Muchuan and Xiang Wan


Throughout the funeral, the tan family received a very good courtesy.

Bai Zhenhua and Zhu Xueyan introduced them to all their relatives and friends. They said that they were their own in laws, and that they would be their daughter-in-law in the evening. They had already received certificates, but because the old lady passed away suddenly, they could not invite everyone to have a wedding banquet immediately --

this is totally an attitude of acceptance.

In this regard, the evening was surprised.

Tan Yunchun sees in the eye, is satisfied in the heart, to the Bai family this family affair more steadfast.

Seeing Xiangwan has been absent-minded, she murmured: "you see, you worried about this and that before. In my opinion, Xiaobai's family is all educated senior intellectuals. They understand etiquette and behave better than you do."

Late in the evening:

Tan Yunchun: "you are too small. Learn to be generous, you know? You see, all the people who come and go with the Bai family are people of high reputation. Don't lose Xiaobai's face. "

Late in the evening:

There was no answer to her question, so she could only smile stiffly and her face was sour.

The old lady was sent away, and the whole funeral ceremony was over, and she was as tired as a dog.

When he got home, he settled down the three old aunts every day, and pulled Bai Muchuan over to him in the evening. The God asked him mysteriously, "how did you persuade them to accept me? Today's experience, I feel How can it be like riding a roller coaster? Not so sure? "

Bai Muchuan chuckled, "because they found your advantages, your good..."

"Yes! Don't say that. I don't believe it. "


"Hurry up!" Raise his eye and knife in the evening.

"It's nothing. After all, they are people who want to save face. "

" don't tell the truth yet! " He came up with a smile in the evening, like a monkey, with his arms around his neck, "to be honest, are you that or something?"

Bai Muchuan frowned: "what's the matter?"

"Give them all the old lady's legacy?" he said

Bai Muchuan:

"Am I right? Oh, I know you Looking at him in the evening, he didn't speak, glanced at him, then hissed, and then snaked around him, turning his closed face over, "I think you - well, you did a good job."

Bai Muchuan slightly pick eyebrows, surprised to say: "you support me?"

"Yes, of course." Xiangwan laughed and blinked, "what else should I do? I'll take a lawsuit against them and fight for the inheritance? Besides, it may not be a good thing to have more money. Men have too much money, they are more likely to go bad! "


Bai Muchuan's eyes became softer.

"It's my daughter-in-law. It's different."

"Hum! Come on. Are you still trying to hide it from me? "

"I'm afraid you can't accept it for a while. After all, it's not a small sum of money. I didn't discuss it with you. We are husband and wife now, aren't we? "

"Do you still know?" To him in the evening.

Bai Muchuan sighed, "in fact, what they said is right. The old lady was just old and sick and confused. If she is sober, she won't give xuanzi nothing and leave all her legacy to me. "

With that, he began to laugh.

"Blood is a wonderful thing, you have to take it. You have to believe that. "

"Well." Nod to the later.

"If I really take the old lady's legacy as my own and don't give it to xuanzi, I feel that the old lady will not forgive me and will not like me again."

"You're right," he said

Bai Muchuan: "however, I didn't take anything."

At night, er, climbing up, laughing, "what did you take? Are we going to be rich? "


Bai Muchuan couldn't help laughing. He pressed her head and sat her down. He poured a cup of hot water and handed it to her. Mainly calligraphy and painting, antiques. Think about it. After all, a lot of things were brought back to my grandmother by me at the beginning. It's also a credit to me. I won't be soft handed to take it. "

To evening pursed lips straight Music: "you do so, that white home has no opinion?"

Bai Muchuan: "yes."

She raised her eyebrows in the evening and heard him say, "except Zhu Xueyan, no one else is willing to do this. Especially my father, he insisted that xuanzi and I should share half of grandma's property. And xuanzi - he would not. He thought that my grandmother gave me the legacy, which was her last wish, and he was not willing to accept it. "


This is strange.

Of course, Zhu Xueyan's property is not happy.

Just Bai Zhenhua and Bai Muxuan's reaction, to let the evening somewhat unexpected.

People die for money, birds die for food. Few people can really reach the level of not bowing down for wealth and wealth Including the evening itself, also did not jump out of the world. The reason why he supports Bai Muchuan is that if he wants to take it, the Bai family will not give up. It is very tiring to fight a lawsuit for several years. The result is still unknown. It is very difficult to tear his face. In addition, Bai Muchuan is not short of money, so they can live a comfortable life."Xuanzi This man is very upright

Bai Muchuan sighed, "fortunately, he didn't grow up in the Bai family. After coming back, I went to the red thorn again, and it didn't grow crooked. If Zhu Xueyan brought up I can't imagine what she'll teach you. "

Late: "that's not necessarily."

Bai Muchuan looks at her.

"If xuanzi was six years old, he didn't lose it. Zhu Xueyan may not be Zhu Xueyan today. "

People are changed by the environment.

No one is born a bad man

Bai Muchuan is silent.

He can't argue, just as he can't assume the unknown, nor can he stop what has happened.


A long sigh.

There was a long silence in the room.

I smile at night.

"Does it hurt?"

"What does it hurt?"

"So much property..."

"Oh! We'll have more. Don't worry. You can't be hungry if you have a husband


"What's more, I have a treasure, where can I want that little property?"

"Treasure? Where? " Get excited in the evening.

Bai Muchuan hugged her, "far in the sky, close in front of you. My daughter-in-law is my great treasure... "

“…… I hate it