Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 506

Luo Yichen's return is a big surprise for everyone in the Luo family. He was always nervous because of the suicide note before he came back. Now he's sure he hasn't been found, and his heart is secure. As for Xia Yumo, he doesn't intend to mention it to his family now.

According to his meaning, he can't stay for a few days when he comes back, so he is to accompany his parents and family at ease. Nangong Zhi is very grateful to Luo Yichen for coming back now. What happened before has always made Luo Yixing in a bad mood. Now her brother comes back and feels better all at once.

Seeing that Roy star is so happy now, Nangong Zhi is naturally happy with her. On that day, he accompanied Roy star to have a birth inspection. Everything is fine for the baby. He saw his baby from the instrument. The happiness in the hearts of the two people is really full of overflow.

Nangong Zhi helped Luo Yixing out of the hospital and said thoughtfully, "you just have a good rest before the baby is born. Now your body is becoming more and more inconvenient. You don't need anything, just tell me to do it."

To say what's good about pregnancy, maybe that's all that's left. Roy nodded.

"Where are you going now? Are you going back to Linfeng evening or Luo's house? "

Since Luo Yichen came back, Luo Yixing has lived in Luo's house every day, so Nangong Zhi hurriedly asked. Luo Yixing thought and said, "it's better to go back to Luo's house. After all, brother seldom comes back. If you leave this time, you'll have to go for several years."

"Well, I'll take you back to Luo's house." Nangong Zhi helped her into the car. "You have a really good relationship with your brother."

Nangong Zhi is an only child. He has no brothers and sisters. He can't feel the feelings between brothers and sisters. Only one cousin turned against him in the end.

"That's right. My brother and I are twins. We have a good relationship."

Speaking of this, Roy star had a sweet smile on her face, as if she had come back before. Does this mean that she will never be uncomfortable with him again in the future, and the previous things have passed?

As soon as the car started, Roy star's cell phone rang. It was a strange phone, and Roy star picked it up.

"Hello, Miss Roy Xingluo?"


"Our side is the police station of T city. We have a prisoner named Nangong Xiu. He is clamoring to see you. He is out of control."

Nangong Xiu?

Now if she doesn't say that she really wants to forget this person, should he fall into law now? After that, he will face a few years in prison. Now he wants to see her?

"OK, I'll go there now."

Luo Yixing didn't know why. She actually agreed. After putting down the phone, she simply said to nangongzhi and asked him to turn around. However, after hearing this, nangongzhi disagreed tens of thousands

"No, you are a pregnant woman now. How can you go to such a place? Besides, Nangong Xiu is jumping over the wall. What if it hurts you? No, you can't go! "

With what happened before, Nangong Zhi was afraid. How could he let Roy star take risks again? There's a little danger. He doesn't want Roy to touch it.

But seeing him so nervous, Roy star couldn't help laughing: "please, that's the police station. So many police can let Nangong Xiu hurt me?"

"No matter what you say, you just can't go!" Facing Nangong Zhi's determination, Luo Yixing was very helpless, but she insisted: "in fact, I don't want to go, but he has now landed in this field. If I go, it's not in vain to wake up his conscience. If he can't be saved, it's OK. Think about it, he's OK

He's a poor man. He hasn't received any care from childhood. In fact, his nature is not bad. "

"You little girl, why are you so kind?" Nangong stopped frowning.

"It's not a question of being kind or not. It's probably the nature of everyone. Well, go, and you're with me. What are you afraid of?"

Nangong Zhi really said that she couldn't help Roy star. She didn't want tens of thousands, but finally took her with her.

When he saw Nangong Xiu again, Roy star couldn't help but be startled. Now he was unkempt and embarrassed, and his mental state at the moment was no different from a ghost.

Seeing him like this, Roy Xing's heart couldn't help feeling uncomfortable. Nangong Xiu was dressed in neat clothes before. He seemed to have a habit of cleanliness and cared about his appearance, but now he can't recognize him.

Nangong Xiu looked at them and smiled bitterly. He knew that Roy star would not come by himself, but he was very satisfied and grateful that Roy star could come.

"Yixing, thank you for coming." Nangong Xiu murmured this sentence. His voice was so hoarse that he couldn't hear his previous voice at all.

"I don't want to come either. Tell me. What's the matter with me?" Roy's voice was cold.

Nangong Xiu laughed at himself: "nothing. I just want to see you. I just want to see you. I'm still a little unwilling..."

not reconciled to? He's still not reconciled?

"Now you are to blame. What else are you unwilling to do? If you are willing to be a down-to-earth person and do things, you will not come to this point. " Hearing this, Nangong Xiu laughed at himself: "it's too late to say anything now. I'm already here, and with my capable cousin, I don't think I can get out for a while. I'm content to see you before sentencing, but I want to tell you something, Yi

Star, no matter how many rights and ambitions I want in my heart, my love for you is true. I really like you very much. No matter what plans I have, I never want to hurt you in my plans. "

Nangong Xiu is still serious. Luo Yixing knows that he is not lying. What he is saying is the truth.

"There will be a long time in the future. You can transform yourself in it and be a new man when you come out."

Transform and be a new man?

Hearing this short eight words was really pathetic. Nangong Xiu smiled sadly and mockingly. Who could have thought that he, a top student, could be reduced to this point? Whose fault is it?

After laughing like this, Nangong Xiu looked at Nangong Zhi again, and when he saw him, he laughed at himself: "Nangong Zhi, you still won, maybe this is God's will."

"You should say that God is fair!"

Is it?

Nangong Xiu smiled again, then looked at Nangong Zhi with sharp eyes and said again, "is it fair? Do you think it's fair? Yes, of course it's fair to you. You're the pride of heaven. Of course you think it's Fair... "

"Heroes don't ask the source. You've always been psychologically distorted." Nangong responded.

He just smiled at Nangong Xiu. He ignored Nangong. He still looked at Roy star with warm eyes: "Yi star, thank you for coming to see me. I will always love you."

This sentence was very ambiguous. Then he turned and walked in without looking back. The back looked so tall and lonely.

After seeing Nangong Xiu, my heart is inevitably a little heavy. Nangong Zhi hurriedly said, "I won't let you go. You're in a bad mood."

"If you are not in a bad mood, you can't be in a bad mood. Pregnant women should be happy every day, so that they can be good to their children."

"That's right."

Luo Yixing and Nangong Zhi smiled at each other. Then Nangong Zhi sent her back to Luo's house. Luo Yichen wanted to accompany her brother well these days.

But after all, three years are very long and three days are very short. Although he hasn't come back for three years, Luo Yichen only stays for three days this time. When Luo Yichen wants to leave, Yang Xu still cries and becomes a tearful person, and so does Luo Yixing.

As soon as Luo Yichen left this time, they didn't know how many years they would not come back. Naturally, their hearts were heavy, which was inevitable.

Luo Yixing didn't speak all the way out of Luo's house. Seeing that she was so unhappy, Nangong Zhi hurriedly said, "your brother is doing great things. Don't be sad."

"That's what I say, but it hurts the most when I leave, so I will never let my children become soldiers in the future, never!"

"Yes, listen to your wife." Nangong Zhi hurriedly agreed, and then said, "I'll take you to a place tonight."

"Where are you going?"

"Keep it a secret."

Look at the mysterious and mysterious appearance of Nangong Zhi. Roy star is curling his mouth. What medicine will be sold in the gourd?

Regardless, now there is no other mood, just let him.

Today is a rare good weather. In the evening, the neon night sky is particularly bright, with bright moon stars and glittering beauty.

The moonlight is more soft on the ground, like running water, soft and graceful, provocative and tight.

Such a night really makes people feel comfortable and fascinated.

"Is it time to say it now? Where are you taking me? " After getting on the bus, Roy star followed nangongzhi all the time.

"Don't ask, you'll know when you arrive."

Roy star had to stop asking. It seems that she went a little far away. She listened to the song, stroked her stomach and looked at the neon outside the window. The night scene of T city is really beautiful and intoxicating.

I don't know how far I went. I heard the sound of the waves. By the sea? Roy star was surprised. Was it the beach he was going to take her?

It can't be true?

Nangong Zhi was afraid of the sea. Last time they went on their honeymoon, she liked the sea so much, but he didn't love it. This time?

Just thinking of nangongzhi, she stopped and pulled her down. Sure enough, it was on the beach, and there was a big yacht parked on the shore.

Roy star, silly eye.

"What are you doing?"

"Take you to sea. Didn't you always yearn to go to sea when we spent our honeymoon last time? I'll take you this time. " Nangong Zhi said with a smile.

"But you are not..."

Didn't he dare not touch the sea again because Lin Shiru jumped into the sea and committed suicide?

Nangong Zhi smiled at this question and said calmly, "it's all over, and I don't have the position of Lin Shiru in my heart. In the future, it's only you. As long as it's what you want to do, I'll do it with you."

"Really?" Roy star feels a little dizzy“ Of course. " Then Nangong Zhi picked up Roy star and said, "go, I'll take you up." Nangong Zhi took Roy star into the yacht, and what surprised Roy star was that he ordered people to prepare dinner. The yacht was also decorated with romance, which flooded the girl's heart of Roy star. So beautiful“ Hungry? Go to dinner and sit down. We're going to sea. " If you ask where the night is the most charming, of course, it belongs to the night of the sea. The sea moon is sprinkled on your cheeks and drunk in your heart. The sea and sky are the same, the endless night sky and the boundless coastline are intertwined, and you can't see the edge at a glance. I feel that the sea breeze is also gentle, the waves are also gentle, the moonlight is also gentle, and the people in front of me are also gentle... Blowing the sea breeze, listening to the waves, accompanying the people I love, eating a meal and drinking a cup of tea is quiet, comfortable and happy“ We'll sleep out on the yacht tonight. I'll take you on your honeymoon tomorrow. I didn't let you have fun last time. I'll supply you well this time. " Another honeymoon“ Going on your honeymoon? Forget it. Your company is so busy now, and it's inconvenient for me to have a big stomach. "“ It's all right. I have a husband. I'll take good care of you. I'll accompany you in the next days. Let's wait happily for our child to be born. " Women are stupid. They always believe men's words. Women are stupid. They still believe men's words after being hurt once. At the moment, Roy star feels really stupid and stupid, but if she can be stupid and stupid all her life in love, she is willing... Happiness can be complex or simple... This Novell has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation