Muchuan and Xiang Wan


At the beginning of Tang Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty:

A man of this age has, of course, seen it.


"In your cell phone."

Xie wanwan stares at his pocket.

"I want to see it."

At the beginning of Tang Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty:

What's wrong with this?

He wanted to scratch his head, and he thought it was too lewd in this case.

"Cough!" He had a stiff throat. "No

"You must have." Xie wanwan said stubbornly, "you don't have a girlfriend. How can you hold back? There must be. "

At the beginning of Tang Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty:

He was speechless again.

Xie wanwan looks calm.

Not like that kind of warm and ambiguous words, the taut face is particularly serious.

"I want to see it, and then Try it. "


At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty and Yuan Dynasty, I was a little confused

Xie wanwan's face was a little more red than before. Maybe the wine was so thick that her eyes were red. When she looked at him, she seemed to have some affection.

"I didn't do it."


"No She explained quickly and coldly, as if she was peeling her own wound and drying it for others to see. It was meticulous, serious and heartbreaking, "I mean, I didn't do that I did it willingly. "


At the beginning of Tang Yuan Dynasty, I felt a little itchy in my throat.

He tried to scratch, but he couldn't.

The itch is in the bone.

"Xie wanwan..."

"Don't interrupt!"

“……” Tang yuanchu was staring at her.

"I know what you're thinking." Xie wanwan slowly let go of his sleeve, his eyes moved down, and he fell on the place where he had obvious characteristics. His lips were pulled, as if he were laughing or sarcastic, "you want to sleep with me. Then I will satisfy you. "


"Don't say you don't want to. What hypocrisy


It's not that I don't want to.

I don't want to.

The early Tang and Yuan Dynasties did not want to be such a person.

What he wants is not a dew party, but a smile on her face. It's her happiness. It's not precipitation in the fatalistic sadness. He shows people with a high and cold attitude. He hides his wounds all over his body. He licks them in the night and can't get out.

"I think."

He admitted.

"But Xie wanwan, I don't want you to..."

"Do you want to do it?" Xie wanwan interrupts him, does not listen to his words of consolation, slowly approaches, tentatively hugs his waist generally, "we can, try."


"Do it or not?"

"Xie wanwan!"

"Do it or not?"

"You can't do this..."

"Get out if you don't do it!"

She suddenly got angry and pushed him away.

His eyes were like poisoned knives, which gouged out his flesh.

"You like me and you dislike me."

"I didn't!"

"You don't like me?"

"I like you..."

It was not shameful to admit it in the early Tang Dynasty.

"Then you dislike me and I'm dirty, don't you?"

"I didn't..."

"Then you can do it for me!"

"Xie wanwan, is it necessary?" At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the voice was weak and dispirited, as if in the face of a knot that could not be untied, could not be opened, and I did not know what to do with it.


Xie wanwan raised his head slightly, and his tone was very calm.

It's like telling a fact in order to prove it to him.

At the beginning of Tang and Yuan Dynasty, she was standing and sitting. Originally, this was an extremely advantageous confrontation.

However, in Xie wanwan's pressing and burning sight, he was gradually embarrassed, gradually ashamed, and gradually gave up himself - he slowly bowed his head, picked up her face, narrowed his eyes and kissed her lips like a sacrifice.


Xie wanwan's face was open.

Look at him, look at him without blinking.

Tang yuanchu left, "close your eyes!"

Looking at it like this, he would feel embarrassed.

A kind of unspeakable confusion, like the "small" hidden in the heart, exposed in front of her.

Xie wanwan did not move and asked him softly, "have you ever kissed someone like this?"

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the breath was slightly heavy

Xie wanwan: "your former girlfriend..."

Tang yuan early dull voice response: "talk about more than a month, not yet in time."

Xie wanwan: "then you Have you done it? Or another woman? "


It's embarrassing.Very embarrassed.

His face was full of shame.




"Then I.." Xie wanwan slowly let go, "keep it for you."

Keep it?

What's left?

At the beginning of Tang and Yuan Dynasty, he was shocked.

Her cold eyes fell on his face, "for your wife. For the first time. "

At the beginning of Tang Yuan Dynasty, he was worried.

It's like the tip of my heart is pierced by something.

She said, his future wife

That is to say, even if she repeatedly asked him whether to do it, she still had no plan to be with him, not a trace. What's unusual about her this evening? First, the magic of alcohol; second, the emotion she felt when she was a child; third, she wanted the only comfort when she was lonely?

At the beginning of Tang and Yuan Dynasty, his eyes became red.

"Xie wanwan, you are cruel."

"Yes." No, you don't deny it. Go away

At the beginning of Tang Yuan Dynasty, the heart slightly took out, just like being stimulated by something. Suddenly, he bent over to pick her up and held her tightly in his arms. His voice was low and hoarse because of excitement, "you are a woman that people hate so much!"

"So you're not leaving soon?"

"You're forcing me. You're alone. How can I go?"

"Well Or do it? "



Tang yuanchu looked at her drunken eyes and did not speak. His eyes moved slowly from her face to her lips. It was like looking at a beautiful flower in full bloom. It was hard to hold back his heart and draw it from her head. Two times. Three times.


gradually becomes heavy.

Gradually entangled.

Gradually lost.

Xie wanwan closed his eyes and opened up in his enthusiasm. He felt a complete feeling.

"Will you remember me?"

She asked suddenly, gasping.


"For how long?"

"For a lifetime."

"Because I was your first woman?"

"Because you are a woman I hate!"

"That's good." Xie wanwan, with a hum, hooked his neck and pulled it down. At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, he fell heavily on her. Bed board some hard, two people four eyes opposite, breath turbid and blurred.

The early Tang Dynasty stroked her face and asked her.

"Will you remember me?"


"For how long?"

"One night."

"Xie wanwan!" He hated gnashing his teeth.

He hated, he was angry, he bit her lip, her neck, her clavicle, the force of the earth shattering, furious madness. Because of love, because of hate. Because of his self-respect and her magic, he couldn't control himself, just like a wild Fantasy

Xie wanwan couldn't help shouting.

"So it is..."

She murmured that words were not words.

"It's different..."

She added.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, she couldn't listen to it and stopped her mouth.

As she breathed, she suddenly grabbed his shoulder and took the initiative to kiss him.

Like desperate, like fighting, psychological emotions catalyze the physiological state --

She squinted, "OK, you come."

Shaking voice, clearly with fear.

Tang yuanchu knew her past and did not dare to cross the minefield easily.

The first time I did not do well, the psychological shadow had to accompany her for life.

He pulled back her agitated hand. "No hurry. Take your time. I'll make you accept me. "



"I said yes."

"Then you Bear with it. "


at the end of the month, the tickets for the babies are different ~

roar, welcome to the pot, welcome to the pot!

In fact, this is a comedy, really, really!