Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 173

Yan Qin did what he said. Yang Xu went to pick up the children in the afternoon. Yan Qin had been waiting there.

Seeing Yan Qin Yang Xu walking past, Yan Qin said, "I hope Miss Yang can remember what she said."

She said it herself?

Explain to the two little guys as soon as possible, and then Yan Qin takes them to stay for a few days?

"OK, I will." Yan Qin is their father, which is his right. As Yan Qin said, she has deprived him of his right for so long.

"Big white, little white!" Seeing the two children coming out, Yan Qin came forward and greeted them with a smile.

Seeing Yan Qin coming, the two little guys were very excited and surprised: "handsome uncle, why are you here?"

"Come and pick you up from school."

"Really?" Xiaobai was particularly excited. "Is that handsome uncle going to visit our house? Do you want to make delicious food for Xiaobai? "

"How do you know to eat?" Big white despised, "uncle is a guest when he comes to our house. It's polite not to let the guest cook."

"You're rude!" Xiaobai pouted and gave a big white look.

Yan Qin smiled and said to Xiaobai, "what my brother said is also reasonable, but of course my uncle is happy to make delicious food for Xiaobai. When you go home with your uncle, my uncle will make it for you, okay?"

"Yes, yes, Xiaobai is willing to be a guest at his uncle's house."

"Xiaobai, you are really not reserved."

"I call it enthusiasm." Xiaobai explained.

Yan Qin smiled. How did his children like it.

"Well, uncle, take you home." Yan Qin said so voluntarily.

Both of them came by car, but Yan Qin said so, and Yang Xu didn't say anything. He just got into his car with big and small white.

Along the way, Yan Qin said a few words to big and small Bai from time to time while driving the car, but Yan Qin and Yang Xu didn't talk from beginning to end.

After sending them to Longfeng garden, Bai politely waved to Yan Qin. Yang Xu took two little guys into the yard, and Yan Qin turned around and left.

Because he had something in mind, Yang Xu ate a little for dinner. After Xiaobai took a bath, Yang Xu called them into the room and closed the door.

"Da Bai, Xiao Bai, mommy has something very important to tell you now." Yang Xu is very serious. Although the two children are only more than three years old, they are already sensible. Naturally, Yang Xu can't relax when talking to them like this.

"What's the matter? Mommy, Xiaobai and I performed very well at school today." Dabai said a word first.

Yang Xu smiled: "Mommy knows that you and Xiaobai are doing well in school. Mommy doesn't tell you about school, but has something important to tell you."

"What's important, Mommy?" Yang Xu was stunned, looked at the two little guys and said slowly, "Da Bai, Xiao Bai, didn't you ask me about your father yesterday? Mommy is really sorry for this. What you need to know is that you, like other children, are children with a father

Son, and your father loves you very much. It's Mommy's fault that he never appeared. Mommy separated from your father as soon as she was pregnant, so she hasn't mentioned it to you. Now Mommy should seriously say sorry to you. "

Hearing the heat, Dabai and Xiaobai looked at each other. Dabai quickly said, "Mommy, we don't blame you. Mommy is very kind to us. Xiaobai and I are happy."

"Yes, Mommy, don't tell us you're sorry." Yang Xu didn't know whether they said this because they didn't understand or because they were really sensible, but anyway, she was wrong. She smiled happily and said, "my big white and little white are really sensible, but mommy's words haven't finished yet. Big white and little white, don't you always like what you say

Handsome uncle? "

"Yes, we like it very much."

"Well, in the future, you should change your words to him. You can't call him handsome uncle, but his father. He is the one who has been separated from Mommy, that is, your father, you know?"

Yang Xu doesn't know whether such an explanation is good or not, but she really can't say too much to the child, and the intrigues between adults should not let the child know too much.

"Mommy, you said uncle Shuai was our father?" Hearing this, Xiaobai's eyes lit up, "really?"

"It's true. Can you accept it?" Yang Xu looked at them worried.

Xiaobai nodded first: "of course I can accept it. I like that uncle very much. He is more handsome than the prince in the cartoon and can cook delicious food. It's cool to have such a daddy. If my little friends know that I have such a handsome father, they will envy me to death."

Xiaobai's face is infatuated with small flowers. In contrast, Xiaobai's idea should be simpler. Dabai is different. He thinks more. Yang Xu is afraid that Dabai can't accept it.

"What about you, Bai, do you understand Mommy?"

Dabai looked serious, then looked at Yang Xu and asked, "Mommy, uncle Shuai is our father, so you're not a couple, aren't we a family?"

Sure enough, Da Bai needs to know more. Yang Xu doesn't know how to answer this question. She slowly said, "it used to be, but it's not now. Da Bai, you're still very young, and you don't understand when you're an adult. When you grow up, Mommy will tell you everything, okay?"

"Well, then we'll change uncle Guan Shuai's name to daddy?"

"Yes, because he is your father. You should love him, respect him and love him like mommy, do you hear me?"

Big white and small white nodded wisely: "OK."

Listening to these two little guys say so, Yang Xu smiled happily, and then hugged them with a very compassionate tone: "it's really my good child, Da Bai and Xiao Bai. Mommy is busy at work these two days. Will you two stay with your father for a few days first?"

"Go to daddy's house for a few days?" Da Bai and Xiao Bai were surprised.

"Yes, don't you envy children with dadies? In the future, you also have a father. You haven't been with your father, so you need to cultivate feelings with him, so you go to live for a few days, and Mommy will pick you up as soon as she's busy, okay? "

"Let's go to daddy's house and stay, Mommy. Won't you go? Shall we go together? Then we can live together. Don't the parents of other children live together? " Xiaobai looks at Yang Xu with naive eyes and asks. Yang Xu smiled in embarrassment and said, "other families are like this, but now your daddy and Mommy are a little special and can't live together. Mommy will explain these to you later. Don't you always want daddy to come home and cook delicious food for you? When you get there

He will cook delicious food for you every day. Your father is a good cook. "

"Shall we go there tomorrow?" Asked Dabai.

Xiaobai has been with her since childhood. She has never left her side for a day. Of course, she is reluctant to give up, but Yan Qin's request is reasonable, and she has no reason to refuse“ Yes, your father will pick you up tomorrow. What's more, there may still be an aunt living in your father's house, the aunt who went to godfather's and godmother's house for dinner with your father last time. After you go, you should be polite, don't make her angry, and don't add to them

Trouble, you know? "

Yang Xu hurriedly told her that of course she knew Jiang Guaner would not like them, but Yan Qin would never let Da Bai and Xiao Bai be wronged. Yang Xu still believed this.

"Oh, is that our stepmother?" Dabai suddenly understood something. Xiaobai hurriedly asked, "what's the stepmother?"


Suddenly realizing the word, Yang Xu was startled. Yes, so Jiang Guaner was their stepmother.

Yang Xu disguised a smile and said, "in a word, it's good for you to be obedient in the past. If you want mommy, call Mommy."


"Well, it's getting late. Go to bed." Yang Xu said with a smile.

Yang Xu held the two children very strict tonight. Yan Qin said to pick up the two little guys. He didn't know whether to live for a few days. When he thought they were going to leave him for a while, Yang Xu's eyes were a little wet. Does that mean that they often have to do this in the future?

Probably. Yan Qin is their father and she is their mother. It's reasonable to take care of their children for a period of time. Is there a lot of time to separate from Da Bai and Xiao Bai in the future?

Suddenly Yang Xu felt so sorry for these two little guys. They couldn't give them a complete home.

Forget it, it's already like this. I can't think any more.

Sure enough, Yan Qin went to pick up the children early the next afternoon. It was comforting to learn that Yang Xu had told the two children.

"Don't worry, no matter how busy I am at work, I won't miss it, son." Yan Qin promised Yang Xu that Yang Xu had nothing to worry about.

"Yes." Yang Xu nodded and hurriedly told, "Da Bai sleeps safely at night, or Xiao Bai likes to kick the quilt at night. You should pay more attention, and diet must let them eat on time, and..."

"They are also my children. I will take good care of my children. You don't have to worry."

Yang Xu had nothing to say and nodded: "OK, if they don't want to, please call me immediately."

"Just don't worry. I can't wrong my child if I wronged anyone." Yan Qin said this firmly.

Yang Xu didn't speak any more. Then Da Bai and Xiao Bai came out of the kindergarten. Yang Xu didn't come forward. It was still Yan Qin who went up and held the two little guys in his arms.

"Daddy." Xiaobai called out first.

"Xiaobai, what do you call me?" Yan Qin was surprised to hear this name.

"Mommy told us yesterday that you said our daddy. We'll call you daddy again, and we'll follow daddy to stay at daddy's house for a few days to cultivate feelings with Daddy." Bluntly explained.

Hearing this, Yan Qin was very happy: "yes, follow daddy home. Daddy makes you a lot of delicious food every day. Whatever you want to do and play, daddy will satisfy you, okay?"

"Well, long live Daddy!" Big white and little white said it in one voice“ Well, follow daddy home. " Yan Qin hugged them and was about to go to his car. Then he said to them, "goodbye to your mommy."“ Bye, Mommy, we'll miss you, Bo. " Then they both gave Yang Xu a kiss. Yang Xu smiled and told him, "be obedient after you go. Call Mommy when you think of Mommy."“ OK, Mommy. Bye. " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation