Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 157

"Thank you." Yan Qin said coldly. If he had to say that there was any change in this man, it was his attitude towards her. At the moment, he stood in front of her, but it felt as if he was thousands of miles away. He was so cold that he didn't talk to her at all.

His eyes looked at her coldly. Yang Xu could feel that if she had to divorce him four years ago and he didn't hate her, he also hated her at the moment.

But why hate her? Because of the bad four years or because

"Miss Yang, can you explain it to me?" When Yang Xu was flustered, Yan Qin opened his mouth and looked at Yang Xu without squinting. In this way, he saw through all her guilt and confusion.


Yang Xu panicked again. What do you explain?

Explain why you divorced him four years ago? Or explain that she doesn't have Heyuan City around now? Or explain... These two children?

"Wow, Mommy, did you know this handsome uncle?" Hearing what Yan Qin said, Dabai first reacted and then glowed with joy.

"It seems so." Xiaobai was busy saying that, and then directly asked Yan Qin, "handsome uncle, do you know my mommy?"

Hearing Xiaobai's question, Yan Qin smiled coldly: "more than understanding."

The two little guys looked at each other, and Yan Qin's heart was cold at the moment. Maybe he was really a past tense. He really shouldn't be mentioned by Yang Xu, but it was sure that Yang Xu didn't mention him once, and his heart was still cooling inch by inch.

At this time, Yang Xu became more and more chaotic and timely. At this time, Jiang Guaner rushed over and shouted, "brother Bei."

After shouting, she hurriedly took Yan Qin's arm and said, "brother Bei, the wedding banquet has begun. Brother Jinyan, they are looking for you. Let's go?"

Yan Qin took back his eyes from Yang Xu's face and nodded, "OK."

An Jinyan's wedding was once in his life. Yan Qin came all the way, but he couldn't spoil an Jinyan's interest. He looked at Yang Xu again, and then at the two children.

Jiang Guan seemed afraid that he would shake something. She hurried again: "let's go, brother Bei."

Yan Qin completely took back his eyes and walked out of the manor with Jiang Guaner. Seeing him walking, Yang Xu felt soft and tired. He sat down on the next step at once.

So tired, really tired.

She really didn't have the courage to face Yan Qin at the moment. It was like facing a great enemy and her heart was very chaotic.

"Mommy, who's that handsome uncle?"

"Well, he's so handsome. He's even more handsome than the prince Xiaobai saw in the comic book."

"Yan Xiaobai, can you stop being so obsessed with flowers since childhood?"

"In the ancient poem I recited, there is a saying that everyone has a love for beauty. This is not called flower mania, it is called appreciating beauty." Xiaobai is right.

"Your brother is handsome enough."

Hearing this, Xiao Baibai glanced at him, then pulled Yang Xu's clothes and asked, "Mommy, where does that handsome uncle live? Can we visit him later? "

Hearing these two little guys say so, Yang Xu can't help feeling sad. Is this blood relationship?

The two little guys are very fond of Yan Qin, but what should she say?

Thinking that Yang Xu's cell phone rang, it was Peter. Seeing him, Yang Xu adjusted her mood and answered the phone.

"Hey, Alice, the land you mentioned and the villa have been purchased very smoothly. If you come now, you can sign the contract now." Peter's tone on the phone was relaxed.

Hearing this, Yang Xu's heart was relieved. That's good. She was afraid of any trouble.

"OK." Yang Xu should come down, then thought about it and said immediately, "I'll be there right away." Then she hung up the phone, but her heart was in a mess. She knew that Da Bai and Xiao Bai were Yan Qin's children. As their father, he certainly had the right to know that the two children were his, but now he has been with Jiang Guan, and her identity is embarrassing. It doesn't seem good to tell him now

Time, so

So she chose to escape. She subconsciously chose to escape. She didn't care to analyze whether it was stupid, unreasonable or cruel to Yan Qin. Let's talk about these later

Thinking of this, she picked up her cell phone and called her assistant, saying, "book me a ticket to T City right away."

Put down your cell phone and when she said this, he hurriedly asked, "Mommy, are we leaving now?"

"Yes." Yang Xu squatted down and looked at the two children with incomparable love.

"Don't you wait until the wedding of Godfather and godmother is over? It seems more lively at night. " Xiaobai looks like he wants to stay, "and the cake is good. Xiaobai hasn't eaten enough."

Hearing what they said, Yang Xu really felt guilty. She stroked Xiaobai's face and said, "when you go back to T City, Mommy will buy it for you."

She hugged the two little guys and explained with regret: "Da Bai, Xiao Bai, mommy has something very important to go right now. If you haven't had enough, will Mommy bring you here next time? Don't be angry with Mommy, okay? "

Dabai said, "Dabai won't be angry. Xiaobai and I will go wherever Mommy goes."

"What a good baby." Yang Xu kissed them on the face. Then the assistant called and said that the ticket had been booked. She got up and took the two little guys by the hand, and then went back to the guest room to pack up.

This time, as before, she didn't say hello to an Jinyan. She knew she couldn't go if she went back to the wedding banquet again.

The only thought at the moment is to escape.

Yang Xu, Yang Xu, you are really worthless!

Seeing Yan Qin, he panicked and couldn't care about his reason.

Yang Xu took Da Bai and Xiao Bai and left quietly without disturbing anyone. After getting on the plane, her heart was still in a mess. Why was it doomed that she and Yan Qin could not be together?

If she were Yang Xu, who had just divorced him, she would definitely choose to take the initiative to find him and strive for the happiness she longed for in her heart. Unfortunately

It's too late, and he has started a new life. Just because they have children, is it destined to entangle in the future?

So tired, really tired.

Yang Xu took a plane for more than ten hours. It was already dark when he arrived in T city. He could only wait for tomorrow to sign the contract.

Once back to this place, Yang Xu's mood is really complicated. She has left here and her hometown for four years.

Peter had already arranged for someone to pick them up outside the airport. Yang Xu led the two children into the car.

After getting on the bus, Yang Xu first turned on his mobile phone and suddenly dozens of missed calls were all from Tang Qin.

She paused and then returned to Tang Qin. As soon as she answered the phone, Tang Qin's grumpy voice came: "I heard the servant say she saw you go with your luggage. What do you mean?"

"Tangtang, I'm really sorry. I have something urgent, so I have to go first." Yang Xu really felt so sorry, but she really couldn't face Yan Qin again. She felt that she would suffocate to death if she faced him again.

"Are you mistaken, Yang Xu? What's so urgent? No matter how urgent it is, I have to wait until my wedding is over. Do you want to play it again for me four years ago? "

Tang Qin really wants to die of anger. As soon as the wedding is over, everyone is ready to go to high, but as a result, Yang Xu's person can't be found. Moreover, the phone is turned off, and she learned from the servant that she has left. Isn't this going to kill Tang Qin?

"I'm sorry, Tangtang. You're still pregnant. Don't be angry. Don't worry. I won't go missing this time."

"Where are you? Are you back at your company? "

"No, back to T City..." when she said this, she felt very heavy. She went back to T City, which is her home, a sacred place for her.

"Back to T city?" Tang Qin feels so surprised.

"Yes, I'm not going to leave temporarily, so we can meet when you get married. Then I'll make amends with you. Well, Tangtang, you've been busy all day. Don't be too tired. I'll pick you up when you return home."

After hanging up the phone, Yang Xu sighed a long sigh, and then looked out of the window. People said that Yue is the hometown of Ming. This sentence is not wrong at all. Yang Xu, who has been abroad for four years, felt this more. This is the first night she returned home four years later.

The night scene of T city is very beautiful. Neon reflects the bright white moonlight. It is very charming. Although looking up at the curved moon in other places, I always feel that she has not seen the moon for a long time. Big and small Bai grew up in a foreign country when he was young. He didn't know what feelings adults felt. He was just very excited to know that he had changed the new environment. At the beginning of the period, Yang Xu was also worried that big and small Bai would be acclimatized because of the sudden change of environment. He didn't want the adaptability of the two little guys to go so far

So strong, Yang Xu is completely worried.

"Mommy, is this where you grew up?" Dabai couldn't help asking.

"Yes, this is where Mommy grew up." Hearing this sentence, Yang Xu really felt warm in his heart. He returned to his hometown and found the sense of belonging all at once.

"Are we going to where Mommy used to live now?" Xiaobai also asked.

Yang Xu patiently explained: "where Mommy used to live? Now the formalities have not been completed. Your Uncle Peter has booked a hotel for us. Let's stay in the hotel first. When the formalities are completed, Mommy will take you home right away, okay?"

"Good!" These two little guys have always been so cooperative.

When they got to the hotel, the two little guys were really tired. As soon as they entered the hotel room, the two little guys couldn't take a bath and lay down in bed. But Yang Xu couldn't sleep. As soon as he came back here, his heart became so heavy. All of a sudden, countless memories drilled into his mind.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.