Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 505

At the family banquet, Yan Qin also specially toasted them: "it's hard for you two to follow Da Bai in life and death these years."

Yan Qin gave them a toast, which really overwhelmed them. Xiao dongle hurriedly said, "uncle, how can you afford to make us two like this? It's our blessing to be around the boss. How many people want to beg but can't? How can we say it's hard. "

Tang Xiyao also said hurriedly, "yes, uncle, we don't deserve it."

"You two have been a family with Dabai for so long. Don't be polite. Sit down quickly. Don't be shy when you come here. It's like going back to your own home." Yang Xu also said hurriedly.

"I see, aunt."

It seems that everyone feels comfortable when they come to Luo's house, because Yan Qin and Yang Xu are very approachable people, which makes people feel friendly. After dinner, Luo Yixing and Nangong Zhi went to bed first. They both lived here. Yang Xu took Luo Yichen and asked a lot of things about the army. In the end, Yan Qin couldn't see it anymore. He hurriedly said, "Da Bai must be tired after driving so many roads back, so he hurried to let go

Let him go back and have a rest. We'll talk about anything tomorrow. "

After listening to Yan Qin, Yang Xu looked at the time and was really shocked. It was already more than one o'clock in the morning. She hurriedly said, "you see, I'm so excited that I forgot the time. Well, Da Bai, go to have a rest and have a rest."

"OK, good night, parents."

Nangong Chen closed the door for them and went out. He probably stayed in the army for a long time. Luo Yichen didn't sleep. Xiao dongle and Tang Xiyao didn't dare to sleep. Seeing that he came out of the room, they followed Luo Yichen back to the study.

"Boss, look at this. No one knows what's going on at home." Today everyone was very excited, but no one mentioned it, so Xiao dongle was sure that no one in Luo family knew about it.

"I don't know. Well, it's getting late. You two hurry to have a rest."

"Yes, boss."

"It's a sudden change of place. Living in such a luxurious place, I really don't know if I can sleep tonight." Xiao dongle came here just like Grandma Liu went to the Grand View Garden.

"Look at your promise." Tang Xiyao rebuked him.

"You have a good future. I dare say you have lived in such a good place?"

"Better than you anyway!"


Where there are two of them, there must be a quarrel. Luo Yichen is used to it. Just as they said, it hasn't been discovered by his family. That's good. It's like never happened.

The night was very quiet. Everyone slept well, and Luo Yichen was used to going to bed late and getting up early. Although he went to bed late, he got up very early the next day.

When Luo Yixing got up, Luo Yichen had already got up. Seeing him, Luo Yixing hurriedly asked, "brother, are you so early?"

"Your husband was earlier. He had already left when I got up."

Nangong Zhi?

Yes, he is really very early today. I heard that Nangong Xiu has been officially arrested by the police. There are many things in the company. He must go there early.

"Yes, he has been very busy recently."

"Is he nice to you?" Luo Yichen asked. There was a kind of posture that Nangong Zhi would clean up if he was bad to her.

"You can rest assured that we are very good, especially after I am pregnant. He is considerate and careful." On this question, Roy star is naturally good.

"That's good." He was relieved to see when he could get real happiness.



When talking about this, Luo Yichen hesitated and asked, "did you still keep the gift your brother gave you when you said you were going to have a wedding last time?"

"Of course I keep it. How can I not take good care of the gift my brother gave me?"

"Well, can you show it to me again?"

"Ah?" Listen to him, Roy star is a little stunned. Show him again?

"Of course it's good, but now it's windy night. When do you want to see it, brother?"

"Is it convenient now?"

"Now?" At the moment, Luo Yixing felt a little curious, because Luo Yichen also asked about the gift on the phone before. This time, he asked what was wrong with the gift?

Of course, if Luo Yichen didn't say anything, she didn't want to ask more, so she said, "OK, I'll go back and get it for you now."

After that, Luo Yichen drove Luo Yixing to Linfeng evening. When he arrived, Luo Yixing hurriedly took out the gift he gave last time and handed it to Luo Yichen.

"Look, brother, I have saved it well."

It can be seen that Roy star cherishes this gift and keeps it very well. Luo Yichen smiled knowingly and then took the gift.

After holding it in his hand for a long time, he quickly took out a piece of paper from the interlayer and put it on himself, and then gave the gift to Roy.

"All right, Xiaobai." Roy star really can't see what medicine he sells in his gourd, but she's pregnant and her IQ is low, so she doesn't want to think more. After getting this piece of paper, Luo Yichen returned to Luo's house. Xiao dongle and Tang Xiyao had been waiting there. The three of them entered the study. Luo Yichen took out the piece of paper from him. Even if he burned it, what he burned was actually a suicide note written by him. Just when Roy star said he was going to hold a wedding, he received a very difficult task to perform. This task was a blessing in disguise. He had no choice but to write the suicide note in advance and put it in the gift box. If his subordinates told him the existence of the suicide note once he had an accident. The suicide note not only wrote their last words to them, but also one thing is very important. It involves a woman, the woman named Xia Yumo, whom he asked Roy star before. When it comes to this woman, Luo Yichen still hates his teeth itching, because he has more or less bad tasks to perform. He is likely not to come back. His family has been urging marriage. So he wanted to leave him a child before he went to perform the task. In this world, he signed a birth agreement with Xia Yumo, a female Xueba who is short of money and has a high appearance. After he went to perform the task, he also determined that Xia Yumo was pregnant. As a result, who knows, Xia Yumo's whereabouts are unknown when he comes back from his mission, and the people sent to protect her are also missing. After looking for so long, there is no news at all. Damn it! If he wants to find this woman, he must strangle her“ It seems that no one knows about this suicide note. " Xiao dongle said“ I don't know if it's better. Otherwise, I'll really scare my aunts. But Xia Yumo is really a female liar. She looks good in both character and learning. She looks pure. Why is she so bad at doing things? She took the money and ran away with her children! " When it comes to Xia Yumo, Tang Xiyao is also angry“ I don't think so. There must be something hidden in it? I don't think Xia Yumo is a liar. " Xiao dongle said“ You see, no woman can be a liar! "“ Tang Xiyao, what do you mean? Make it clear to me. "“ Don't you understand? "“ Your mother... You can't spit Ivory out of the dog's mouth! "“ Be quiet! " Luo Yichen is impatient! Hearing his roar, the two of them shut their mouths in a hurry. They knew that Luo Yichen was in a bad mood. Who dared to deceive him for so many years? Xia Yumo is really brave enough no matter why. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.