Muchuan and Xiang Wan


When the sound of her footsteps disappeared, the early Tang Dynasty took a deep breath and walked slowly to the bedroom.

The bedroom door was open, a small room. The bed, desk, chair, and a small bookshelf are simple, but clean. At first glance, the room looks like a pupil's bedroom - the bed is pink, the faded wallpaper is pink, and the desk is obviously used by primary school students. The furniture is a little old.

Xie wanwan sat on the chair in front of his desk, motionless.

The chair was a little small, and it was a little odd to sit in her size.

So, the back, let the Tang Yuan Dynasty inexplicably sad.

Assistant Xie said on the phone that the house was used to live by Xie wanwan's parents.

At that time, her father was just an ordinary administrative cadre, with a small position. The house was a welfare house divided by the unit, and the family conditions were not as good as later. But at that time, the parents were very loving, she was their only little princess, had a period of pink years when she was young.

Her ordeal began with her father's promotion.

With power and money, they changed a big house and a new home. After a while, the mother was happy, and the father changed the woman. Her daughter, the little princess he once loved, went into the abyss.

The house was idle at that time. Later, Xie wanwan's father was sent to prison. His property was confiscated and the court auctioned it to others. Two years ago, Xie wanwan bought it back from others.

"Don't you want to go? Why are you back? "

Xie wanwan looks back at the sound of footsteps.

Under the dim yellow light, her face was flushed. Obviously, she had drunk wine, and her eyes were blurred as if covered with mist.

When she saw the person behind her was the early Tang Dynasty, her eyes lit up for a moment and then gradually darkened.

"Why did you come?"

At the beginning of Tang Yuan Dynasty, his eyes narrowed and his eyes fell from her face on the window of the room.

On the glass of the old window, there are already faded window decorations. What patterns can't be seen clearly. But these old traces, against the bright Xie wanwan now, have an indescribable sense of vicissitudes of time.

"Assistant Xie doesn't trust you. Let me accompany you."

Xie wanwan did not make a sound. He pushed his face and his fingers into his loose hair. He grabbed and pulled them deeply. Then he let them slide down and tossed them fluffy.

"I don't need company. You go."

"Look at you, who can rest assured?"

"What do I look like? I'll take care of it."

Xie wanwan frowned, staring at him with a kind of unfriendly eyes, and slowly pointed to the door.

"Go away!"

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, the hands in the pockets were tightly clenched into fists.

He was young and had a lot of self-esteem.

A simple rolling word made him blush.

He doesn't like to be sentimental or belittled.

But he knew what kind of woman Xie wanwan was.


Stab others and stab yourself.

It's the thorn she's armed to protect herself from harm

He stood five steps away from Xie wanwan and looked at her quietly for a moment. His face gradually calmed down. When Xie wanwan was unprepared, he suddenly rushed to her and held her tightly in the chair.

The chair creaked and shrieked.

Xie wanwan Yang raised his hand and did not know whether he wanted to push him or hit him.

The hand is half empty, and then suddenly put down.

She didn't move, her voice was like breathing in, "you're pitying me."

At the beginning of Tang Yuan Dynasty, he was stung: "No. I just want to be with you. "

Xie wanwan's head was held in his arms, and his heart beat could be heard. He could also smell the unique flavor of a young boy. Clean, refreshing, with a little shower gel fragrance, bewitching her nerves.

Weird, she didn't hate it.

I don't hate the touch.

Don't hate him.

"You go."

She sniffed.

"I'm not that drunk. I know it in my heart. "

Tang yuanchu patted her on the back and looked down at her, "I'll take you home. It's not safe here. "

The community is about to be demolished, there is no security, no property management, most of the residents have moved out, everything is messy, she is here alone, how can he leave?

Xie wanwan: "this is my home. Where can I go back? "

At the beginning of Tang and Yuan Dynasty, there was no answer.

Xie wanwan: "that house is very big, but it's cold and unpopular. I live in that house and feel like a dead man at any time. I'm going to die, I can't breathe, and I can't live till dawn It's meaningless, meaningless. "

Mumbling and repeating.

There is alcohol gas at the exit.

The early Tang Dynasty frowned and looked around.

"Is this still what it was?"

Xie wanwan looked at it and shook his head. "It's changed. I've played with it again, but I still can't go back to the beginning."How can I go back to the lost time?

Tang yuanchu sighed: "but there is no way to live here. How can you live without any daily necessities? It's not safe... "

Xie wanwan still shook his head, "I don't care, I'm not afraid."

She looked back at the bed. "I'm going to sleep here."

Speaking intermittently, she said she was sober, but she was not.

Tang yuanchu didn't want to force her again, "well, I'll accompany you."

It's dark in the room.

I don't know how many watts the lamp is. It's dim and hazy. But the filter effect also makes the two young men and women look better than in the sky.

At the beginning of the Tang Dynasty, Xie wanwan sat on the bed, staring at her eyes, "are you sleeping now, or do you want to watch a play or something?"

Xie wanwan shook his head.

Tang Yuan Chu was stunned, "I'd better find a play to watch. I know there's a popular play recently..."

He turned to get her pad, ready to make a little noise in their private space.

That would make it less awkward for them to get along.

"In the early Tang and Yuan Dynasties."

Xie wanwan suddenly raised his hand and held his sleeve.

He looked down at her. Green and astringent face, with a touch of puzzled, chin just shaved beard with a little green traces, like people coming from the fire, bright eyes, warm body.

Xie wanwan was reluctant to give up his hand and held his head high.

In the early Tang Dynasty, "what's the matter?"

She seemed to be trying to say something. Her mouth moved and there was no exit.

Slowly lowering his head, his eyes fell from his face on his shoes.

It's a pair of sports shoes.

Very casual style, not her usual big brand.

It can be worn on his feet, so good-looking, like a young classmate who suddenly bumps into his mind at a certain moment, showering the youth breath of sweat on the court

"Xie wanwan?"

Suddenly quiet, very embarrassed.

In the early Tang and Yuan Dynasties, there was sweat on the back and forehead, and the body was tight.

"Let's watch a play and then you go to sleep, OK?"

Xie wanwan looked up slowly, "you have that kind of Film? "