Muchuan and Xiang Wan


Torture has been a century in the past.

Sweat wet through the back of the evening, the blue veins on the forehead are exposed, gently shaking, the naked eye can see the blood flow in the blood vessels

Lying on the ground in the evening, gasping for breath, it was difficult to slow down the breath, and a pair of earrings came into view.

She doesn't like to wear earrings, and she hasn't had any holes in her ears.

The main reason is fear of pain.

I didn't expect to be forced to complete the ceremony one day.

She slowly raised her head and looked at the woman on her knees.

Women laugh all the time.

Smile so brilliant.

What kind of devil is this?

Stare at her in the evening. Keep an eye on it.

Then, endure.

It's not really insulting here.

When everything was over, she stroked the bloodstain on the corner of her mouth. Because of the pain, the voice was a little vague, "is this the end?"

The woman smiles at her. "It's not the end, it's just the beginning."

The beginning of pain?

Looking at her in the evening, smiling strangely.

"You are very brave." The woman looked at her and laughed, "braver than I thought. I believe that a woman like you can help us complete the plan more perfectly... "

Evening: "what is the content of the plan?"

The woman smiles, "don't you already know? The results are the same. All you have to do is implement. "

"What do you want me to do

Woman: "now you don't have to do anything. Go back to write the final. I'll tell you when you need to do something. "

Looking at her coldly in the evening.

All along, she thought about a lot of pain, but none of them was like this. In her novels, there has never been such a painful experience - sure enough, people get crazy, can completely break through the limits of human imagination. It is more ferocious than wild animals, and has no pity on its kind.

"Good. I, wait, wait. "


I got my bag and cell phone.

They left her in the alley opposite the community and left.

When getting off the bus in the evening, I swayed my legs twice to stand still.

Another breath of fresh air, she did not feel free again.

She touched the aching cheek, where there was a shackle.

On the ear, there is also a demon who follows his shadow

"It's not only the wine of last night that makes me cry, but also your tenderness that makes me reluctant to part with."

The ringing of her cell phone calls her mind back.

Take a breath in the evening, pick up the phone, "hello..."

"Xiao Xiangwan, where are you?" Bai Muchuan's anxious voice, heard in the phone, so urgent, so real.

It's like, suddenly waking her up from a nightmare.

In the evening, my eyes were sour, and I peeped at the sky, and my eyes almost fell off.

She rubbed her red eyes and laughed. "I took my mother to the airport and just came back."

Bai Muchuan: "so long?"

This excuse is obviously not convincing.

Evening: "when I came back, I wandered around. As a result, I was fooled. I didn't hold back my ears. I was just ready to go home."

"Don't you say you're afraid of pain?" Bai Muchuan sighed, wanted to ask what, someone there called him, successfully interrupted his words. When you talk to the evening, it's over. He changed a question, "I called you just now, but I was scared..."

Hesitated at night, "my cell phone is out of power, I didn't pay much attention to..."

"Now charged?" Bai Muchuan asked.

As expected, he is a criminal police officer with a careful mind.

If you don't answer well, you may say something wrong.

He murmured in the evening, "I found that there was no electricity on my way back. I'm afraid you can't find it. I'll worry about it. I quickly borrowed the driver's car charger."

Bai Muchuan did not continue to ask: "that line, you are OK, I am relieved. Send me a message when you get home. "

"Good..." Xiangwan wanted to ask him about the situation there, but he hesitated for a moment, but he didn't open his mouth and hung up in silence.


When I went home in the evening, Fangyuan was not at home.

She was a girl with a big heart. She sent a message to Xiangwan, saying that she had returned to her and Huang He's small home. She didn't get a reply from Xiangwan and didn't notice anything wrong.

So large space, cold and clear, only one person in the evening.

But for her now, there is no better arrangement than this.

At least, there's no need to explain it to circles.

She closed the door in silence and sat in front of the dresser in the room.

In the mirror, his face was as white as a piece of paper, half of his face was swollen, and there were blood stains on the neckline, which were not cleaned up.Looking at myself in the mirror for a moment, I stood up with a wooden face and took my clothes to take a bath.


The body was washed clean.

But there was always that smell in my nose.

Drive endless, like burning in the mind.

In the evening, he was disgusted. After taking a bath, he fell down on the bed and got up in the evening. Without eating or drinking water, I forced myself to sleep in a daze. When she can't do anything, she can only hope It was just a dream, and nothing happened when she woke up.


every wake-up is despair.

She touched her cheek and opened her eyes again. It was dark.

There was no light in the room, and it was dark out of the window.

She didn't close the curtains.

Everything was in the hands of others, even privacy was lost. She felt that there was no need to draw curtains.

What do you do now?

Looking out of the window at night.

When Mu Chuan received the next century, he didn't wait for another minute. She was afraid of this kind of suffering, and she wanted to jump down from the upstairs and die

But she didn't dare to jump.

She and mom!

She also has Bai Muchuan.

Looking at the darkness out of the window, I took a deep breath and finally got up and sat down in front of the computer.

"The experience of this day is like a nightmare for Rong xiaonuan. She never thought that she would experience such terror and cruel torture... "

As soon as the word was typed here, a smile came from my ear.

Gentle, warm, like feathers across, but let people fear.

"Did I warn you? The plot of the book Don't sit in the right place. "