Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 243

No one ate the meal well. Jiang Guan ate like a wolf. She could see that she swallowed while holding back her tears. It was not easy to see her like this.

After dinner, Jiang Guaner went back to the room, closed the door and never came out again. Yan Qin and Yang Xu were not easy to disturb. They all knew that Jiang Guaner was uncomfortable now, and what they said in the room was hypocritical. Just don't say anything“ Mommy, what's the matter with my aunt? Why is she unhappy? " Children naturally don't understand this. After dinner, Xiaobai took Yang Xu and asked. Yang Xu reluctantly smiled, stroked her little head and said, "you children don't understand. In fact, adults have a lot of troubles. When they grow up in the future

I know. Of course, Mommy hopes you can be happy forever. "

"Oh..." Yang Xu said that these little white people don't understand at all. They can only nod like they know something but don't understand it.

"Well, my baby, hurry to wash and sleep, good dream." Yang Xu bowed and kissed Da Bai and Xiao Bai.

Dabai and Xiaobai also nodded and said, "OK, Mommy, you should go to bed early, and our Xiaobai, we must have a good rest and don't let our mommy get angry."

Listening to what Xiaobai said to Xiaobai, Yang Xu really felt very loving. She smiled at the two little guys and watched them enter the bathroom.

The two little guys can take care of themselves completely. It's very easy. After taking a bath, the two little guys went to bed.

After they all went to bed, Yang Xu looked at Jiang guan'er's room and really wanted to push the door to see what she was doing, but she couldn't do so. If she was sad and wanted to cry, she would also give her an environment to heal herself.

"Come on, Yang Xu, I'll take you to take a bath." Jiang Guan Er went back to the room, and Da Bai and Xiao Bai also went to bed. Yan Qin directly picked up Yang Xu and went to the bathroom. Yang Xu hurriedly said, "put me down quickly. I can take a bath myself."

"You are a pregnant woman now. The first three months are the most important. The floor of the bath is slippery. What if you slip? Questions about children must not be careless. " Yan Qin said that he was poker faced, and then he picked up yang to get into the bathroom. Then Yan Qin took care of Yang Xu and stepped into the bathtub carefully. After entering the bath, Yang Xu completely handed his body to Yan Qin. He closed his eyes slightly and relaxed his body.

When floating, everything in the world was quiet and empty, only his gentle touch and his warm embrace.

A thought came into my heart. Time stopped at this moment, the water temperature was always warm, and his arms were always in peace at shallow night. Everything was well. All the external haze went with the wind. I couldn't think of anything. I felt that it was just beauty, happiness, happiness and beauty.

It's just a pity that it's impossible for time to stop at this moment, just as the water in the bath will always cool off, but fortunately, the water cools off, but his arms are getting warmer and warmer. I don't know if it's because the weather is getting cooler. The warm water in a large bath seems to cool off soon. During this short period, Yan Qin has been washing her body. Feeling the water temperature drop, Yan Qin took her out of the bath, wiped her body, put on her sleeping clothes, and then gave her a baby

Carefully wipe her hair again, and then blow dry. Everything is done very carefully and carefully.

In fact, after all this, Yan Qin took her out of the bathroom, and he just soaked in water without taking a bath at all.

Yang Xu is really happy at the moment, but he is really sad when he thinks about Jiang Guaner and Zhong Yi.

"Yan Qin, isn't it cruel to mourn Zhong Yi so soon? Did you really give up? Now I'm really sad to see Guan Er like this. I can tell from her words before. Now slowly she has feelings for Zhong Yi, but now... "

Speaking of this, Yang Xu's eyes were red. She really wanted to blame herself. It was all her fault.

Hearing this, Yan Qin also lay down in front of Yang Xu. His hand naturally slid slowly in her abdomen and said, "I don't want to. I can only say that if it's just to let him go to Earth early, but mourning doesn't mean giving up. As long as I can't find his body one day, I have to hold hope in my heart."

"Yes, me too. I always think Zhong Yi can come back."

"Yes." Hearing this, Yan Qin smiled and said, "maybe go to sleep. Zhong Yi will be back tomorrow, and then Guan Er won't have to go back to Jiang's house alone."

How beautiful

If so, how good it would be.

Yang Xu slowly closed his eyes and felt his hand stroking her abdomen. At the beginning, he stroked her whole abdomen. Later, slowly, he concentrated in the center of her lower abdomen and stopped. In fact, Yang Xu's lower abdomen is flat now, and he can't see any signs of pregnancy at all, but he still looks for the most central position. The warmth of his palm is close to her skin, seeping into her blood bit by bit, and then flowing to the core position in her abdomen, where,

The life bred by him and her is growing quietly

Although this is the second child, the arrival of this child has also brought them great, which is a gift from God. However, if the gift of life is a reward to Yang Xu, it is better to say that God was moved by Yan Qin's infatuation and persistence.

For no reason, she suddenly wanted to cry

At the moment, her husband softened her abdomen and the children inside. She felt the feeling. She felt that the children in her stomach also felt it. A family of five, what a big family, this is the happiness she wants, this is the home she wants.

So, the rain of happiness began to fall again, and his eyes fell on his pillow.

"My treasure, be strong..." his gentle voice bloomed in her mind, as if there was a continuous echo, hitting her heart.

My treasure, be strong. Yan Qin's kiss fell on her eyes. Then she moved down, and a very light movement slid on her. She couldn't help trembling slightly. Her hands subconsciously grasped the sheet. She didn't know what he was going to do. When she was wondering, she saw him holding on to her side in the dark shadow

Kiss her belly

In terms of demand, this man has always been high and urgent, but this time is different, which is different from any kiss. This is a kiss without any erotic color. It is so warm, pure, gentle and pious. His posture of bending over seems to be worshipping the holy thing.

He loved the child very much, no less than her love. At the moment, he was under far more pressure than her. Thinking of this, Yang Xu's heart tightened and his hand clutching the sheet couldn't help reaching out to touch his head, but it seemed that it didn't affect his mood at all.

His kiss was still there, and her body gradually relaxed in his kiss and closed her eyes. The tears moved in it tried to flow back until they were wet from the bottom of her eyes to her heart. It was not bitter, but sweet

Finally, his kiss stopped, but like other expectant fathers, he put his ears on her abdomen and listened attentively. Yang Xu didn't bother. She liked this feeling.

After listening for a long time, he slowly moved up. He felt that his hand first explored her arm, as if it was really testing her temperature, and then moved up completely and pecked gently on her lips.

And this shallow lipstick has no love, just like wiping the falling leaves on the window lattice in the quiet moonlight, silent and quiet.

She was gently hugged into her arms by him, and his lips were close to her ears. Only she could hear in a low voice: "I heard our child is very good, and he has fallen asleep now..."

His voice is so ethereal, like floating in the air and gently floating in her mind, like wind chimes and clear springs. Listen carefully and feel comfortable.

Hearing this sentence, Yang Xu smiled, the child slept in his stomach, and his husband warned in his ear. So far, it is peaceful, peaceful and reassuring.

Leaning in his arms, he felt that his body was about to be melted by him. Not long after, Yang Xu closed his eyes and went to sleep.

Maybe, as Yan Qin said, maybe you can sleep and Zhong Yi will come back tomorrow. Maybe everything will be better. Yang Xu slept very well tonight. When she woke up, the sun in the window was bright and dazzling. As usual, the person beside the bed had disappeared, but she knew he didn't leave. She was in the villa, so she indulged herself once, closed her eyes a little, and went back to bed

After pregnancy, she really became lazy and sleepy. Sure enough, before long, Yan Qin came in with a big tray in his hand. There were all kinds of nutritious breakfast on the tray. When she woke up, Yan Qin smiled and the sun shone on his face. His smile was pure and bright. Yang Xu suddenly thought of a word - Qing Guo Qing Cheng

Perhaps this word is not suitable for men, but Yang Xu thinks that only this word is the most appropriate. As they say, this man is a freak, but a real demon.

"Is the wife awake? How did you sleep last night? " Yan Qin first put the tray aside, sat down in front of the bed, reached out and gently lifted her messy hair in front of her forehead.

"I would have slept better if I hadn't been disturbed by you last night." Yang Xu said these words with duplicity.

"Really?" Yan Qin smiled knowingly and said deliberately, "well, not in the future. Does his wife have an appetite now? Would you like something to eat first? "

"Well, I'll eat it after I wash." Yang Xu actually has no appetite, but now he is not responsible for himself but also for his children.

Xu is true, Xu is psychological. Yang Xu feels that she has a strong reaction during pregnancy, sleepiness, nausea, some irritability and some anorexia, but no matter how anorexic, she will eat some for her children.

Hearing that she wanted to eat after washing, Yan Qin simply handed the washed things to Yang Xu, which made Yang Xu helpless. Did he really make her a piece of paper?

Not to mention that Yan Qin directly fed her breakfast, but she was very frustrated. As soon as she finished eating, nausea came. She covered her mouth and hurriedly jumped out of bed and ran to the bathroom. Yan Qin also hurriedly followed in and held her when she vomited in the pool.

After vomiting, Yan Qin quickly patted her on the back and asked, "how do you feel?"

Yang Xu didn't feel comfortable at all now. He felt that there was always something rolling in his stomach. He quickly turned on the hot water and twisted a hot towel with one hand to wipe her hands and face.

"How about now? Still want to throw up? " He rinsed her mouth with water from a water cup. Yang Xu vomited weakly. He took the water cup and washed it in his mouth, and then shook his head slowly: "it's all right. This is the normal reaction of pregnant women. You don't have to be nervous."“ You're pregnant with my baby now. How can I not be nervous? " Yan Qin said. Yang Xu smiled, then looked around and asked, "Alas, where's the smile? Why didn't you hear anything? " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.