, "Don't, Diana."

Vera clenched her fists. "Yeah, it's Diana," she said gently.

Brian was relieved and hugged her. "Diana, stop it."

Vera was annoyed to keep hearing Diana's name, but she didn't stop what she was doing. She began taking off Brian's clothes, starting with his trousers.

However, Brian felt what she was doing and seized her hands. Then he pressed her down hard and said, "Diana, stop! I can't!"

"Brian, do you really like her that much?"

Vera couldn't believe he didn't even want to touch her. Brian didn't used to be the kind of man that was loyal to his partner. But now it seemed he was for Diana. He treasured Diana so much that he didn't dare to sleep with her.

"No, I don't like her…" Brian replied, adding a kiss on her forehead for good measure.

Vera was delighted to hear this, but her happiness was short-lived as she then heard Brian say, "I love her. I love her so much."

Vera was livid. And to make matters worse, Brian had fallen asleep again. Vera hated Diana more than ever!

The next morning, Brian woke up with a fierce headache. And when he saw where he was, he wanted to die. He was n.a.k.e.d, lying next to Vera, who was also not wearing any clothes.

Feeling his movements, Vera opened her eyes. "Brian?"

Brian was stunned. "Vera did we…"

Vera nodded and said shyly, "You are so bad. You scared me last night."

Brian hastily put on his clothes and uttered anxiously, "I, I need to think. I will call you later."

Looking at him run out, Vera's fury from the night before immediately returned. How could he leave like this?!

Brian's mind was in a mess. He was so distracted he almost drove his car into a lamppost. He was desperate to hear Diana's voice and called her phone.

Diana hadn't slept at all that night. She was just drifting off to sleep when Brian called. Straightaway she ended the call, muted the phone, and lay back down on her bed.

Brian was furious, so much so that he threw his phone out of the car window!

That morning, Antonette stepped out of Mr. Foster's car. It was clear from his face that Mr. Foster was very satisfied with her.

As Antonette walked around to the driver's side to say goodbye, a woman suddenly rushed towards her and began beating her with her handbag.

Antonette had not seen her coming and was totally blindsided. The bag was heavy and hit her hard in the face. Antonette tried to protect herself, but the woman was wild and kicked out forcefully with her high heels. Antonette m.o.a.n.e.d and stepped back, close to crying from the pain.

The woman cursed at Antonette, "You whore! You bitch! He is my husband!"

The woman was powerful, and Antonette couldn't fight back. All she could do was cover her head and dodge the hits. Her makeup was ruined. Her hair was ruined. She looked absolutely miserable.

Mr. Forster finally got out of the car and hid Antonette behind him. "What are you doing?" he yelled at the woman, whose face he had not yet seen.

But after recognizing who the woman was, he panicked. He tried to explain, "Baby, listen to me, she seduced me!'

Somehow thinking it would help prove his innocence, Mr. Foster then threw a punch at Antonette too, as if to teach her a lesson!

One hit from him was enough to send Antonette sprawling. Deciding enough was enough, Mr. Foster mercifully pulled his wife into his car and drove her home.

Many people had stood by and watched whilst Antonette was being beaten. They all despised her, as did Kyle, who saw this all happen from his office.

Brushing herself down, Antonette was about to walk into the company offices when she received Kyle's call.

"Antonette, you really are a bitch," Kyle said with disgust.

"Kyle, you are no better than me. We are both intimate with people we don't love!"

Kyle was speechless. Trying to hold back his anger, Kyle uttered, "Go home! Stay home until you are recovered. I don't want to have someone in your state at my company. You're embarrassing!" Saying that, Kyle ended the call.

Antonette smiled bitterly. She brushed her hair and then stopped a taxi. Sitting in the car, Antonette closed her eyes. And then her phone rang again. This time it was Mr. Foster.

"Baby, I am so sorry. You can have anything you want. I have signed the contract. You can come to get it when you are free."

Although he was apologizing, Antonette could tell that he didn't think he had done anything wrong.

"Mr. Foster, I don't dare to see you anymore," Antonette said dejectedly.

"No! Come on, I will make it up to you. I promise."

How could Antonette say no to him? He was a major client of her company. Antonette couldn't afford to offend him. "Fine, I will come to your place when I am free."

"Great. I will wait for you, honey." Ending the call, Mr. Foster thought l.u.s.tfully of what Antonette did to him the night before. He couldn't wait for a repeat performance.

Antonette leaned back in her seat. God, I am a real bitch, she thought to herself.