Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 258

When Yan Qin and Yang Xu came in and saw this scene, they were all startled.

At the moment, Zhong Yi is lying on the bed, while Jiang Guaner is standing in front of the bed crying. Her eyes are red and her face is full of panic and guilt, like a child bullied by others.

Hearing Yan Qin's question, Jiang Guaner's tears flooded again. She ran over and hugged Yan Qin, crying and said, "brother, Zhong Yi said he wanted to divorce me. I don't want to, I don't want to."

"Divorce?" Yan Qin and Yang Xu looked at each other. They were really shocked. Now Zhong Yi just woke up and was still so weak. Why did they talk about the topic of divorce?

Jiang Guaner sobbed. Yan Qin looked at Zhong Yi and then Jiang Guaner. He sternly questioned Jiang Guaner: "did you bully Zhong Yi again?"

When they are together, Jiang Guaner always bullies Zhong Yi. Zhong Yi is naturally good tempered. No matter how she bullies Zhong Yi, she is submissive. Let alone talking about divorce, she loudly accuses Jiang Guaner and is not willing to give up a word. Now he talks about divorce as soon as he wakes up from serious injury. Yan Qin naturally blames Jiang Guaner, but when he hears this, Jiang Guaner quickly shakes her head and explains, "no, brother, I didn't bully him. I really didn't. Zhong Yi suddenly wants to divorce me as soon as he wakes up. I don't know what's the matter. Brother, help me

Persuade him that he listens to you best. "

Now Jiang Guaner is different from the previous one, and it doesn't look like Jiang Guaner is lying.

Yan Qin patted her on the back and comforted her. Then he went to Zhong Yi's hospital bed. Looking at him like this, Yan Qin was really uncomfortable. He would rather lie here by himself.

"Zhong Yi." Yan Qin went over and sat down, looked at him and asked, "how do you feel now? You've suffered this time. It's all brother's fault. "

Zhong Yi looked at Yan Qin. His eyes were as cold as Jiang Guaner. He said coldly, "you can't die yet. Don't worry about your big brother."

Yan Qin was also stunned when he heard this sentence. This is by no means Zhong Yi's usual tone.

"It's my fault. You've suffered so much. Don't worry, I'll catch Jinglun and avenge you." Yan Qin said he hated Zhong Yi very much. Seeing that Zhong Yi was tortured and thinking about his father's tragic death, he couldn't wait to scold him personally.

But who knows, in the face of Yan Qin's statement, Zhong Yi just said coldly: "I'm also a cheap life. How can you bother brother to avenge me? I'm very grateful that brother is willing to save me. "

Hearing this, Yan Qin was completely stunned, and Yang Xu was also stunned. He quickly came forward and said, "Zhong Yi, don't say that. You suffered such torture for us. Of course, we have the responsibility to avenge you. We are all worried when you disappeared, especially your eldest brother..."

"Those who are worried are in a hurry to mourn me, aren't they?" Zhong Yi looks at Yang Xu and asks him. He suddenly makes Yang Xu speechless and can't say anything.

"This is my brother's negligence. It's my brother's fault. I apologize to you for this." Hearing this, Yan Qin hurriedly said this, but Zhong Yi did not accept such an apology: "elder brother, you are right in everything you do. There is no need to apologize to me."

Yan Qin couldn't say anything at this time. He hung his head slightly and said, "yes, this is big brother."

At this time, Yang Xu was about to speak again. Yan Qin raised his hand and interrupted. Then he said to Zhong Yi, "well, Zhong Yi, you just wake up now. Have a good rest. Brother will see you later."

Then Yan Qin stood up and said to Jiang Guaner, "smile, let Zhong Yi have a good rest. Don't make Zhong Yi unhappy here."

"But brother..."

"No, but go out with me." Yan Qin said a tough sentence, and then said to Zhong Yi, "Zhong Yi, have a good rest."

After that, Yan Qin went out, and Yang Xu followed him out. When she saw that Jiang Guan Er still refused to go, Yan Qin sternly reminded her that there was no way. Jiang Guan Er had to say to Zhong Yi: "then I'll go out first, Zhong Yi, I'll come back later."

With that, Jiang Guaner also went out and brought him the door. After they all went out, Zhong Yi's brain seemed to explode. He shook his head hard, but Jing Lun's voice was everywhere.

After the three of Yan Qin went out, Yang Xu opened his mouth first and asked in surprise, "what's the matter with Zhong Yi? How can it be like suddenly changing a person? "

"Is he angry? Are you angry with me? Did you give him a funeral in such a hurry? Are you angry that we gave him up too early? " Jiang Guan er said these words while crying.

Hearing these words, Yang Xu said hurriedly, "it must be because of this. Think about it, he suffered so much torture in Jinglun, and we have given him up. He must be sad."“ What are we going to do? I don't want to divorce him. I really don't want to... "Jiang Guaner began to cry. During the period when Zhong Yi disappeared, Jiang Guaner was going crazy. She finally understood her heart and finally decided to love Zhong Yi and go with him

This life, but I don't want to

"Don't worry, there's always a way. I still know Zhong Yi's character. I'll just wait a few days." Yan Qin smiled and comforted Jiang Guan.

"Yes." Jiang smiled. "What should I do later? I want to take care of him, but he doesn't want me to touch him. He doesn't want to see me. "“ Then don't see him now. Now that he is a patient, rely on him first. Don't worry. I'll find someone to take good care of him. " Jiang Guan Er is not at ease when Yan Qin says so. Zhong Yi is so badly hurt that she just wants to take care of him. After seeing Jiang Guaner's idea, Yang Xu hurriedly advised: "Guaner, just listen to your brother."“ Um. " Jiang Guan nodded, then looked at Yan Qin pleadingly and said, "brother, you must think of a way. You advise Zhong Yi that I really won't divorce him, and I won't divorce him if I die."“ Well, smile, I know. I'll find a way. " Yan Qin said a word, and then said to Yang Xu, "Yang Xu, take Guan Er to the lounge first, and I'll go to find Jin Yan."“ Um. " Yang Xu answered, and then pulled Jiang Guaner, "let's go, Guaner. Let's go to the lounge first." Jiang Guan nodded, then couldn't help looking back at Zhong Yi's ward. It took a while to turn around and follow Yang Xu away. Yan Qin went to find an Jinyan. By now, an Jinyan had got Zhong Yi's blood test report. Looking at the report, an Jinyan's eyebrows tightened“ Jin Yan. " Just now an Jinyan was so focused that Yan Qin came in and scared him. After taking a slow breath, he couldn't help saying, "you man, can you knock on the door before you enter the door?" Yan Qin frowned: "where did you get the broken rules? It's to give you face to come to your office." Hearing this, an Jinyan was really... "Yan Qin, if I can, I really want to cut your tongue with a scalpel!" An Jinyan hates“ I'm not afraid your hospital will be razed to the ground. You can try. " Yan Qin went to the sofa and sat down. He made tea by himself“ You are a typical villain. It's not the time yesterday when you begged me to take my master knife. You really shouldn't help you, a wolf! " An Jinyan said fiercely. Yan Qin smiled coldly. Anyway, he owed an Jinyan a lot of people. Not much. This time, Yan Qin had no time to quarrel with him again. He looked at an Jinyan very seriously and asked, "Zhong Yi's blood test report has come out?" After the operation yesterday, an Jinyan told Yan Qin that Zhong Yi's blood was different, and Yan Qin kept thinking about it. Speaking of this, an Jinyan really had a headache. Then he took the blood test report, frowned and said, "it's strange to say that several data deviated from the normal value, but the deviation was very small, and there was no big problem, But I always felt something was wrong. I took this report to the senior professors in the hospital. They also said there was no big problem. " Although they say so, an Jinyan thinks it is wrong. The numerical deviation is too small, but it is not within the normal numerical range. It is like that kind of edge ball crime. Some definitions can be illegal or not. They are ambiguous. However, it is this subtle and imperceptible difference that makes an Jinyan feel strange. If the values are very different, the person's disease can be determined at a glance. An Jinyan kept looking at the blood test report. Yan Qin took the blood test report away from him and said, "you can study it slowly in the future. Do you have any other problems besides Zhong Yi's body?"“ Like you, Zhong Yi's physical quality is excellent. There's no problem with these skin injuries, but there are still some invisible ones. I don't dare to say to Guan Er that I'm afraid she's worried... "Seeing Yan Qin's nervous appearance, an Jinyan flickered for a moment, and then said carefully:" he seems to have been shocked by a strong current. "“ Electric shock? " Hearing these two words, Yan Qin was shocked“ Yes, it's reasonable to say that high-voltage electric shock like him will die on the spot under normal circumstances. It's a miracle that he can survive, but this electric shock has caused some damage to his myocardium. In addition, he has received a lot of physical strength training before, so the situation is not optimistic. It is reasonable to say that this situation, ranging from amnesia to brain cell death, now it seems that he has escaped these two kinds, but he is not sure whether there is the possibility of sequelae. "“ Sequelae? " Originally, Yan Qin was just immersed in the joy of saving life. Hearing these words, Yan Qin's heart was suddenly stabbed, "what sequelae?"“ It's hard to say at present. Everyone's situation is different. The most common sequelae is that they often have headaches and dizziness, and their consciousness will certainly be affected. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.