Mr. Lu, the World's Sweetest Man

Chapter 3753

"Just wait until we set the time and we can shoot." Junya was very excited. "I already miss the coconut juice over there, and those delicious grilled fish."

Lu Yiyang gave her a kiss on the lips.

"And those sweet streams..." Junya thought of everything on the island, and she was full of missing, which made her fly.

Lu Yiyang didn't miss these things, but missed walking with her on the island. When he was tired, he would find a place to rest and hold her. Sometimes, he would even love her in a deserted area.

His throat slipped: "I miss it so much Now, let's go over it again. "

Pull her to his lap, lift up the thin evening dress, there seems to be the sound of waves in the ear.

He buried his body in her, and his back was sour and crispy. He felt so good.

In the narrow carriage, the fire is full of small space.

The next day Lu Yiyang asked Uncle Meng to prepare a trip to the island.

Although there are still a few days to go, Lu Yiyang has been looking forward to it.

He sent an email to the advertiser to confirm that he wanted to go to this place in the name of Junya.

Because he wanted her to have more rest, sometimes he would use her mailbox to finalize some work.

Two people share the same mind, many work, do not need to inform each other, also can understand each other's meaning.

Advertisers are naturally very happy to find such a good place to shoot, for them, it is also a rare experience.

Chocolate is the pronoun of romance. The heart-shaped island, of course, is the best match for this chocolate.

However, the other party had a little doubt and put it forward in the email: "the budget is enough, but are you sure you can contact the owner of the island? We have checked, this is a private island, usually not open to the outside world. But frankly, we haven't been able to contact the host before

"We can send an email, of course, it was confirmed in the early morning." Lu Yiyang quickly hit the keyboard, "so don't worry about it."

The other side was very satisfied and wished them a happy job.

When Junya opened her drowsy eyes, Lu Yiyang had already settled the work.

"Did I overslept?" Junya rubbed her eyes and asked, she felt very comfortable last night.

Lu Yiyang reached out and pulled her up: "it's OK. I helped you with a few small tasks. Huanhuan reported several things, and I approved them all. "

"Hard work for you." Junya kisses him on the lips.

"I haven't done much lately anyway." Lu Yiyang said with a smile, "get up for lunch. There will be a grand entertainment annual meeting in the evening. Mr. Yao has called again

Junya quickly got up and said, "yes, the annual meeting of others has been pushed to today for us. We have to get up early, so that we can afford to be invited. "

Lu Yiyang said in her back: "today wear a dress to go, you are a guest, do not need to socialize too much."

"Good." Jun Ya said with a smile.

Lu Yiyang helped her prepare several sets of dresses. She wore one last night and a new one tonight.

Tonight's, more brilliant than last night's.