My Adolescence

Chapter 810

When we came to the Sofitel Hotel, Ge Delong ordered a table of food and only asked Chen Zhong to sit down and eat and chat with him. Chen Zhong asked about the car fare increase. While eating, Ge Delong pointed to his men and said, "let\'s talk to Chen Yu with his left hand."

In this way, Chen Zhong and Ge Delong sat in the card seat for dinner, and their men stood aside with their hands down. The left and I sat down at a small table in the hall outside the card seat and began to talk about taking goods from them in the future and increasing the price of all cars by 10%.

After sitting down with his left hand, he looked at me, raised his eyebrows and said, "Chen Yu, it is estimated that you have misunderstood. In the future, you will take the goods from brother long and increase the price by 20%, instead of the 10% you said."

I couldn\'t help narrowing my eyes when I heard the speech: "didn\'t I say 10%, how did it become 20%?"

"Hehe, because the 10% increase is for our old partner Liao Xiaofeng. As for you, we don\'t have that cooperative friendship... In addition, I don\'t like the way you squint your eyes. If you want to continue to take goods from us, you\'d better learn a little respect, okay?"

With his left hand, he picked up Marlboro on the table and took one in his mouth. Instead of taking the lighter on the table, he gave me a sound, indicating that I had a little eyesight and asked me to light his cigarette.

I realized in an instant that no matter gedelon or his left hand, they didn\'t really hate me. In fact, they just found that they were dealing with them as a newcomer like me. In order to firmly grasp the initiative, they should first give me a little more embarrassment today. To put it bluntly, they should give me a blow first. In this way, when they deal with business countless times in the future, they can have a favorable upper hand and never suffer losses.

Previously at Baiyun Airport, I was a little afraid of damaging my business, so I was too cautious. I was angry with gedelon once. Xu Yuning has told me that we both talk about business and everyone\'s status is equal. I didn\'t come to ask these people for charity, so when I saw this left hand motioning me to light a cigarette for him, I suddenly showed a harmless smile on my face.

The left hand saw me smile like this, and he also smiled proudly. He may feel that he has occupied the absolute initiative in the business confrontation with me?

There is a zippo lighter and a crystal ashtray on the table. There is a cigarette in his left mouth waiting for me to light it for him. My hand stretched out towards the lighter, but suddenly I copied the crystal ashtray on the desktop. The guy in my left hand didn\'t understand what was going on. The ashtray in my hand had hit him hard on the head, directly smashed the guy\'s head and blood, and even people and chairs fell to the ground.

The waiters in the hotel hall, as well as Chen Zhong, Ge Delong and Li Mengting in the card seat, turned around when they heard the motivation. They just saw me throw away the ashtray, tidy up my tie and walk over with a cold face.

When GE Delong saw that his left hand was put down by me, he immediately frowned slightly, while the gang of men standing with their hands behind him were angry one by one, shouting and muttering dirty words such as throwing Lei loumou and jumping on the street in Cantonese, all of them were about to rush towards me. But Ge Delong drank a low voice: "stop, don\'t be impulsive."

His gang of men stopped, but they still gathered around him and watched me with hostility.

Ge Delong looked at me, then turned around and asked Chen Zhong, who accompanied him to dinner: "ah Zhong, what is your way of hospitality?"

Chen Zhong probably didn\'t expect me to be so impulsive. Even the men of one of Mr. Xu\'s most important partners dared to beat me. Now I was crying and wanted to talk. I had come over and said calmly, "brother Zhong, let me handle the things here."

Chen Zhong was stunned when he heard my voice, but he felt that I caused the trouble. He was also afraid that Xu Yuning would be angry, so he stood up, shrugged and stepped aside, saying that you had made the mess and you had to deal with it yourself.

I sat down at Chen Zhong\'s seat just now in front of Ge Delong and his gang. I was also sitting opposite Ge Delong, looking at a wide range of exquisite dishes on the table. I casually took a pair of clean chopsticks, then pulled the bowl of shark\'s fin fishing rice that GE Delong said he liked best. In full view of the public, I took a piece of shark\'s fin with chopsticks and put it into my mouth. I chewed it carelessly twice, then spit it out, wiped my mouth with a handkerchief, shook my head and said: "I thought shark fin fishing rice was delicious. It was like eating cooked vermicelli, rubbish."

As I said this, I waved my hand and swept away the shark fin rice on the table. The porcelain bowl fell to the ground from the table and smashed with a slap. All the people around looked at each other.

Ge Delong knew that I was coming for him. He looked at me suspiciously: "Chen Yu, this is your way of hospitality. Don\'t you want to continue in this business?"

I gently put my handkerchief on the table, and then looked at him and said: "Since you know how to treat guests, you should know that you are guests and we are masters. We are not the only ones who make money when we cooperate in business. You also make money, boss long! We are a cooperative relationship, not a master servant relationship. If you come here to play tricks and ride on my head to shit and pee, you can roll back to Xiangjiang now."

As soon as I said this, Chen Zhong suddenly changed his face. If Ge Delong was really angry and turned away from Huixiang River, the car business of our two families would be interrupted. The smuggling group of Huang Hongjian and Xu Yuning didn\'t know how much money to lose. Their two big bosses blamed him. He and I couldn\'t bear the huge anger.

Chen Zhonggang just wanted to talk, but I stopped him with my eyes. Chen Zhong only saw the importance of gedelon\'s automobile supply to us, but he didn\'t see the essence of this matter. Ge Delong came all the way here. In fact, his real purpose is not to increase the car price by 10%. His real purpose is to Yumi. They can get cars. Xu Yuning has channels to get Yumi processed products. The sources of goods in each other\'s hands are what the other party wants. We also have the sources of goods Ge Delong wants, so I\'m not afraid of Ge Delong\'s angry departure.

Moreover, I firmly believe that GE Delong can start from a place where there are a mixture of good and bad people in Xiangjiang. He must not be an impulsive fool. He won\'t even stop doing big business because I beat one of his men and said a few words to offend him.

Sure enough, when GE Delong heard that I told him to go away, his face changed slightly again. He slowly said, "Chen Yu, do you know the seriousness of what you said? Can you really fully represent what your boss meant? If you leave here and let go of your years of cooperation, can you shoulder this responsibility?"

"Our boss left this business to me, and he trusted me completely. What I said can fully represent our boss. We don\'t do the car business, we can change to the Yumi business in the future. Boss long, don\'t think the only way to make money is the car business. Your way is not the only one in our eyes."

I deliberately mentioned Yumi, because I know that the purpose of Ge Delong\'s trip is actually Yumi. When I say this, it will easily tickle his heart, and warn him not to take himself too seriously.

When GE Delong heard the word Yumi, his eyes couldn\'t help flashing a ray of longing. He just wanted to speak, but I already stood up, reached out and gently brushed my sleeves. I said faintly, "I don\'t like the shark\'s fin fishing here and the atmosphere here. I\'ll book a seat at the Hilton Hotel. If boss long really wants to talk about business, come and talk to me."

With that, I turned to Chen Zhong and Li Mengting and said, "let\'s go."

Chen Zhong was sad, his lips moved and his words stopped. Finally, he left with us. Chen Zhong knew that I was deliberately demonstrating to ge Delong, because when I was at the airport, I suggested going to the Hilton Hotel for dinner, but Ge Delong refused and sarcastic. Now I have to change the place of business to Hilton, and I want to earn back my lost face.

Chen Zhong is not sure whether Ge Delong will come to the appointment. If Ge Delong doesn\'t come, I can\'t tell Xu Yuning and Huang Hongjian when I go back with him.

When we got out of the Sofitel St. Feng Hotel, Chen Zhong couldn\'t help asking me, "Chen Yu, gedelon, will he come to the Hilton Hotel to talk to us?"

I smiled mysteriously: "I should come!"

"Should?" Chen Zhongwen said, and his face became even more depressed, because he thought Ge Delong\'s temper would not come in all likelihood.