Muchuan and Xiang Wan


The evening accepted such an arrangement.

Serious case one's life is too tense, and she needs to be quiet.

When a book is written to the end, the case, feelings and characters' fate gradually come to an end, and all aspects need to be explained.

I'm a little confused lately.

The murder of the God is different from her previous books, because the cases in the book are combined with reality, and have deviated from the original outline for a long time. It is also thousands of miles away from the ending she wanted when she wrote the article. Everything needs to be re planned.

Besides, she loves this book too much.

The more you love it, the more difficult it is to write.

Network novel is a new way of "writing without regret". Unlike the traditional writing, it can be revised repeatedly after the completion of the manuscript. It can be written perfectly with foreshadowing, context, deletion and modification. Therefore, in order to avoid bugs, she needs to think a lot and brainstorm for herself every day. The whole person's mental state is not very good

Insomnia, insomnia,

dreaming are all novel plots.

In such a state, she shielded everything around her. She didn't pay attention to the anger and the case. She didn't even care about her own affairs

At the end of the last trial, Huang He said he would ask her to answer the question again, but in fact, he didn't call her again, and he was very happy in the evening.

Gradually, she left all these things behind her head.

In the late "murder of the God", there are organizations similar to the secret door and the wrath of heaven.

Basically, it's a one-to-one copy of the actual case structure.

In reality, those people are in the dark, she has no way to take them, the direction and the end are not up to her, but in her own novels, the evening is the master.

She didn't intend to let them go.

In her book, she wrote -

"the evil dominoes have fallen one by one, and the humanity hidden in the darkness is about to be stripped out, screamed, and presented bloody in front of people, and there is no place to hide. Fang yelan is a person who cultivates light. Rong xiaonuan feels honored that she can stay by his side and record every ray of sunshine he cultivates, and permanently seals it in this novel, which has become a love fairy tale breeding in evil -- "

" Fang yelan. "


"What do you think when I write about the criminal's ambush and the crime is over?"

"Evil will not end."

"Don't be so disillusioned. Can't the crime base be destroyed?"

"Where there is light, there is shadow. If someone exists, evil will always exist. "

"Well, you are not a romantic man."

"Then you write that the man and the woman held a grand wedding, so the ending is not romantic?"

"That's what a lot of novels do, OK?"

“…… Then write as you want. "

"The finale, the climax."

"Well? What do you mean

"The finale of this book will be the climax."


In the evening, the story in the book is written by Rong xiaonuan.

This is a very mysterious novel.

There are books in books, there are books in books, there are books in books, and there are books in books

"Good! Then let the storm come more violently


Write a chapter and upload it.

Night staring at the computer, rubbing the temple, found a little stuffy head.

After walking too long in the story, she has a little forgotten her real self.

This time, he found that it was already 12 o'clock in the evening and Bai Muchuan had not come back.

She picked up her mobile phone, wanted to dial the phone, think about it, and then sent a message.

"Honey, will you be back tonight?"

Bai Muchuan quickly replied, "back, but it will be very late."

"On the team?" he thought

Bai Muchuan was silent for a moment, "in Bai's home."

Bai family?

My heart pounded at night.

Do you want to talk to him again?

Before she asked, Bai Muchuan came back.

"They came to me to talk about grandma's cemetery --"

"Oh, it hasn't been decided yet? Have not all the burial dates been chosen? "

"Yes, they were in a hurry just because the day was chosen. There are three points to be determined. If there is no further debate, I will decide. "

It's a bit strange to be late.

"They respect your opinion so much?"

"I know grandma best."

"Well, then you come back and drive safely."

"Roger that. You're going to bed early."


I promised, but I couldn't sleep at night.

Even if it wasn't for the finale, it was hard for her to sleep every night he didn't come back.The longer we get along with each other, the more she can understand how difficult it is for the wife of the criminal police to be -

they are not just waiting, they have to worry about his safety and waiting

It's midnight.

Stretch out in the evening, stand up from the computer desk, ready to wash.

As soon as I got to the bathroom, I heard the doorbell ring.

She was slightly surprised.

Bai Muchuan has not come back yet. Who will knock on the door?

She went to the door and looked through the cat's eye.


At one glance, she was frightened.

Mom, auntie, Auntie?

Tan's three sisters have arrived, but also with a small doll in the day.

Come in the middle of the night. What is this?

I stayed in the evening for a moment, but I didn't respond.

The phone rings again.

She picked it up. It was Mom.

No language in the evening, press the phone, slowly open the door.

Several people glared.

How do you know I live here

Tan Yunchun glared at her angrily and said, "are you stupid in writing books? I often express special products to you

"Well, well! But how did you come? "

"Can't you tell us to go in?" Tan Yunchun said, looking inside, "where's Xiaobai?"

Later, he scratched his hair and laughed awkwardly, "come in, it's a little messy..."

Tan Yunchun's two eyes, like mine cutters, scanned the room. "It's not a bit messy, it's very messy. What do you do at home all day? Don't know how to clean up? If I had, I would have killed you


Looking at mom in the evening.

"He said he would call Li Ma to help us in two days, so I just

"So, so." Tan Yunchun is like a little fried firecrackers. She is quite angry at her behavior of "not caring for her son-in-law". While cleaning up the clothes on the sofa, she lets Tan Yuechun and Tan Xichun come in and sit down. She looks like a firecracker and wants to sweep it for her immediately.

Embarrassed at night, "Mom, in the middle of the night, don't make trouble."

"I don't make trouble, so you do it?"


In the evening, speechless, his eyes passed over the two aunts and looked at his mother.

"No, I said you Why do you come in the middle of the night

Tan Yunchun glanced at her and said, "this is a cheap ticket."


I peeked at my aunt in the evening.

My aunt's divorce has not been done well. Is she out of money?

Late at night, he didn't ask. He just helped his mother clean her clothes with a smile, and then casually asked, "I'm strange. How could I come home in the middle of the night? Don't say hello in advance... "

Tan Yunchun was silent.

Tan Yuechun looked at her and said, "grandma Bai's funeral, we should have come here. Don't be told that we don't understand etiquette and have lost someone for you. Of course, our three sisters also came by the way to travel... "

She said it tactfully, but Tan Xichun couldn't help it.

Waiting for Tan Yuechun to finish, she asked directly.

"Round? Are you asleep


It's broken!

Late at night, I feel a little cluttered and dare not look at aunt's eyes.

These days, Fang Yuanyuan is in Kyoto.

Huang he transferred back to work and rented an apartment close to the No.1 zhongbian case. Fang Yuanyuan, of course, moved to live with him instead of living here. However, in order to avoid the family nagging and asking, she always said this to her family.

It's over.


Seeing that Xiangwan couldn't say it, Tan Xichun's face changed.

"Late? What about your cousin? What the hell is she doing? "



Thank you for the reward and tickets!

See you tomorrow - I don't have many days to pursue articles, so I'll cherish them