Muchuan and Xiang Wan


Shiver in the evening, stiff back.

It turns out that the two earrings have such functions.

Without saying a word in the evening, I deleted the paragraph just now.

And then, Calvin.

I can't write any more.

Fiction has always been her bottom line and her cure

If you can't even write this on your own, what's the point?

"I don't know what to write, do you?" The woman's voice came again. It's soft, it's very low, but it's so close that it can fall into the ear of the evening, "I'll tell you how to write it."

"What do you want me to do? Can it be solved at one time? Don't torture me, let alone touch my novels? "

The woman ignored her painful roar and whispered in a slow voice: "the disappearance of the female star is a raging uproar. The police quickly put the target on her, thinking that the female star is the new executor, and launched a dragnet search - but these things, do not know why, they were posted on the Internet, and the female star was once again attacked and subjected to cyber violence ... But Rong xiaonuan didn't believe it was her. She always felt that there was something hidden about it. At this time, the assistant and agent of the female star organized a large-scale offline meeting for fans in order to support the female stars and fight against cyber violence. All the young girls enthusiastically signed up for the meeting... "

At this point, she stopped.

"Next, you know what to do?"

Late: "I don't know."

"The plot of the novel will happen soon. At that time, the offline meeting of fans will be the time when your executive power is activated... "

"You want me to kill them?"

Women just smile, Yin smile.

"Those little girls, what's wrong? Is this what you mean, the one who should go to hell? "

"Yes. They are instigators and executors of cyber violence, and people who should go to hell if the law fails to punish them. They have no brain, follow blindly, and pursue nihilistic spiritual power in groups. They are cruel, extreme and fanatical. They don't know how to think, love and hate. They tear other people's privacy with extreme ferocity. Such people are more terrible than murderers. "


"During the avalanche, no snowflake thought that he was guilty. But they are the makers of the avalanche. "


I can't answer in the evening.

He was chilly and his hands were suddenly weak.

"When those people scold you, do you forget?" The woman laughed grimly, "you have also suffered from cyber violence. Those people are rude, rude, don't care about the truth, and don't know how to understand. They are like bedbugs without thinking. They only know how to eliminate dissidents and are eager to drown people with saliva Don't they die, you say


"Damn it, right? Don't worry, let's take our time. They will all be sent to hell by your own hands -- "

fight a cold war in the evening and take a deep breath.

"Then tell me, how can I release my mother?"

"When you finish the task."

"No way!" "Bai Muchuan is very smart. If my family members are missing for a long time, he will soon find out..."

"Ha ha ha! You're fit for crime. Don't worry, it won't last long, two days at most - as long as you finish the first task, you will be our own people. Your mother and your family will be safe and sound

"I can't believe you." At that time, my hands were covered with blood. If you don't let people go, what can I do with you

"You can't believe it. But you have no choice now, little girl? "

"You, the devil." Gnash one's teeth in the evening.

"When you finish your first task, you can bargain with me again."

The woman laughed.

No more news, as if it had never appeared, disappeared out of thin air.

There was still only one person in the room.

Lonely, in the face of the dark, powerless.

"Why hate me?"

She gently asked a question, the woman did not answer, outside the ring.

"Xiao Xiangwan!"

Bai Muchuan is back.

In the evening, he stood up and ran out.

Stop at the door of the room again -

what kind of tangle is this?

It seems that the body function has entered a state of terror.

Excited, nervous, happy I was afraid, and my heart beat fiercer than ever.

She looked at him coming from the living room, unable to step forward.

"What are you doing? Silly girl Bai Muchuan gently smile, just came to hold her, hands stopped in mid air.

Slowly falling down, he painfully stroked her face, "what's the matter?"

"No Nothing? "

"Nothing? It's not easy to talk Looking at her face in the evening, "how?""Oh Walking toward the night, he slowly covered his aching cheek. "When I came back yesterday, I fell down accidentally."

"Where did it fall?" Bai Muchuan frowned, looked at her up and down, "how could I fall to my mouth?"

"Even if I slip and bite my tongue, I will knock my teeth."

Bai Muchuan eyes slightly blazing, slowly raised her chin, "open your mouth, let me see."

Resist in the evening, shut your mouth and shake your head.

Bai Muchuan: open your mouth

His voice is angry and imperative sentences are very stressful to use.

Shake your head again in the evening.

Bai Muchuan looked at her eyes, his eyes sank, and he did not force her any more. He hugged her with a sigh and patted her on the back, "OK, I won't look. Shall we go to the doctor

In the evening, he put his head on his chest, hid his head, and still shook his head obstinately.

Bai Muchuan couldn't help but laugh, "how can you be like a child?"

Late in the evening: " I'm still a girl

Bai Muchuan was a little stunned, slowly released her, and comforted with a smile: "good. Good girl. Let's go to the doctor, eh? "

In the evening, he bit his lips gently and tensed his body with resistance, "No. I have already seen it in the clinic, and the doctor said that it would be fine in two days, and the doctor's visit was also the same result - "

Bai Muchuan:"

He watched her open.

The body is slightly taut, and the line of sight is like a detector.

"Well, xiaoxiangwan, you are..."

Bai Muchuan sighed and wanted to say something. In the evening, before he opened his mouth, he stood on tiptoe to kiss his mouth, and blocked his words that had not been exported.

A soft kiss comes as a surprise.

Bai Muchuan's breathing was slightly stagnant.

The light in her cold eyes fell on her eyelashes.

The evening kiss is very active.

In the dark outside the window, the cold wind rustled the leaves.

In the room, only their warm breathing, intertwined, lingering.

The breath between the lips is gradually strong. The doubts in Bai Muchuan's eyes finally turned into a pool of water. He gasped and would hold on to the evening, "so passionate. Miss me He chuckled, pinched and touched her face, for fear of her pain, touched it, and then picked her up, walked back to the bedroom, gently put her on the sofa, slowly bent down and scraped her nose, "do you want to?"


"No? Well? "

His palms are clear, rough and powerful.

My skin is cold at night and I can't help shivering.