My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 559 - 141: You Are Such A Bad Man

"Diana, I know you are in there. Open the door!" Brian would not give up easily.

Diana bit her lip and tried to keep quiet.

Brian begged, "Diana, open the door. Please, we can talk about it. I am sorry about what happened yesterday."

However, Diana was determined to ignore him.

Brian continued calling her through the door for several minutes before he eventually gave up and walked away.

Brian was distraught and angry. He set off in his car, just driving anywhere with no destination in mind.

After a few minutes of aimless driving, he received a call from Vera.


"Brian, where are you now?" Vera asked sweetly.

Brian was in a mood and needed to blow off some steam. He gave the name of a bar and asked her to meet him there.

Vera was overjoyed. "I will be there soon."

Walking into the bar, dressed in a seductive black dress, Vera found Brian at a table on his own, drinking a large glass of whiskey. Straight away, she took the glass off him.

"Brian, stop it."

Brian raised his eyes and looked at Vera. He took back his glass and said, "Oh, it's you."

Although his greeting hurt her feelings, Vera sat down beside him and listened to his drunken ramblings.

"Vera, why couldn't Diana be as considerate as you?"

Vera smiled. She took a glass and filled it with whiskey. Then she said, "If you want to get yourself drunk, I will stay and get drunk with you!"

Brian smiled. "Great! Let's do it!"

The whiskey in his glass was soon finished. Brian took his empty and shouted in the direction of the waiter, "Get me another glass of whiskey!"

Vera tried to stop him, "Brian, enough. You are drunk."

"Leave me alone. I want to drink!" Brian grumbled.

Vera gave up stopping him and ordered herself a glass of wine.

Brian was so drunk that he mistook Vera for Diana. He held her hand and said, "Diana, why don't you want to see me? Diana, tell me why…"

It was all about Diana, Vera thought sadly. Raising her voice, she asked, "Diana, Diana, do you really love her so much?"

Outside the very same bar, Antonette was stood chatting with several of her business associates. However, after their discussion was over, one of the men didn't want Antonette to leave and urged her to stay with him in the bar.

"Mr. Foster, you have to sign the contract with my boss," Antonette said, smiling sweetly.

"I'm sure we can help each other out, Miss White." Mr. Foster wore a filthy smile, and his eyes were fixed on Antonette's body.

Antonette forced herself to ignore his disgusting looks, but he continued staring at her, grinning and showing off his dirty teeth. Then he started to touch Antonette's body.

His colleagues saw what was going on and quickly said goodbye; none of them dared to get in his way.

With his arm around Antonette, Mr. Foster walked into the bar. He was already tipsy and leaned heavily on the bar, propping himself up as best he could.

It was then that Antonette spotted Brian.

Brian was drunk, lying fast asleep on the sofa. And Vera was hovering over him, wiping his sweat.

Antonette gazed at them and smiled. She took out her phone and snapped several pictures of them together. She was very satisfied with the photos as it looked like Brian and Vera were intimate with each other.

"What are you doing?" Mr. Foster noticed she was distracted and reached out to grab her a.s.s.

Antonette m.o.a.n.e.d and looked back. "You are such a bad man!"

Antonette was really turning Mr. Foster on. He whispered in her ear, "Baby if you treat me well tonight, I will sign every contract you ever offer."

Antonette lowered her head shyly and excused herself to go to the washroom. But before leaving, she gave Mr. Foster a seductive kiss on the cheek.

As she walked to the bathroom, Antonette took out her phone. She couldn't wait to send the picture to Diana.

Diana didn't know how long she had been sitting in the dark. And then she heard her phone ring. She tried to stand up, but her feet were numb, and she almost fell over.

Antonette didn't get an immediate reply, so she called Diana instead.

"Hello?" Diana answered, still struggling to get up off the floor.

"Diana, are you okay?" Antonette asked hesitantly.

"Why do you ask that?" Diana was confused; she hadn't checked her phone yet. Did Antonette also know she had broken up with Brian?

"Diana, I don't know what happened between Brian and you. But I can't believe he found another girl!"

"Another girl?" Diana repeated quietly.

Antonette was surprised. "Haven't you seen the picture? I saw him in a bar with another girl!"

Diana couldn't believe it. Brian had come to her this afternoon, pleading to see her. And then he was with another girl that night!

Taking a deep breath, Diana said slowly, "Antonette, I have broken up with Brian."

It was Antonette's turn to be shocked this time. "What? Are you serious?"

"Yes. So, he is free to see anyone he wants to." After saying that, Diana ended the call.

She was then able to look at the picture Antonette had sent her. It appeared Brian was hugging Vera, and she was touching his face.

Diana was utterly distraught. She turned off the screen and laughed bitterly to herself in the dark.

Antonette smiled to herself in the bathroom mirror, happy with how the call had gone. She applied some extra lipstick and went back to Mr. Foster.

Seeing Antonette, Mr. Foster was overcome with excitement. He tried to play Antonette with a drink, thinking it would be necessary to get what he wanted.

But Antonette understood perfectly and was quite willing to take the lead. She took hold of his tie and said, "Mr. Foster, why don't we get out of here?"

Mr. Foster was overjoyed. He nodded his head vigorously. "Great!" Not wanting to delay any further, he picked up his coat and pulled Antonette up to leave the bar.