My Adolescence

Chapter 811

Sofitel St. Feng, Chinese restaurant.

Two of Ge Delong\'s men helped up the injured left hand. A group of people looked angrily at GE Delong sitting in the chair and persuaded him: "Brother long, Chen Yu is too arrogant. He invited us to the Hilton Hotel for dinner before. We didn\'t go. Now he says to go to the Hilton Hotel to find him if he wants to talk about business. This basically requires us to give in to him and bow our heads! Brother long, we can\'t lower our heads. Let\'s go straight back to Xiangjiang."

Ge Delong looked around at his men and scolded coldly: "Hui Xiangjiang, have you forgotten our purpose here? You even quit big business just because you talked about business in another place? You have been with me for so many years, and you can\'t even tell the importance. What a group of waste. Although Chen Yu is young, he has a sharp style and cunning. He is sure that we are eager to get the supply of Royal rice, so he dares to come here with us So domineering. "

The left hand covered the wound on his forehead and said, "brother long, what shall we do now?"

Ge Delong smiled and said, "the more domineering and arrogant Chen Yu is, it shows that he does have the supply of Royal rice and what we want. The more I feel relieved to come here. He just wants face. OK, let\'s give him face. We\'ll go to the Hilton Hotel to talk to him."

When I came to the Hilton Hotel, I chose the western restaurant because it was quiet. When we entered the hall, there was a middle-aged man in a white suit playing the piano with his head down, playing Chopin\'s Serenade With the soothing and moving piano sound and the elegant and exquisite environment, Chen Zhong and Li Mengting and I walked towards the window seat in the corner of the western restaurant, because it is relatively remote, so it would be more appropriate to talk about business.

I sat up with Chen Zhong and Li Mengting. As for some of Chen Zhong\'s men and Tang Niu, my men, they stood by with their hands down.

The service here is very considerate. Maybe it\'s to make people think it\'s a very authentic western food, so even the waiters are many blonde foreign beauties. Just as the three of us sat down, a blonde foreign beauty in a waiter\'s uniform came over and said in less fluent Chinese, "several distinguished guests, what would you like to eat?"

"Don\'t order first. Give us three glasses of boiled water, thank you."


The blonde smiled warmly, nodded, immediately bent down, leaned close to my ear and said, "Mr. Chen, someone asked me to send it to you. He asked you to wear it."

I frowned a little when I heard the speech. Then I found that the blonde handed me a headset about the size of soybeans. Even Li Mengting next to me and Chen Zhong sitting opposite me noticed it. I turned my eyes and asked the blonde: "who sent it?"

"The gentleman who plays the piano over there!"

Chen Zhong and Li Mengting couldn\'t help looking at the back of the white suit middle-aged man playing the piano in the distance. I only vaguely felt a little familiar, but Chen Zhong couldn\'t help shouting: "Chen Yu, it\'s Mr. Xu playing the piano!"

It turned out that Xu Yuning came in person. After all, if the two sides really talked about Yumi\'s car business, it would be a very big business. Moreover, I knew nothing about Xu Yuning\'s Yumi, and it was difficult to talk with Ge Delong on his behalf, so he had to talk about the business in person. However, although he came here, he would not talk with Ge Delong face to face , he is sensitive, and Ge Delong is a notorious smuggling tycoon in Xiangjiang, so Xu Yuning plans to contact me secretly with a headset. He uses me as a microphone to talk business with Ge Delong indirectly. This is also safer. If something happens, he is easier to leave the customs clearance system.

However, how did Xu Yuning know in advance that I would come to the Hilton Hotel?

I looked at those behind Chen Zhong, and I saw a little bit. It was a little bit clear that there must be someone in Chen Zhong\'s eyes that was arranged by Xu Yuning. Maybe at the beginning of the contact with Ge Delong at Baiyun Airport, there was an eye liner secretly reporting Xu Yuning\'s progress. Therefore, Xu Yuning came to prepare in advance.

I took the mini headset that the blonde handed me, and then quickly stuffed it into my ear. Xu Yuning\'s voice immediately came from inside: "ha ha, Chen Yu, didn\'t you think I had come?"

I heard Xu Yuning\'s familiar voice from my mini headset. I couldn\'t help laughing, and then asked tentatively, "Mr. Xu, can you hear me?"

"Of course!"

I was a little stunned. Then I saw the blonde nuzui at the bottom of the table, and then turned around and left. I suddenly understood that it must be when the waitress came over and stuck some kind of mini bug at the bottom of the table without trace. It\'s very skilled to come to Xu Yuning to play this set.

At this time, a group of people suddenly appeared in the direction of the elevator door of the restaurant. It was Ge Delong who came.

Chen Zhong was a little stunned and said, "Chen Yu, what trick are you and Mr. Xu playing? Why am I a little confused?"

I smiled and didn\'t explain. If Chen Zhong could see the core of the problem, he would be as calm and confident as Xu Yuning and I. everything could be estimated very accurately. Just as Xu Yuning and I were sure, Ge Delong would come here to attend the appointment.

"Hahaha, Chen Yu, are you in a hurry?"

Ge Delong didn\'t come near, and the hearty laughter had come.

"Hahaha, dragon boss, you\'re finally here!"

With a warm smile on my face, I stood up with Li Mengting and Chen Zhongqi and walked up to ge Delong. Like old friends we haven\'t seen for a long time, we hugged each other when we approached. God knows we first met two hours ago. Ge Delong still looks down on me. Now there has been a 180 degree turning point. Facts have proved again that there are only common interests and no eternal enemies.

Ge Delong and I sat down in the unbelievable eyes of Chen Zhong and his left hand, and then ordered those ordinary men to step aside, leaving me talking to Li Mengting, Chen Zhong and Ge Delong. Ge Delong talked about business with me again this time. I was basically remotely controlled by Xu Yuning, who disguised himself as a pianist in the corner. After half an hour of language confrontation and argument, we finally reached an oral agreement, that is, whether we take the goods from GE Delong\'s hands or according to the original price without any money. However, we will not pay. We will only exchange equivalent Royal rice for a batch of goods.

Although Ge Delong believes in Xu Yuning\'s ability, he still proposes to see the quality of our royal rice.

At this time, Xu Yuning told me in his headset, "Chen Yu, you call the waiter."

I smiled and said to ge Delong, "look at the goods, right? Then I raised my hand and snapped my fingers. Then I went to the blonde who brought me boiled water. I said to the blonde:" boss long wants to see the quality of our royal rice. "

The blonde smiled and said, "let boss long send someone to inspect the goods with me."

Ge Delong assigned his left hand with a bandage on his forehead to go with the blonde. About ten minutes later, after we chatted for a while, his left hand came back with the blonde. Ge Delong raised his head and looked at his left hand: "how about it?"

The left hand bent over and whispered, "boss, it\'s a good product of a +, much better than ours in Xiangjiang."

Ge Delong heard the speech, and suddenly his hearty laughter rang. He stood up and stretched out his right hand to me: "Chen Yu, we will be good brothers in business in the future."

I also stood up and shook hands with Ge Delong and said with a smile, "happy cooperation."

Xu Yuning told me to ask Ge Delong and his gang to go to the colorful world club hi PI. I knew that the club was Xu Yuning\'s designated hi PI place, so he said to ge Delong, "our boss has arranged a program for you, boss long. We\'ll have fun together tonight, brother Zhong. We\'ll take brother long to the colorful club."

That night, I was drunk. Fortunately, Li Mengting took care of me and blocked a lot of wine for me. A group of people drank until 12 p.m. Ge Delong and Chen Zhong came out with the wine accompanying princess, while Li Mengting helped me out of the club.

When I went out, I also met Xu Yuning. I shouted to Xu Yuning, "Uncle Xu --"

Xu Yuning hurriedly said, "you don\'t have to say anything. You performed very well today. Go back and have a rest first. This is Miss Li. Take good care of ah Yu."

I was driven back to her apartment by Li Mengting. When I got home, she began to let me take a bath. I shook my head and said, "don\'t worry, bring my mobile phone. I\'ll call Aunt Zhang to report the progress..."