My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 429 - 11: Whenever I Call You, You Should Come

The old house was drenched in sunshine, as was the black Maybach.

The house was beautifully built in an old, traditional style, capturing the imagination of anyone who passed by. There was a sign on the door, however, which read: 'Infertility Expert: Here to Help!'. The sign somehow made the house seem not so pleasant.

When Brian shot a glance at the sign, his eyebrows knitted into a frown.

He had been waiting there the whole morning.

With a slim, custom suit and slender body, Brian looked incredible, just like the luxury car beside him.

Unfortunately, given that he was waiting outside an infertility clinic, most passers-by felt sorry for Brian, rather than the usual admiration he was accustomed to receiving. He even heard a few old women whispering to each other:

"What a pity! Such a handsome boy. He looks so young, but…"

"God bless. Hope he can be treated well by Doctor Anderson."

"Yes. I hope so."

Brian maintained an aloof expression. He didn't care about those people; they had nothing to do with him. He instead focused all his attention on the door of the old house.

Of course, there was a feeling of anger deep in his heart. He got back into his car, playing things over in his mind. What was Diana doing? How could she dare keep him waiting here for so long?

Diana had been asleep for a long time; she was very tired. When she finally awoke, she sat up, stretching her arms above her head.

She had already forgotten all the unhappiness of yesterday and walked towards the door with complete content. As she had slept so long and there was no food in the kitchen, she had to go out for something to eat.

Happily swinging her purse, she went out into the courtyard. But, as soon as she stepped outside, she spotted Brian waiting for her in his car. To her surprise, Diana's bag went flying out of her hand and landed on the path in front of her.

"Brian?!" Diana shouted out.

Brian opened the door and got out of the car. First, the long legs, then the pretty face. For anyone who didn't know what Brian was truly like, seeing such a man get out of such a car, they would surely believe that nothing could look better.

Diana, of course, was well aware what kind of man Brian was.

And seeing Brian reminded her of all the things that had happened the previous day. She didn't want to see him at all. Her good mood was well and truly gone.

Brian looked at her straightly and wanted to say something. But Diana gave him no chance. She picked up her purse at once and ran away as fast as she could.

"Diana!" Brian was a little angry. He couldn't believe Diana was so annoyed that she would run away from him.

Still, although Brian had only said her name, Diana could feel the warning in his voice and stopped. She didn't want things to end badly.

She tried to comfort herself with the idea that this would be the last time she would see Brian, however fanciful that was. Despite her fear, she turned around to face him and asked bluntly: "What are you doing here? What do you want?"

Taking a deep breath, Brian calmed himself down. "Come with me."

He acted as if nothing had happened yesterday, which made Diana angry, "This is my house, and I live here. Why should I go with you?"

"Don't you think that you have forgotten something?" Brian realized that he should remind the little girl of something. He turned to Ken, who was sitting patiently in the driver's seat.


"Yes, boss." Ken understood exactly what Brian wanted and typed a number into his phone's calculator before presenting it to Diana.

"If you breach the contract, you have to pay the penalty."

"Wha…t…" The figure quickly made Diana give in. Panicking, she began listing off any excuse she could to get out of it: "I have to go to class! I am still a student. I haven't graduated yet. I have to go to school. I have to finish a paper. You can't force me to give all that up!"

"So…you want to pay the penalty?" Brian looked at her questioningly.

When Diana thought of the penalty, an impossible amount of money that would take a lifetime to pay, she wanted to cry.

She was almost ready to say yes and go with him when suddenly, the image of Brian's fiancé appeared in her mind. She felt something special inside her. She was determined to stand her ground and refuse Brian's request.

"If I go with you, what about my studies? I have to graduate. I have to finish my paper. It's your problem. You can't let me, such a beautiful young girl, pay for it."

"Beautiful?" Brian shot a look at her b.r.e.a.s.t.

Seeing where his eyes were staring, Diana covered her c.h.e.s.t with her hands. "Hey! Stop it!"

Diana's face started to go a little pink. She looked shy and nervous.

A special kind of feeling hit Brian. He remembered the night before when he'd kissed her. Her lips were so soft. What about her b.r.e.a.s.ts? Such a thought made him slightly aroused.

"Shit!" he thought. He was frustrated by his own thoughts and feelings. He tried to stop them in their tracks.

"Ken. Miss Anderson can't afford the penalty. Take her with us."

Hearing this, Diana shouted, "Help! Kidnap!"

Unfortunately for her, there were not many people around, just a few old men and women. Of course, they were curious about any disturbance in the neighborhood, eager for some gossip. So when they heard the yelling, they all looked straight at Brian.

"What's he doing?! What does an impotent man want with a young woman like that?"

Though Brian didn't care much about those passers-by, their righteous looks made him feel uncomfortable. He scowled.

Without another word, Ken covered Diana's mouth.

Diana struggled and stamped down hard on Ken's feet.

"Boss..." Ken turned to Brian for help.

Brian frowned, "OK, shut up and stop struggling. If you do that, I promise that you can go to school."

Diana was surprised and tried to say something. But as Ken's hands were covering her mouth, Brian couldn't understand her. So she nodded instead.

Finally, Brian gave a sign to Ken, and he let Diana go.

Diana took a deep breath and asked with sparkling eyes, "So do you mean I don't have to abide by the contract?"

"You want to violate it?" Brian lifted his eyebrows, "So brave."

"No, of course not!" Diana gave in at once. She didn't want to make him angry. She'd already seen what he was capable of.

She considered her options for a few seconds, then asked, "Now that I can go to school, does that mean I don't need to see you every day?"

"No way!" Brian burst out. He was so angry, but he didn't know why. Just hearing such words, he became unhappy, "Does she so want to stay away from me?" he wondered.

"So...when should I go to find you?" Diana was deliberately cautious in order not to make him angry.

Loosening his tie, Brian finally conceded. "Whenever I call you, you should come to find me. If I don't call you, you can do whatever you like and go wherever you want."

Diana smiled and thought that Brian maybe wasn't so bad after all.

Since Diana had already made a promise, Brian curved his lips a little, turned around to the car, and left Diana alone by the pavement.

Watching Brian leave once again, Diana felt immense relief and hoped that this time things would finally start to settle down. However, Diana was quite aware of how strange it was that Brian had been so kind today. She even felt a little regret. If she had found this boldness earlier, she could maybe have gotten out of the contract altogether.

But most importantly, for now, she thought, she had to go to class, or she would fail the exam.

A few days later, after a full day of classes, Diana and Antonette came out of school, talking and laughing.

"I heard there is a Japanese restaurant that opened recently. People told me it's delicious! I want to try it! They say the noodles are amazing… that everything tastes so good. I can't wait!" Diana chirped away about the dinner, very excited to visit it for herself.

Antonette smiled gently but had no answer. In her opinion, only rich people like Diana would consider such things important. For people like her, it was just another expensive restaurant they couldn't afford.

"Antonette, what do you think? It sounds great, right?"

Antonette meant to respond, but she suddenly noticed there was a large group of people gathered at the school gate.

"What's going on?" Diana dragged Antonette over to the gate and looked into the crowd curiously.

There was a handsome, mixed-race guy in the middle of the crowd. It seemed that he was quite uncomfortable being surrounded by so many delirious, young women.

Antonette knew who he was. He was the assistant of the guy who came to find Diana at that time they'd gone to dinner. She remembered it clearly. The assistant was here. Did that mean the boss would be here too? Antonette was quite excited.

At the sight of Ken, Diana wanted to try and sneak away. But Antonette wouldn't move. Diana flicked her on the arm to get her attention, but she made no response. Diana pleaded with her, "Antonette, go!"

However, Ken had already found her and stopped her from escaping. "Miss Anderson, come with me."

He was not in a good mood, probably remembering his previous encounter with Diana, where she'd stamped on his feet.

His words surprised people, and everyone turned to look at Diana, including Antonette, for she had told her previously that she didn't know this man.

"Diana, are you OK?" Antonette looked worried and held Diana's arms tight in hers.

"It's OK. Don't worry. I will be back soon and explain everything." Diana didn't want to be the focus of the crowd, so she said goodbye to Antonette as fast as she could.

Just as Diana was about to get into the car, Antonette stopped her and said with concern, "Diana, it's too dangerous for you to go alone. Let me come with you."

"Sorry, boss only invited Miss Anderson." Ken interrupted. He roughly ushered Diana into the car and went round to the driver's seat.

"Don't worry, Antonette. I'll be fine." Diana was only able to say these few words before Ken sped off down the road.

After arriving at the villa, Diana was surprised to find that Brian was not his usual, confrontational self. She prepared the medicine for him as requested, and he took it without any protest.

Diana was feeling much better, Brian was no longer acting so wildly, and she felt happier and happier, hoping it was a sign of things to come.


Dearest Lovies,

First, I would like to say thank you for supporting my novel and buying my privileged chapters. I'm always grateful and appreciate those acts of kindness coming from all of you. (The comments, reviews, and power stone votes).

Second, I will announce another massive mass release on Friday and on April 26th as my way of saying appreciating all the support and love you've given this humble author. It's my birthday on the 26th of this month, so I am happy to share this greatest event of my life.

Love you all!

Anna Shannel Lin