Muchuan and Xiang Wan


He opened Bai Muchuan for ten seconds.

She did not move, neither did he.

Two people's eyes interweave in space, which is also communication.

Finally, a sigh to the evening.

"That's ridiculous!"

“…… What's the matter? "

Later, he fell back to bed, held the computer closer to him and put it on his lap, "OK, you don't have to say it if you don't want to say it. I continue to code. By the way, I may be busy recently. I'm going to close down. If I don't have to, I won't take part in the affairs of your team. "

Bai Muchuan was stunned.

She has bowed her head, so leave a head for him.

Bai Muchuan slowly sat down on the edge of the bed, staring at her for a moment, gently covered her head with his big hand and rubbed it.

"Why, angry?"

Looking up in the evening, um, he looked at him vaguely, "what's your anger?"

"What I said."

"No Be serious in the evening.

"Then why not participate in the team's case?"

"I feel a little aggrieved, but I'm not such a stingy person. How can I get angry because of this? Hum! Don't look down upon the teacher

Her witty words softened Bai Muchuan's mood.

He sighed, gently stroking her shoulder. "Tell me, why?"

"Don't make any noise."

"And then code."


looking at him speechless in the evening, he suddenly turned his mouth and looked aggrieved.

"Have you not read my book for a long time?"


Bai Muchuan was asked by her.


In the past, he would catch up with the new one every day, but since he was abducted to break the watch at night, he has never looked at it. The habit he had formed was lost because of the interruption of a few days.

He sighed helplessly, "busy recently. Forget it. "

"Hum!" Roll your eyes at night, dissatisfied, "you can forget such important things. Prove that I am not your goddess. "

"How do you say that?" Bai Muchuan couldn't help but smile and sigh, "of course you are a goddess! The only goddess. "

"Bullshit! I'll catch up with them if they don't change for half a year. Do you understand

"Well, I'm wrong." Bai Muchuan was said by her, but also felt that he was not very right. He pulled her tightly and gently followed her back, coax and kiss her again. The spoiled appearance made the evening that had not been angry amused her. It was not good to laugh at this time. He could only tell him with a serious face and clear throat.

"I'm ready to finish."

"Well?" Bai Muchuan tiny Leng, "so fast?"

"Where is it fast? It's been almost a year. "

Bai Muchuan frowned, "has it been so long?"

Xiang Wan nodded, "time is like that pig killing knife..."

Bai Muchuan: "then you write well, do not participate in the recent work."


Nod to the later.

"But if you need me, try to say it."

Bai Muchuan gently pinched her face, soft voice, "you need more places."


"Every day."

"Hello "Grandma just passed away, please stop!" he said


Bai Muchuan gazed at her eyes, looked at her shy little appearance, a faint smile.

"What's in your little head? I said Do you need anything? "

Fly to him in the evening, "don't you mean that?"

"What do you mean?"

"That's what it means." Pat the bed in the evening and say it seriously.

Bai Muchuan a Leng, smile, bow in her forehead gently kiss, "No."


"In the evening."

He called her again.

"What's the matter? If you have something to say, don't stop talking

"I'm sorry for you." He said, slowly hugging her, "originally I was ready to get the certificate, and then I was going to prepare for the wedding, but now..."

It's obviously inappropriate to have a wedding when the old lady has passed away.

Looking at his dignified face, he was relieved at night. "I was scared to death. I thought you did something wrong to me. That's it? I understand. If you don't, don't do it. I don't care about the wedding. In this form, we, the people of the river and lake, can be free from the details... "

Bai Muchuan looked at her seriously, "this is not a small section, this is a major event in life. Is it a pity that girls don't wear wedding dresses? "

"It depends on who the bridegroom is."

Bai Muchuan patted her on the head, but he was not able to love her. He also kissed her, "I will make it up.""Well, I'll wait," he said

It's a pity to get a marriage certificate without holding a wedding ceremony. However, as the saying goes later, the reason why marriage is the most important thing for women is that "women are afraid to marry the wrong man", rather than a formal wedding.

She really doesn't care about it.

However, since Bai Muchuan regarded it as a great event, she let him.

And Bai Muchuan get the certificate, she informed the family the next day.

Tan's three sisters heard the news, one by one happy to bloom.

But the square circle exploded at the first time.

"Sleeping trough! what the fuck! Lying trough

Three greetings represent her excitement.

"Did you get the certificate so soon? Xiao Xiangwan, let me look away. "

"Go, go! Call your cousin

"Cousin!" Fang Yuanyuan laughed happily, "when are you going to have a wedding? Shall we have a fight?"


What about marriage?

"Smile to the evening," you matter, when in the end with the family to confess? "

Fang Yuanyuan on the phone sighed, "I'm not the same as you. Your marriage certificate is popular expectation. We hope you can hold Bai Muchuan fast. For me, it's just that my father doesn't love me, and my mother doesn't love me. "

"What nonsense?" He told her in the evening, "don't delay this matter. The longer you wait, the more difficult it will be. For a long time, they will feel cheated and concealed by you, and feel uncomfortable. Do you know? "

"Well." Fang Yuanyuan sighed, "Huang Huang told me that Xiaobai of your family took the matter over and said that it was in his body..."

"Ah?" I didn't hear Bai Muchuan mention it in the evening.

After thinking about it, she couldn't help laughing, "Bai Muchuan is still a part-time matchmaker?"

"What matchmaking! Lobbyists. "

"All right. Give it to him, and you can rest assured. "

Since Bai Muchuan has opened his mouth, I believe he can handle it later.

However, Fang Yuanyuan obviously did not have the same confidence as her.

"He's been busy lately, isn't he? Do you care? "

Late at night.

She was asked.

Bai Muchuan is really busy, and Jincheng is so far away, how can he help Huang He and Fang Yuanyuan get it done?

Silence for a moment in the evening, and comfort Fang Yuanyuan.

"Don't worry, he'll be busy for a few days."

At present, the impeller case has come to an end.

Ding Yifan came back from Jincheng. After the impeller, all to the assistant and brokerage company.

The public opinion, which had been noisy for a while, passed in a few days.

Social news emerges in endlessly, one hot spot will always be replaced by another.

Even if the impeller is a flow star, it has not been able to stick to the headlines for a week.

Of course, there are still some people who are active on the Internet. All kinds of diss platforms say that some people operate in secret, hot search and public opinion are all human operations. That part of the people on the dispute over the case of the late and impeller, still discussed every day.

However -

don't go to the evening and pay no attention to it.

"Murder of the God" entered the final stage, her life almost became isolated from the world.

Most of the time, apart from eating, she keeps herself in her room.

For her convenience, Bai Muchuan took her to move home.

The dormitory room is too narrow. She is locked in it alone every day. Bai Muchuan is afraid that she will stifle herself. However, the family is different, with large space and complete living facilities, so she can write the final result in a comfortable way