Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 257

Haven't you always hated me?

This sentence seems to slap Jiang Guan in the face. Her face is hot. Looking at Zhong Yi, her heart suddenly hurts. Do you dislike it?

Yes, Jiang Guaner's attitude towards him can indeed be described by the word "dislike". She was not generally bad to Zhong Yi before, but suddenly she felt so uncomfortable and sorry for Zhong Yi when Zhong Yi said it.

She closed her mouth tightly, looked at him with regret and said, "I'm sorry, Zhong Yi, I didn't know anything before. I didn't dislike you, I just... I just..."

Just what?

It seems that Jiang Guaner can't find any words to describe it. She said that she bothered him before, didn't want to see him, and never cared about him? How does she say that? What's the difference between these words and dislike?

"You can't say it. I'll say it for you. I've never been in your heart. You only like your brother all the time. Marrying me is just stimulated by your brother. Am I right?"

Zhong Yi's tone was so cold. He had never been like this before, but Jiang Guaner can't deny that he was right. She thought so before. That's what she thought before.

"Why don't you talk? I got it all right? " Zhong Yi looks at Jiang guan'er, and his eyes are everywhere on Jiang guan'er, leaving Jiang Guan's guilty heart nowhere to escape.

But just after that, Zhong Yi coughed violently. Now he is badly hurt and basically has no strength. He was in a mood just now, and his body is torn.

Seeing this, Jiang Guan hurried forward and cried, "what's the matter with you? Zhong Yi, does it hurt? I'll find brother Jinyan. I'll find brother Jinyan right away. "

Now Jiang Guan is flustered and forgets to ring the call bell. She rushes out and runs straight to an Jinyan's office. But it's late at night. There is no one in an Jinyan's office. Where has he gone? Have you got home?

Jiang Guan ran out of an Jinyan's office and happened to meet a doctor on duty. Seeing the doctor on duty, Jiang Guan hurriedly asked, "where's president an? Is Dean an in the hospital now? "

"Oh, I see Dean an seems to be in the lounge, but I don't know if he is still there now. You can go..."

Before the doctor on duty had finished his words, Jiang Guan hurriedly ran to the lounge.

Today, he operated on Zhong Yi. An Jinyan was tired to death, but there was another thing that surprised him. He took part of Zhong Yi's blood for test. He had been waiting for the test results.

Since Tang Qin gave birth to a child, an Jinyan must go back to accompany Tang Qin at night. This is the first time he didn't go home tonight. Tang Qin called back and said that the child had already gone to bed, and she was ready to go to bed. They were all nurseries at home, and an Jinyan was relieved.

When Jiang Guan arrived at the lounge, an Jinyan had just fallen asleep. Jiang Guan couldn't care about anything, so she called an Jinyan directly.

"Brother Jinyan, brother Jinyan, wake up."

An Jinyan, who was awakened, opened his eyes and looked at Jiang Guaner. He sat up and asked, "what's the matter, Guaner?"

"Brother Jinyan, go and have a look. Zhong Yi wakes up, but he seems very uncomfortable now. Go and have a look."

"Is he awake? OK, I'll be right there. " Then an Jinyan hurriedly ran out.

When an Jinyan and Jiang guan'er returned to the ward again, they couldn't help but be startled. Zhong Yi had a terrible headache and his wound hurt. He grabbed the bed sheet tightly, and the bed sheet couldn't help being scratched. An Jinyan hurriedly gave him first aid. Finally, he had to give him a tranquilizer before he let Zhong Yi sleep again. An Jinyan said to Jiang Guan: "if this happens again in the future, first call the doctor on duty. There are people in the office on duty for 24 hours. You run around like you and call people, delaying the first aid

It's a big deal. "

Hearing this, Jiang Guan said repeatedly, "yes, I panicked when I saw that big Zhong Yi was uncomfortable just now, so I..."

"Fortunately, he's fine this time. Remember next time."

"Yes." Jiang Guan nodded hurriedly, then hurriedly asked an Jin Yan, "what about him? Why is he so miserable? "

"Of course he's hurt badly. He must have been tortured. Some can see the scars, some can't see them. It's troublesome if he can't see them. Don't worry. I've given him an injection. He's sleeping now. It won't hurt so much when he wakes up."

"OK, thank you, brother Jinyan."

"No thanks. Take good care of him. Remember to ring the call bell first."

"OK." Jiang Guan nodded, and then an Jinyan turned to go. Jiang Guan wanted to stop him again, but she thought about it. She watched an Jinyan go out. Originally, she wanted to ask an Jinyan. When she woke up just now, Zhong Yi was very abnormal. She wanted to ask if there were any drugs or other reasons that affected his mood, but she thought it was ridiculous. It was clearly that she was bad to Zhong Yi before. Now Zhong Yi has suffered these torments

A kind of grievance, a kind of vent.

These are facts. What does she want to ask an Jinyan?

When Zhong Yi fell asleep, Jiang Guaner always sat by his hospital bed and watched. Thinking about Zhong Yi's expression just now and thinking about what Zhong Yi said, she felt heartache. She was really sorry for Zhong Yi. She was really sorry for him. Jiang Guaner hung her head and shed tears. She swore that she would treat Zhong Yi well in the future, just as Yan Qin told her, and hurt him well. Since Zhong Yi woke up and went to sleep, Jiang Guaner didn't dare to close her eyes again. She was sober enough to watch him until dawn. After dawn, she took out her mobile phone and called Yan Qin“ Hello, brother, Zhong Yi woke up last night. "“ Zhong Yi wakes up? " Yan Qin was delighted to hear this, and then hurriedly said, "well, I'll be there right away." Put down the cell phone, Jiang Guaner took a long breath and thought, and then continued to guard him. I don't know how long it took to see Zhong Yi's fingers move. Then she remembered an Jinyan's words this time. She hurriedly rang the call bell. When Zhong Yi woke up, the doctor came in. Jiang Guan hurriedly said, "doctor, he woke up. You can help check it again." Zhong Yi slowly opened his eyes. Then the doctor brought the equipment, made an ECG, took his temperature and examined the wound“ How's it going, doctor? "“ The situation is fairly stable. Call me again if there is any situation. "“ OK, thank you, doctor. " After the doctor left, Jiang Guan looked at Zhong Yi and asked carefully, "Zhong Yi, how are you feeling now? Are you hungry? Shall I go and make you something to eat? " Zhong Yi slightly closed his eyes and alleviated the pain. His eyes looked at Jiang Guaner. Jiang Guaner felt afraid when he looked at her like this. She couldn't help saying this: "Zhong Yi, don't look at me like this, I'm afraid..." afraid? " Reading these two words, Zhong Yi smiled, because there was no blood on his face at the moment. Such a smile was also particularly sad, like a self mocking smile. He looked at Jiang and asked, "are you afraid of me, too? Are you afraid of someone you despise? " Hearing this, Jiang Guaner cried bitterly. She quickly explained, "no, Zhong Yi, no, I don't look down on it, never..." "I never look down on it, and never care about it, right?" Although Zhong Yi's voice is very weak, his tone is very heavy, and his expression is also very heavy. "Zhong Yi, I'm sorry, I'm sorry." In the face of this, Zhong Yijiang smiled a little collapsed and felt even more uncomfortable. "I was not sensible before, I didn't understand how to cherish, I didn't know what to do, and I was willful, but that was all before. Now I'm your wife, and I've decided to live with you well. In the future, I'll take good care of you, I'll hurt you well, and I'll never hurt you again, You don't have to accommodate me anymore. I listen to you and everything. "“ No need. " After Jiang Guan said this, Zhong Yi said coldly, "you don't have to say this against your heart. Even if I'm a dog raised by your brother, you don't have to pity me so much." Jiang Guaner was silly to hear this. Zhong Yi would not say it before he died, and he would not think about it. She hurriedly said, "Zhong Yi, what are you talking about? I don't sympathize with you or pity you. I really mean it to you. "“ No more. " Zhong Yi said decisively, "a forced twist is not sweet. You married me just to annoy your brother, and you, the daughter of the commander, Miss Jiang family, are also a red star in the entertainment industry. I can't stand it." Can't afford to climb? what do you mean? Hearing Zhong Yi's words, Jiang Guan was silly. She looked at Zhong Yi and muttered, "what do you mean?"“ Divorce. " Zhong Yi said this sentence very simply“ Zhong Yi, i... I didn't want to divorce you, and I won't divorce you. "“ But I think. " Zhong Yi said, "you are a public figure now. I don't want to make things too big. It's best to divorce peacefully. It's not good for anyone to go to court."“ Zhong Yi, what's the matter with you? " Hearing Zhong Yi say that Jiang Guan felt so uncomfortable, she cried helplessly, "what happened? Are you blaming me for not looking for you after you disappeared? No, we're all looking for you, but we really haven't heard from you, so... "Jiang Guaner went up and held Zhong Yi's arm, but as soon as he met him, Zhong Yi threw her away:" I said don't touch me! " Jiang Guan was helpless and sobbed. Just then Yan Qin and Yang Xu came in. Seeing this, Yan Qin hurriedly asked, "what's the matter?" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.