Mr.President Dotes On His Wife Crazily

Chapter 301

In the past, no one dared to report him when he committed many crimes.

Because of this, he became more and more unscrupulous these years.

But today, he offended LAN Xiao, the retribution is not too late.

With a flash of light in his brain, Peng Hai suddenly stops walking and doesn't walk forward. Instead, he turns around and makes a sound. He kneels down in the direction of LAN Xiao.

"Miss LAN, it's all my fault. I have no eyes and offended you I I beg you to spare me. If you can spare my life, I will repay you for your kindness. "

LAN Xiao was completely stupid from the moment she saw Peng Hai's news broadcast.

Even if she is slow, after the gradual development of this matter, and Peng Hai's last kneeling, she will gradually understand.

Wen muchu must have used the power of the presidential palace to report Peng Hai in real name.

For this kind of person, we should use the weapon of law to bring him to justice.

Oh She wanted to strangle him with her own hands, and he had the face to ask her to spare him?

This thick skinned one is comparable to a city wall.

"Mr. Peng, do you think you can escape from the sins you once committed by asking for mercy? People like you should go to prison and repent for those you have done harm to. However, if you apologize for hurting me, I can accept it, but you let me forgive you? I'm sorry, but I don't have that much power. You should remember that heaven's net is wide and careless, and that's your retribution. " LAN Xiao pursed the lip petals, and the bottom of her eyes flowed the dark awn, saying word by word.

Peng Hai shakes his head. At this moment, he finally wants to understand. At the same time, he also remembers the words that Wen muchu said before.

He said, if you go to complain about him, let him as soon as possible, otherwise he will not have this opportunity.

At that time, he didn't pay attention to it. When he thought about it, Peng Hai was in a cold sweat.

Who on earth is that man? How could he have such a great ability to capture his black materials accurately in only half an hour?

In today's society, people with this ability, except the presidential palace, can't think of a second power with information networks all over the country.

Peng Hai's heart is sinking slowly.

At this time, he realized what kind of evil star he had provoked.

For a small matter, he actually put himself into hell.

He regret having done sth.

The tone in Peng Hai's heart suddenly dispersed.

How can he fight against the people in the presidential palace? He's done. He's done.

Peng Hai's body was soft and he began to cry loudly. He felt sad for the miserable ending he was about to face, and regretted that he had done so many stupid things.

A leaf blinds his eyes. He is confused by the right. From the beginning, he will never turn back.

Police dragged Peng Hai, as if dragging a dead dog, disappeared in the place.

Other people on the scene, looking at each other, secretly glanced at LAN Xiao with a very strange look.

They didn't understand what Peng Hai meant when he knelt down to the little girl.

Even she didn't dare to cry.

She didn't expect that, but in a flash, the world was overturned.

For a moment, Mr. Peng, who was still full of force, has now become a prisoner. , the fastest update of the webnovel!