Mr. Lu, the World's Sweetest Man

Chapter 3754

On that night, Junya and Lu Yiyang went to the annual meeting of great entertainment.

Fang Xingcheng naturally got the news.

Ding Jin couldn't help saying: "Dad, Junya, this is too don't put you in the eye. She even agreed to go to the annual meeting of great entertainment? Is she the one who doesn't want to join Wanxin that day? "

"Xinming is a hot topic. It is the investment at its peak, and it is also the investment before her cooperation with us. It's not a big deal for her to go. But you are already working in an investment company. When you encounter something, you should calm down. " Fang Xingcheng education to.

Ding Jin has been defeated by Junya for many times in a row, which makes Fang Xingcheng worried.

"You go out."

Ding Jin had to go out.

When she met Hao Jie on the way, she stood still and said, "did you feel the pressure I met at the beginning?"

"All right." Hao Jie said, but the fatigue between the eyebrows shows that it is not so good.

After he took over the art department, his performance was not outstanding. Although he had several powerful people, it was not as good as Junya's one night's harvest.

"I heard that Lu Yiyang's new advertisement will be shot on the heart-shaped island. Didn't you get a chocolate ad for the artist? Isn't it going to take some effort? "

"Can they go to the heart-shaped island?" Hao Jie is quite surprised.

Why doesn't he want to?

Those chocolate brands, clothing brands, make-up brands, slightly romantic brands, all want to shoot on the heart-shaped island.

However, no one can contact the owner. Besides, it's country C. It's not easy to find a relationship.

Ding Jin said with a smile: "in fact, it doesn't matter if you don't go. What pictures can't be done for the current post production producers? It's hard to say whether the island really exists

What she said provided a way of thinking for Hao Jie.

In fact, no one has really seen that island. Only once, a well-known host and professional tourist found this island by accident while traveling on the sea surface of country C.

However, when he was about to land on the island, he was stopped.

He found out it was a private island.

In the end, he didn't go there, but he spent many days around the island.

In one article writing and several TV programs, he vividly described the comfort and admiration of the island, and made 3D modeling drawings for everyone to watch.

His program is very popular, which makes this island that we haven't seen become a tourist mecca that we want to go to but can't go to.

Of course, there are many people who say that these are all made up by him, and they are not real at all.

Just as Hao Jie was thinking about this, Hao Jie's own chocolate brand called him.

Ask him if he can get in touch with the owner of the island.

They are willing to spend more money and also shoot there. They can not only make the island's gimmicks attractive, but also make the advertisement more beautiful and give full play to the effect.

"I can't help it for the time being." Although Hao Jie has numerous resources, this one is really beyond his expectation.

The other side was silent for a moment: "you and the company's people can be photographed, director Hao think of a way, should be able to do it."

"I can only try."

"I'm looking forward to your good news." Said the other.

If you don't know that Lu Yiyang is shooting an advertisement on the other side of the island, then the other party will really forget it.