My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 430 - 12: Touch By Her Consideration

Several peaceful days followed, and Diana began to relax and enjoy life once again. That was, until one day later that week, Diana was sitting in class when suddenly she felt her phone vibrating in her pocket. Taking it out, she saw it was Brian calling!

"It's only been a few days; why is he calling again?" Diana complained.

Antonette stole a glance at Diana's phone and instantly remembered the name, Brian. She felt a deep longing to see him again.

"Hello?" Diana answered the phone.

"Where are you?" Brian said gruffly.

Antonette sat right beside Diana, so close that she could hear what Brian was saying on the phone.

"I am in class!" Diana replied indignantly. After all, they had agreed that Brian would not bother her when she had classes.

In truth, Brian didn't have anything important to say to Diana. He just had a lot going on and felt restless. And he couldn't help missing Diana, simply wanting to hear her voice.

Brian continued speaking for a while, a few trivial questions but nothing specific. Diana replied coldly and indifferently to Brian's chitchat but without realizing, a smile slowly spread across her face.

Antonette observed all of this, and a cunning idea began to form in her mind. She made sure to give no clue of what she was thinking, or even that knew who had called. "Diana, who called you so early in the morning?" she asked.

"It was my elder brother's patient," Diana replied casually. This wasn't entirely a lie as Brian had originally requested her brother's help with his 'personal problem'.

Antonette didn't believe her and probed further, "Why did your brother's patient call you?"

Diana looked at the ceiling. She did this whenever she told a lie; it was her not so subtle tell. She racked her brain and made up another excuse, "My brother gave him the wrong number by accident."

Antonette suddenly became serious, "Diana, did you get a boyfriend? Tell me the truth."

Diana was astonished and couldn't understand why Antonette had asked this, a boyfriend? The face of Brian appeared in her mind. She immediately shivered and shook her head to expel his handsome yet hateful face from her thoughts.

No way. She wanted to be safe, to live a long, happy life. How could she possibly date Brian William?

Antonette decided Diana's silence was confirmation of her theory. "What kind of person is your boyfriend? Was he the one waiting for you at the school gate at that time?" Antonette asked.

"No!" Diana replied loosely with a forced laugh, "How could it be him? He has a fiancee… …" Diana stopped herself. "Who wants to be his girlfriend?" she finished.

Thinking of Brian's fiancée, Diana felt depressed.

Antonette looked seriously at Diana. Tears suddenly filled her eyes.

Diana was immediately in a panic. She didn't know why her gentle roommate was crying. She hated to see her upset and hurriedly said, "Antonette, what's wrong with you? Don't cry…"

"You've been ignoring me ever since you got a boyfriend!" Antonette's eyes turned red, and she seemed very angry, "You didn't tell me you have a boyfriend? Do you even think of me as your best friend?"

With that, she turned around angrily and refused to talk anymore with Diana.

Diana tried her best to make Antonette happy. But she still wouldn't respond.

Diana scratched her head and finally decided to tell Antonette everything.

"He is not my boyfriend." Diana thought for a while but didn't know how exactly to describe her relationship with Brian.

She hesitated for a long time and eventually said, "You could say that he is my patient."

Hearing Diana's explanation, Antonette burst out laughing, and her tears disappeared. She turned around to listen to Diana.

Diana saw Antonette's pained expression and decided she had to tell her. It wasn't a big deal, after all. What's more, Antonette didn't know Brian.

"Patient?" Antonette was curious about this. She thought of the handsome, rich man with a mixed feeling of sweetness and depression. She was glad Diana hadn't seized the opportunity to be with this guy. But what kind of disease did he have?

Diana nodded. She was feeling quite emotional, and her ears turned a deep shade of red, exposing perhaps how she truly felt about Brian.

"Well, what happened was…" Diana said with sadness, "You know my brother's job… He originally thought I was my brother and asked me to treat him."

Antonette had seen her elder brother, Daniel Anderson, before. They were almost identical to each other. Although Daniel was taller and more mature than Diana, it was normal for strangers to mistake their identities. But when thinking of Daniel Anderson's profession, Antonette was astonished; "He consulted your brother about his illness. Does he...?"

Diana nodded seriously, "He is..."

She sighed, "Brian William is president of William Group. Born into privilege and God's gift to women. No one would ever think that he is…."

Diana burst out laughing. Brian had been so rude to her on the phone, so cold and distant. So she decided to take her anger out on him in the only way she could, by hurting his reputation.

Antonette's facial expression suddenly changed. Now she had a dilemma. Diana hadn't been explicit, but Antonette had worked out what the problem was. Still, she couldn't help thinking it wasn't such a big deal, bearing in mind Brian's wealth, status, and handsome face.

Antonette looked at Diana with worry, "Diana, have you been upset because of him recently?"

Antonette's thoughtfulness moved Diana. She nodded her head, "I am in big trouble."

"What's wrong?" Antonette asked with concern.

Diana was visibly upset. "He forced me to sign an agreement to cure him. And he requires that I should be available any time that he wants me. What's worse, he has a fiancée but kissed me without my consent!

Antonette was astonished. She knew well that Diana was an innocent girl who knew little about love. And Brian William was such an amazing guy! Although he was impotent, he was handsome and rich. A lot of women wanted him.

However, it was obvious that this bachelor was interested in Diana. Although it may not have been obvious to Diana, it was quite clear to Antonette that this was the case.

But Diana was a tomboy and not 'conventionally pretty'. Antonette certainly thought that she was far more beautiful than Diana. How had Diana ended up with this wonderful man?

Antonette was feeling rather jealous of Diana and said to herself, "Diana cannot be his girlfriend!" Thinking of this, Antonette said comfortingly: "Diana, cheer up. If you don't want to do what he wants, you can just leave."

"No, I can't." Diana shook her head with a worried look, "I am not able to afford the compensation."

"Or let me…" Antonette changed her mind, "Or you can tell your parents and ask them to help you?"

"My parents are on vacation now." Diana rejected this suggestion gloomily. "They are enjoying themselves abroad. I don't want to bother them."

There was a curious smile in Antonette's eyes. However, this went unseen by Diana, who still had her head in her hands.

"Let's do it this way," Antonette said magnanimously. "I'll help you cure Brian William. My graduation thesis is in this area of men's health. It makes no difference which goes to treat him."

"You?" Diana raised her head in surprise. She hesitated, surprisingly unhappy at the idea of Antonette spending time with Brian in her place. "Are you sure, Antonette?"

"Yes." Seeing her emotion, Antonette continued pretending to be a helpful friend. "You have been a little down recently. If you are unhappy about all this, I can help you. Then you will be able to prepare your studies. You cannot fail any more exams."

"Antonette…" Diana was touched by her consideration.

But Brian was in trouble and so hard to escape from!

Diana herself was a clear example. She'd fallen into Brian's trap. Now she was facing threats to her life, plus the choice between an impossible task and an impossible sum of money!

She had learned the truth about Brian the hard way. There was no way she would put Antonette in that same danger. What's more, Antonette was so kind to her. Her conscience simply wouldn't allow it.

For her friend's sake, Diana shook her head firmly; "Thank you for your kindness. You are so considerate. How could I let you get involved in this terrible situation? Don't worry, I am okay!"