Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 174

Yan Qin drove home with Da Bai and Xiao Bai. As soon as he entered the house, Yan Qin was really mixed with feelings. He took his children home.

"Wow, daddy, your house is so big and beautiful!" Xiaobai stared at here as soon as she came in. There seemed to be some light in those big eyes, "like a beautiful castle in a fairy tale."

"Does Da Bai and Xiao Bai like it here?" Hearing what Xiaobai said, Yan Qin asked the two little guys with a faint smile.

"Well, I like it. I like it very much." Big white and small white all say so. They always want to touch more when they see beautiful things they yearn for.

"Just like it, Da Bai and Xiao Bai. Remember, this is not Daddy's home, but your home. All daddy's things are yours, you know?" Now Yan Qin wants to give the whole world to two children.

"Well... I know." Da Bai and Xiao Bai thought about it and nodded.

Yan Qin smiled and nodded. Looking at these two lovely and sensible little guys, why didn't he regret it?

How good would it be if their family of four lived together? The cruelty of life is that there is no if.

The thought that Yang Xu had married Heyuan City and that Da Bai and Xiao Bai might call another man's father exploded his heart like firecrackers.

"Daddy, daddy?" Da Bai shouted to Yan Qin. Yan Qin quickly stopped thinking, looked at Da Bai and asked, "what's the matter, Da Bai?"

"Daddy, where is the bathroom? Big white wants to get rid of it. "

"OK, daddy will take you. Come on, Xiaobai, daddy." Yan Qin still picked them up and took Dabai to the bathroom. Dabai was very small. The adult hurried in and closed the door and said he wanted to go by himself.

"Daddy, where have you been for so long? Bai said there was no outer space. Where did you go and why did you appear now? " Xiaobai looks at Yan Qin and asks.

When asked about this sentence, Yan Qin's heart tingled. He squatted down and looked straight at Xiaobai's eyes, such as water's eyes. When looking at the bright and clean eyes, the waves were not quiet, covering too many feelings and too many sadness. Xiaobai couldn't understand. Naturally, he didn't want her to understand.

"Daddy is bad. He hasn't grown up with Dabai and Xiaobai these years, but I will always be by your side. You should remember that there is no father in the world who doesn't love his children, and so do I."

"Oh." Xiaobai naturally doesn't understand Yan Qin's inexplicable sadness. He can only nod his head, then Dudu mouth, looked up and asked, "Daddy, can I go to other places in the house?"

"Of course." At this time, Dabai also came out of the bathroom. Yan Qin led the two little guys.

The villa is very big, with two floors and an attic. At the moment, Da Bai and Xiao Bai are like a curious baby. Look around and see where you like it.

Yan Qin took Da Bai and Xiao Bai up and down. After reading it, Xiao Bai asked, "Daddy, do you live alone here?"

After reading it all up and down, Xiaobai feels a little tired and feels that this place is really big. Because of this, Xiaobai feels that Yan Qin is the only one who is incredible.

"Yes." Yan Qin was very upset.

"Don't you feel lonely, daddy?" Dabai asked this sentence as an adult, and because this casual sentence completely pierced Yan Qin's heart. Lonely, reading these two words, Yan Qin first thought of Yang Xu. Yes, living alone in such a large place is really lonely, but even now he is willing to pour all his love to melt the bottom of his heart. This loneliness is useless, just because the person who can melt his loneliness no longer belongs to him

He's gone.

The night is quiet like water, the moon is cold, soft and hazy, the night is thick, the moonlight is clear, the high-profile neon of the city and the low extravagant dark blue of the lights are intertwined in front of the window, reflected on his face, emitting that faint sadness. Those eyes seem to hide unspeakable injuries, but they want to hide but cover up.

"Well, don't say this, big white and small white. What do you want to eat? Daddy will make it for you."

"Daddy can eat whatever he needs."

"Well... Think about it, Xiaobai wants a lot of cakes, bread, hairy crabs, crayfish and meat."

When Xiaobai said this, Yan Qin couldn't help smiling, pinched her cheek and said, "it's really a snack. Daddy can make it for you, but it's bad to eat too much cake. You can eat it occasionally, but you can't eat it all the time, you know?"

"Xiao Bai won't eat cake today."

"Xiaobai is so good."

Yan Qin said to Dabai again, "Dabai, take Xiaobai to play for a while. Pay attention to safety. Daddy will cook dinner for you."


These two little guys really saved adults' worry. Da Bai took Xiao Bai around the house, and Yan Qin went out of the kitchen.

Yan Qin was still worried about white and white while cooking. He shouted from time to time, don't run around.

"Big white, little white, stop playing and have dinner." After doing it, Yan Qin shouted to them.

Dabai and Xiaobai ran over when they heard the sound. When they saw Yan Qin making so many delicious Xiaobai, their eyes lit up: "Wow, daddy, you're great!"

"Go wash your hands and get ready for dinner."

"OK." Big white and little white answered, and then rushed to the bathroom.

Yan Qin arranged all the dinner. The half closed door was pushed open. Jiang Guan said and came in: "I smelled the smell just at the door."

With that, Jiang Guan came in, put the things in her hand on the table and explained, "I passed the drugstore today and bought you some stomach medicine."

Then she looked at so many delicious food on the table and was surprised: "brother, how did you do so much today? Know I'm coming? "

"Daddy, we're ready." Jiang Guan Er just finished, big white and small white ran out.

When she saw the two little guys and heard them calling Yan Qin's father, Jiang Guan was surprised. She quickly looked at Yan Qin and asked, "what's going on? Why are they here? "

"Of course my child will be here." Yan Qin explained faintly, and then said to Da Bai and Xiao Bai, "Da Bai and Xiao Bai, come on, eat quickly."

"Good stepmother. Will stepmother eat with us?" Big white mouth.

"Stepmother?" Yan Qin was surprised when he heard the name, "Da Bai, what was your name just now, stepmother?"

"Yes, what Mommy said. She asked us not to make stepmother angry and not to give you trouble."

Hearing this, Yan Qin was really angry. She married herself and had to press the hat on him.

"I'll never call you stepmother, stepmother Bai." Yan Qin explained to the two children.

Xiaobai is a little confused. She doesn't know whether to listen to Yang Xu's stepmother or Yan Qin's aunt.

"Good aunt." Big white shouted out first, and little white hurriedly shouted out, "good aunt."

At the moment, Jiang Guan's angry face was purple. She was very angry and said to Yan Qin, "brother, I have something to tell you."

Yan Qin first said to the two little guys, "big white, little white, you eat first. Daddy will come in a minute."


Seeing that they began to eat, Yan Qin and Jiang Guaner walked away. Jiang Guaner couldn't help asking, "brother, why are these two kids here? What do they call you? Daddy? "

"Of course my child should call it that." Yan Qin said it firmly.

"Your child?" Jiang Guan really wanted to die, "how can they be your children? Have you proved it? "


Jiang Guan was surprised again and asked, "how did you prove it? Have you done DNA? "

"Smile." Yan Qin looked at Jiang guan'er very seriously and said, "I know what you think, but I told you long ago that I am your brother and we will never be together."

"But Yang Xu is married now!" Jiang Guan was angry and aggrieved. "She is already someone else's wife. Brother, what are you still stubborn about? Why don't you just look at the person in front of you? When Yang Xu was there, you were stubborn. Now you are someone else's wife. Do you want to be stubborn? "

"It has nothing to do with whether she is someone else's wife."

"Do you mean you want to grab her from Heyuan City?" Jiang Guaner was very excited.

"If I wanted to, I wouldn't have let go."

"Isn't that good?" Jiang Guan asked, "in that case, you should completely forget her."

"What I'm telling you now is not about Yang Xu. I'm telling you that we can't do it with or without Yang Xu!"

Yan Qin said very firmly. Jiang Guan looked at him, tears rolling in her eyes: "Yan Qin, I have been waiting for you for four years after your divorce. Even if you have a heart of stone, should you be moved?" Yan Qin seemed to sigh heavily, and then said, "I'm very moved, but it has nothing to do with feelings. Smile, I'm not only divorced, but now I have two children. Why bother you? You say I have a heart of stone. Zhong Yi has been waiting for you for so many years. Why don't you turn a blind eye to you

Intestines? "

Jiang Guan clenched her lips, looked at him with tears and asked, "I asked you for the last time. Do you take into account Zhong Yi if you don't promise to be with me?"

"No, just because I don't love you, just because you are my sister. For the last time, I can never accept you!" Yan Qin said firmly that it was to make her give up, completely give up. Jiang Guan Er bit her lips as if she were going to bite and bleed. She looked at Yan Qin with hatred: "well, that's what you said, Yan Qin, who do you think you are? I'm the daughter of Jiang Guan er's grand commander. Now it's red and purple. How many men chase me. Why do I have to rely on you, a divorced man? I tell you

You, if you refuse me today, you will regret it, and you will regret it! "

Said Jiang Guaner ran out crying, Yan Qin sighed heavily, then hurriedly picked up the phone and called Zhong Yi: "Zhong Yi, Guaner just had a quarrel with me and ran out. I'm worried that she has something to do. Go find her." With that, Yan Qin hung up the phone. His heart suddenly became very heavy. He asked himself, isn't it really because of Yang Xu?

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.