Mr.President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 302

Anyao's face is very ugly. She gives her innocent body to Mr. Peng. Mr. Peng has promised her to attend the party tonight.

He gave her an apartment and a credit card with a limit of one million.

Before she set out, she felt happy that she had gone to heaven. From then on, she was rich and easy to get.

But don't want to, she paid everything, in the end, it will become nothing?

No No, it's very different from what she expected.

"How could that be? How could it be? " Anyao hoarse voice, mumbling to himself.

That look, very much like to be stimulated crazy appearance.

Brother Jiang looked at her crazy appearance, and a trace of disgust passed at the bottom of his eyes. He recruited two younger brothers.

"Drag her out..."

The younger brother answered immediately and quickly went to anyao, reached out and pulled her up.

Anyao fights and kicks, but she is a little girl, how are two men's opponents.

Two people left and right to carry her arm, as if carrying a chicken.

Anyao's legs were kicking wildly, and her toes couldn't touch the ground.

"You let me go, let me go..."

Without saying a word, my little brother just stood her up and went out.

Anyao quickly turned back and glared at Lanxiao with indignant face. She angrily scolded: "Lanxiao, it's all you, it's all you who hurt me. I won't let you go. You wait for me... "

The two younger brothers are too noisy. They look at brother Jiang's face. They pick up Peng Haigang's handkerchief from the ground and put it into anyao's mouth.

Anyao sobbed and couldn't spit out a word, so she was carried down the sixth floor.

LAN Xiao picks her eyebrows slightly. Now, anyao doesn't know how to repent and blames her for her mistakes. This woman is so stubborn.

As soon as the two evildoers disappeared, they were afraid to disturb brother Jiang, so they scattered and continued to chat in twos and threes.

There is still a period of time to leave the field. Some people have not come yet. Naturally, no one left the field and went downstairs because of this.

Brother Jiang looked at the scattered crowd and thought in a good mood that these people were still interesting.

"Do you need to teach her a lesson?" He looked at LAN Xiao and asked in a low voice.

LAN Xiao knows that she is anyao.

She quickly shook her head: "no, don't bother brother Jiang. This time she has learned a lesson..."

"Are you classmates?" Brother Jiang asked again.

LAN Xiao nodded: "yes, we had a good relationship before, but I don't know why she hated me so much."

Brother Jiang pursed his lips and laughed: "because you are so good, you have been envied by others."

LAN Xiao glared big eyes and quickly shook his head to deny: "brother Jiang, you really can be joking."

"I've never never been joking." Brother Jiang sneered, and returned to him with some seriousness.

LAN Xiao a Zheng, this day, can't talk.

She looked at his wet shirt. It was because of protecting her that he blocked it. If she only asked, it seemed that she couldn't say.

So, LAN Xiao asked casually: "brother Jiang, your shirt is wet, do you have spare clothes? Why don't you change it... "

"No spare clothes to change..." Brother Jiang picked the tip of his brow and replied faintly.

LAN Xiao a Zheng, immediately don't know how to answer this sentence. , the fastest update of the webnovel!