Muchuan and Xiang Wan


"No!" Xie wanwan chuckled carelessly and didn't care, "are you a pug or a wolf dog? To me, there's no difference. Because I don't care

"Xie wanwan, you Why do you want to do this? Are you happy to hurt me

Xie wanwan frowned, "what if I said yes?"

Tang yuanchu looked at her Just hurt. "


There was silence for at least ten seconds.

No one in the room spoke.

The air is as silent as death.

Xie wanwan burst out laughing.

"Do you know what's your biggest problem?"

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, she was silent and looked at her with hatred.

Xie wanwan's eyes were blurred and he was lazy after drunk, but his tone was much clearer than before. "Your biggest problem is that you don't know it. Why do people have to point out some words? Don't you feel embarrassed when you say it too clearly? "

Tang Yuan Chu: "you say."

Xie wanwan pointed to the table, "help me get a cigarette."

At the beginning of Tang Yuan Dynasty, his heart, liver, spleen and stomach were in pain, but he still obediently helped her to take a cigarette and light it.

Xie wanwan took a puff and puffed up a cigarette ring: "do you want one?"

Tang yuanchu shook his head and continued the topic, "you say."

Xie wanwan hook lips, "is that what you asked me to say? Don't blame me for being ugly. "

At the beginning of Tang and Yuan Dynasty, the sound was dull.

Xie wanwan squinted at him. His frivolous and indifferent appearance turned into a singer girl on the beach of the old society in the early Tang and Yuan Dynasties. He was obviously embarrassed by life and had to pretend to be very happy.

"There is a gap between us. Age, money, status, three outlooks It's not a little bit worse. I've said that for a long time. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, you know very well that we are not the same way, we can not walk together. You just have obsessions. You can't let go. Of course, so am I

Xie wanwan said this, and took a heavy breath.

"After all, I didn't sleep with the police. I don't know what it's like She laughs and stares at him badly. "It turns out that it's no different from other men. So, next time, we won't make an appointment. Your obsession has come to fruition, and my interest has been satisfied. Well, that's about it. You, take your pants and leave. "

In the early Tang and Yuan Dynasties, the brain was buzzing.

After a while, the dry throat made a sound.

"Xie wanwan, you are so cruel!"

She didn't speak, she just laughed.

"You don't look up to me. Why would you do it with me? "

"As I said, I didn't sleep -"

"you're lying!"

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, he gritted his teeth and looked at her fiercely.

Xie wanwan lies lazily with one leg bent up on the quilt. He doesn't pay much attention to the image in front of him. It can be said that Xie wanwan, with his cigarette in his mouth, is different from Xie wanwan in the hearts of fans. He is not the same person at all - but what he loves most in the early Tang Dynasty is this kind of Xie wanwan.

"I'll go!" He took a deep breath. "I'll go."

The rustling sound is very light but harsh.

In less than two minutes, he dressed himself and left without looking back.

The old house was not soundproof, and the loud noise when the door closed made Xie wanwan stiff.

She looked in the direction of the door, cigarette in her fingers, motionless.

Ash fell on the bed and woke her up.

Quickly open, she was choked cough, put out the smoke, throw away, lying on the bed silently tears.

Tears wet the pillow, like a farewell.

A farewell in my heart.


The Tang Dynasty did not leave at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty.

He promised assistant Xie. He will keep his promise.

He is sitting outside the door at the moment.

There are no lights in the community, the corridor is very cold, and the concrete floor is hard.

With his back against the door that could not be opened again, he gazed into the darkness, and clasped his arms like a lost child. Helpless, confused, do not know the direction, and can not walk out of this strange circle

Early in the morning, when assistant Xie arrived, the early Tang Dynasty had already left.

He sat clean on the dust at the door, but assistant Xie didn't pay much attention to it.

She frowned and knocked on the door, and Xie wanwan opened the door soon. Wearing a pair of big sunglasses and a long black dress, it seems that they have been cleaned up for a long time. See Xie assistant Zheng Leng, she asked coldly: "the business at home has been done?"

Assistant Xie: "it's done. You Where are you going in the early morning

Xie wanwan stroked his hair and felt fresh, "go to worship my mother. Then, I have something to deal with. If you can't get away from your home, go back to work. I don't need you here

What do you mean you don't need her?

Assistant Xie was stunned, "but you..."

Xie wanwan exhibition Yan a smile, "you see me, not very good?"Yes.


It's never been better.

Assistant Xie was relieved and sent a message to thank Tang yuanchu.

He did not respond.


The funeral of Bai family is very grand.

In the morning, Bai Muchuan took the evening with three old aunts.

Think of the appearance of the white family, feel very uneasy at night.

It doesn't matter if she is wronged at all. She can't guarantee that if her mother is wronged in the Bai family, she will directly work with the Bai family.

last night, she discussed with Bai Muchuan for a long time and wanted to tell the family.

He turned it down.

He said, "it doesn't matter. I'm everything."

As usual he said so, it would be relieved to say so later.

But Baijia is not a place where baimuchuan can go?

Trembling to the scene, in the sound of sadness and joy, her legs were stiff in the evening, with a smile that was even worse than crying. She asked the two aunts of my mother to get out of the car and gave them a preventive injection.

"The Bai family is in a funeral. If you don't have a smile, don't take it to heart..."

"We know. You won't lose face. " Tan Yunchun felt that she had asked too much.

“…… Oh, I wish I knew I feel helpless at night.

However, the accident happened.

Seeing several of them appear, not only Bai Zhenhua warmly welcomed them up, but also Zhu Xueyan, who was tired of seeing Bai Muchuan more often, seemed to see her family, smiling and receiving them with a full face.

It's completely beyond the imagination limit of the evening.

She looked at Bai Muchuan, but he was indifferent.

"Mom, auntie, auntie, sit inside."

Bai Zhenhua answered immediately and said with a smile, "yes, yes, please. Please come inside."

Tan Yunchun and Tan Yuechun exchanged greetings with them, and Zhou Daodi offered a memorial ceremony.

"Family in law, mourn your sorrow and be patient!"

"Oh, it's OK to come here. What else can I bring! It's a family. You're welcome. " Zhu Xueyan laughed brightly, "the old lady is 80 years old. We are happy and sad. Before she left, she was ill all year round and took medicine. It's also a good thing to be immortal like this. There is no trouble for her children and grandchildren, and she has not suffered any serious crime -- "

" yes, yes, yes. "

The tan family just attached.

Zhu Xueyan welcomed them in with a smile. She said all the polite things, but she was always enthusiastic. She looked like a mother: "you see, you met this when you first came home. Don't laugh at the poor reception... "

Tan Yuechun is used to this kind of occasion and helps her sister deal with it properly.

However, I heard it creepy in the evening.

What's going on?

Who can tell her, how the white family changed face overnight?



Today, Mr. Jin Yong passed away, and he felt very heavy in his heart. All the fairies here have not read his books, or gone through the age when martial arts books were in the market. Maybe they have seen his plays. Let's remember them together

PS: Lu Qingya's new book "poison medicine after Qin: husband with black belly, strong pursuit of wife"

in 2p, you can collect your favorite baby and find it in the "potential new book" area of Xiaoxiang homepage!

- Introduction --

she passed through to become a servant girl, and her martial arts were completely abolished. So what!

Even if it is not a young lady, proficient in medicine can also break out of a day!

Guqin in hand, the world I have!

The waste firewood poison doctor, the cultivation God skill smelts the poison, finally becomes a generation after Qin!

Black husband, strong pursuit of wife! You are black, I am more black than you! Hand tearing white lotus, beating slag man, teaching slag man and woman!