Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 244

The surrounding environment is very dark, without a little sunshine. It's so black that you can't see your fingers. Then there are some terrible torture tools in front of you, and then


His face is full of blood, that is, a bloody man lies in the center of the torture tool, slowly, slowly, his face and his rough breathing sound are getting weaker and weaker, weaker and weaker.

But what he said, Jiang Guaner heard very clearly. He just stretched out his hand to her, his face was very ferocious, and climbed over to her bit by bit.

"Smile... I miss you so much, I really miss you so much... Help me... Help me..."

Seeing this terrible scene, Jiang Guan wanted to escape, but she couldn't escape. She couldn't escape anyway. Her body seemed to be bound by something. Even if she couldn't run, she couldn't escape. Then the bloody man climbed towards her and grabbed her clothes. Soon, her clothes were stained with blood.

"Smile, help me, help me."

He just kept pulling her clothes and pleading, and then she looked at his face, it was

"Ah!" In her dream, Jiang Guaner shouted out in fright. Cold sweat also came out. She was very afraid and shouted, "brother, brother!"

Hearing Jiang Guan er's panic cry, Yan Qin, who was preparing to take Yang Xu to dinner, hurriedly ran into Jiang Guan er's room. Jiang Guan ER was sweating and trembling with fear.

"What's the matter? Smile. " Jiang Guan couldn't think of anything. She was very afraid. She grabbed Yan Qin's clothes and said, "brother, I just dreamed of Zhong Yi. I dreamed of Zhong Yi. He was covered with blood. He asked me to save him. He asked me to save him. Where did he suffer? He's not dead, he's not

Dead, brother! "

Just now, Jiang Guaner's dream is really true, really scary. It's completely like what's in front of him.

"Brother, do you think Zhong Yi is suffering somewhere now? Or did he blame us for being buried without finding his body? Is he angry? Are you angry? " Now Jiang Guan Er is completely disoriented. The dream just now is really terrible and lifelike. As soon as she finished speaking, before Yan Qin could speak, she said first: "no, he must not be dead, he must not be dead. I have to find him, or he will blame me. I have to find him

He, I have to go... "He said, Jiang guan'er is like a ghost. When he got out of bed, Yan Qin hurriedly grabbed her and said," guan'er, wake up. It's just a nightmare. Where are you going now? The whole north slope has been searched. Where else do you want to find it


Where else to find? Where else to find?

At this time, Jiang Guan's mind was blank, and then she suddenly thought of something. She quickly grabbed Yan Qin and asked, "what about Jing Lun? Got it? Could it be that he took Zhong Yi away for revenge? "


Of course, Yan Qin thought about it, but when Jinglun went down the tunnel, he was covered by himself. There was no one else.

Another thing, when he took people to attack, he just looked at whether Yang Xu was good, as if he hadn't seen Zhong Yi since he went up.

"Well, smile, don't think about it. Don't think about it. It's just a dream, just a dream." Yan Qin was calm.


Jiang Guaner's nerves are probably weak. It seems that Zhong Yi's shadow is when she closes her eyes. After living for so many years, she has tasted such pain for the first time. It's really painful,

Is this love?

Jiang Guan took a long breath, calmed herself, and said, "I think too much. Well, go and be busy. I've packed everything. I'll change my clothes and go back to Jiang's house now."“ Smile, now the Jiang family is just you. It's better to live here. " Yang Xu hurriedly said something, but Jiang Guan Er shook her head and said firmly, "no, your family of five can live a good life. I am an outsider, and I don't want to let your mood change because of me

Affected, similarly, I want to be alone. "

Jiang Guaner has made a decision, and Yang Xu doesn't persuade him anymore. After dinner, Yan Qin drives Jiang Guaner home with Yang Xu.

The Jiang family, it seems that he hasn't come back for four years since Jiang Zhan's death. It's a grand house. But if Jiang Guan has several servants now, it's really a cold place.

"Smile, you must take good care of yourself and call your brother if you have anything."

"OK, I see. You drive carefully on the road."

Jiang Guan didn't leave them much. After telling them, she went into the house alone with her luggage. Yan Qin hugged Yang Xu's body and said, "let's go."

"I can't bear to see smile like this." Yang Xu couldn't help saying, "it seems that after Zhong Yi disappeared, Guan er's whole person has changed."

"It's that she's been hit too hard. I hope she can come out early."


Yan Qin and Yang Xu got on the bus one after another. After getting on the bus, Yan Qin said, "I'll take you for a pregnancy test."

"Pregnancy test?" Hearing this, Yang Xu had a headache. "I said I checked it all. Everything is fine and the baby is very healthy."

"I'm not sure if I'm not accompanied, so I'll go again. And you haven't seen Tang Qin since you came back this time? You can just go and see her and listen to Jin Yan saying that their baby is about to leave the hospital. "

"Really?" Speaking of Tang Qin, Yang Xu really didn't see her again since the day she gave birth to her child, and didn't go to see how the baby was.


Yan Qin took Yang Xu to the hospital. After arriving at the hospital, he gave her various pregnancy tests. Everything was fine. After the pregnancy test, Yang Xu went to see Tang Qin.

Tang Qin was in confinement and worried about her children, so an Jinyan didn't tell her about Yang Xu's kidnapping at all.

"Yang Yang, where have you been these days? Why don't you come and see me? " Seeing Yang Xu coming in, Tang Qin was both happy and angry.

Yang Xu smiled faintly and said, "because there's something wrong, I'm not feeling well."

"What's the matter?" On hearing this, Tang Qin was nervous, "is it because he gave me a blood transfusion? What's wrong? "

"No, it's... I have it again."

"Again?" Hearing this, Tang Qin first had a meal, and then said in surprise, "are you pregnant again?"

"Yes." Yang Xu nodded.

Tang Qin was really stupid and asked, "really?"

Yang Xu nodded determinedly again. Tang Qin really thought it was incredible.

"You... My God, you two are a little more powerful. It's only a few days since you remarried. Are you married again?" Tang Qin was really surprised. "It's a pity that the physical examination said you couldn't have a second child and a third child. If you said you could have a third child a year."

Hearing Tang Qin's words, Yang Xu glanced and said, "when I'm an old sow?"

"No, almost."

Yang Xu had a flat mouth and didn't bother to quarrel with her on this issue. Yang Xu was busy and asked, "how's the child now?"

"Very good. The doctor said that I could be discharged in a week at most. Hey, I can finally hold my baby. I'm really excited to think about it."

"Good things take a lot of time. What will wait for you in the future will be happiness."

"I love to hear that."

"Here comes Yang Xu." At this time, an Jinyan came in and saw him come in. Yang Xu hurriedly got up and shouted, "Dean an."

"Well, sit down." An Jinyan said.

"Oh, by the way, my baby hasn't named yet. Jinyan and I have never thought of a satisfactory one. Yangyang, think of one."


"Yes." An Jinyan also said hurriedly, "you saved Tang Qin's life. It's also meaningful for you to think of one for your child."

"Then I have to think about it..." Yang Xu thought carefully, "well, I can't think of a good one for a while. Are you in a hurry? If it's not urgent, I'll think about it. "

"Don't worry, take your time."

"Well, I'll think of a good one for bao'er."

"Yang Yang, I've been thinking about something recently. Haven't you held a wedding with President Yan yet? Why don't you get married? " Tang Qin asked.

"Yan Qin mentioned last time that he would do it. He may have to wait."“ What are you waiting for? Besides, you're pregnant. Wait until your stomach is big? Or wait for this to happen? It's no small deal for Yan Zong to have a wedding. In addition, didn't Jiang Guaner and Zhong Yi have a wedding? You can have a group wedding together. How lively it is!

Speaking of this, Yang Xu and an Jinyan looked at each other, then bowed their heads, saw that Tang Qin couldn't touch his head here, and hurriedly asked, "what's the matter? Did I say something wrong? "

Now Zhong Yi seems to be a pain in everyone's heart. No one deliberately mentions it, but he can't forget it. Speaking of him, there will be a pain in his heart.

This is true for Yang Xu, especially for Jiang Guaner. When a person returns to Jiang's house, Jiang Guaner locks herself in the room and feels that she is the only one left in the world.

In fact, just as Yan Qin asked Zhong Yi before, they had nothing. Although they were married, they didn't sleep in the same bed, and Zhong Yi didn't force it. Everything depended on her.

People are really cheap things. Sometimes they don't know how to cherish them. Once they lose them, they are full of Zhong Yi's good, and full of Zhong Yi's silly appearance in front of her.

How long has it been?

For a month

Zhong Yi has been missing for a month and the funeral has been held for so long, but why do you have illusions? Zhong Yi, are you really dead? If not, why don't you come back to me?

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.