Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 156

Four years, although never wanted to see, but never forget

When Yan Qin's familiar face came into her eyes again, she actually felt suffocation. He still came, he still came.

Yang Xu's mood is very responsible and really complex. While feeling that her heart is about to jump out, she feels that she can't breathe. It seems that she is afraid that Yan Qin will see herself. She hides in the crowd and doesn't dare to attract anyone's attention.

"Mommy, what's the matter with you?"


She couldn't hear what da Bai and Xiao Bai said. Now she needs two little flower children to go on stage. Big and small Bai came to Tang Qin again. Yang Xu still didn't slow down, so she sat back in her original position, but her mind was completely out of the stage.

"These little guys are so cute." After the ceremony, there was a dance show, which was specially arranged by an Jinyan. The two little guys danced happily with the music, and they also attracted everyone's attention. Jiang Guaner couldn't help saying.

From a distance, Yang Xu looked at the two people and looked at Jiang Guaner talking in Yan Qin's ear. It was very intimate. Her heart was suddenly picked up. They were really together.

Well, Jiang Guaner has loved him since childhood. Their two together is the best ending. Jiang Guaner will take good care of him. She has been looking at him. Her eyes have never shifted away from him. For four years, he seems to have not changed at all. He is still so handsome and charming, but the only change is that the distance between Jiang Guaner and him was the original distance between them, but now she can only be far away

Looking at him, but he didn't dare to approach. He didn't even have the courage to face him.

Thinking of her tears fell down. Four years later, she never forgot this man for a moment. Now the face makes her so heartache.

Yang Xu hurriedly took back his eyes and wiped his tears. I thought I wouldn't see him in my life. It's good to see him secretly and know how happy he is now.

As soon as the wedding is over, she will leave immediately with big white and small white. He won't know that she has been here, and they won't meet again after that. This is the best.

At the moment, Yang Xu had completely lost his mind from the wedding. He didn't know where the wedding was going. He was thinking that the flowers in the bride's hand fell in front of her. He didn't have time to respond. He stretched out his hand to catch it, and then the whole audience's eyes fell on her.

"Congratulations to the lucky lady on receiving the bride's flowers." At this time, the MC on the stage also said loudly.

Originally, Yang Xu sat in the corner and was not noticed by anyone, but now the whole audience looked at her and was envied in a round of applause.

"Yang Xu?" When she saw that it was her, Jiang Guaner was silly. She never thought that Yang Xu would also come. Also, it was Tang Qin's wedding. It's not strange that she came, but isn't she with Heyuan City?

Without Heyuan City, why do you still have this pair of steamed stuffed buns?

"Mommy, you received the flowers from the godmother. Are you the next one to put on the wedding dress?" Naturally, the child doesn't understand anything. Dabai runs over and says excitedly. Xiaobai also says, "I hope to see Mommy wearing a wedding dress."

When the two little guys called mommy in public, when they felt Yan Qin's eyes falling on her, Yang Xu's face was burning. At the moment, he just wanted to hide and escape.

She hastily stuffed the flowers in her hand to the people next to her and said, "sorry, I'll go to the bathroom."

With that, she hurriedly pushed away the people around her, and then regardless of the big and small white, she ran straight to the bathroom.

After running into the bathroom, she quickly closed the door, then held the washing table with both hands and gasped. She really didn't think this was her instinctive reaction.

Facing him again, she was so cowardly and wanted to escape. Before, she thought that if they met again in the future, she must say, "Mr. Yan, long time no see."

Then tell him I'm doing well.

However, she can't do it, really can't do that calmly. At the moment when she felt his eyes on her, she was completely flustered. She just wanted to escape, really just wanted to escape, she couldn't face him, really couldn't do it.

This time Tang Qin got married, she really shouldn't have come, really shouldn't have come.

"Yang Xu." Just then the door of the bathroom was pushed open, and a cold voice came from behind. It was Jiang Guaner.

Yang Xu quickly adjusted his mood, tried to make himself dignified and generous, turned around and looked at Jiang Guaner.

Jiang Guaner was surprised to see her: "I didn't expect to meet you here. Should I say it's a coincidence or should I say it's your premeditation?"


"What do you mean?" Yang Xu asked“ Do I need to make myself clear? " Jiang Guan looked very strong, shrugged slightly, and then said, "today is the wedding of an Jinyan and Tang Qin. An Jinyan and my brother have been friends for many years. You guessed that he would come, so you came and specially found two small steamed stuffed bun belts

"What do you mean?"

At the moment, what Jiang Guaner said makes Yang Xu feel ridiculous. It's still the case that he hasn't seen Jiang Guaner for four years. He always likes to spend the belly of a gentleman with the heart of a villain.

"Jiang Guaner, the idea of not seeing you for several years is still so unbearable, but I don't need to explain anything to you. Those who are clear are clear." Yang Xu also said firmly.

Yang Xu was about to leave, but she was stopped by Jiang Guaner. She said straight to the point: "we are already together."

We're already together.

Naked, naked.

"Do you understand? Even if you want to play any tricks, it's no use. " Jiang Guan said strongly.

"Are you finished?" Yang Xu looked at Jiang Guan and said nothing“ Not yet. " Jiang Guan put her hands around her chest and looked at Yang Xu with a sarcastic tone. "Yang Xu, the means of not seeing you for a few years is getting worse and worse. I can't figure it out. Aren't you already with Heyuan City? Yes? He doesn't want you? And those two call you mommy

What's the matter with my little thing? You can't have a baby and deliberately find these two children who look similar to my brother to attract my brother's attention? It's a good means. I'm afraid I can't attract my brother, so I found a child and there are two. "

Yang XuBen didn't want to be familiar with Jiang Guaner, but when she heard this, she smiled very funny and directly poked her weakness: "Jiang Guaner, what are you afraid of? Afraid the child is Yan Qin's? What if so? What do you think he will do? "

Yang Xu didn't want to say these words, but Jiang Guaner really deceived people too much.

"You!" Jiang Guan ER was really afraid. She didn't feel anything at all. When she saw that Da Bai and Xiao Bai called Yang Xu Mommy, she suddenly realized that these two little things were really similar to Yan Qin.

"It's impossible! Don't make up a story here. You cheated on my brother in your marriage. Now Heyuan City doesn't want you. You find two children to seduce my brother and think we are all fools? You cheap woman with split legs, do you think my brother will want you? "“ Jiang Guaner, now you are also a public figure. You curse at the exit. What would happen if you let the media know? I just don't want to argue with you. If I want to suppress you now, you can't get along in the entertainment industry at all. If you lose your brother and have no career at that time, then it's time

The gains are not worth the losses. "

Now Yang Xu is no longer the former Yang Xu. She has money and status. If she really wants to suppress Jiang Guaner, she can't help it. She just doesn't want to do that.

This sentence made Jiang Guaner angry. Yang Xu ignored her and walked out of the bathroom. After walking out of the bathroom, Yang Xu's heart still couldn't be healed. It was like being an ostrich and hiding quietly in a place, but it couldn't let her achieve her wish. After coming out of the bathroom, the wedding banquet has begun, but after scanning the whole venue for a week, there is no trace of the two little guys. Suddenly, her heart panicked. Although an Jinyan and Tang Qin are their Godfather and godmother, today they are so busy that they don't care about the two little guys at all

Damn it!

Yang Xu is really going to blame herself. Anyway, she shouldn't run away regardless of the child. How can she live if the child has an accident? Children are her lifeblood, and children are everything to her!

"Big white, little white!" Yang Xu found a circle in the wedding banquet and made sure that neither of them was here. Yang Xu was so flustered. Where did the two little guys go?

"Big white, little white, where are you?" Yang Xu ran out of the field and back to the manor. Now there are few people in the manor. They are basically at the wedding banquet. Yang Xu is very worried, really worried.

"Big white, little white!" Yang Xu shouted loudly. At this moment, his brain can't think of any embarrassment or embarrassment.

"Mommy." Xu Shi heard her cry. There was a big white and small white voice behind him. Hearing these two voices, Yang Xu's heart was busy to put down. He turned around and saw two little guys running towards her.

"Shouldn't you two be waiting for mommy to come out? How can you run around? " Yang Xu scolded the two little guys.

"If such a young child doesn't take good care of himself, he should blame the child for running around?" As soon as her words fell, a reproach sounded in her ear.

She raised her eyes. When she looked at him, she felt that the whole world was still.

Yan Qin, now standing in front of her, now standing behind the two children

"Mommy, just now this handsome uncle helped us out, and just now we couldn't find Mommy. This uncle took us out to play." Big white hurriedly said“ Thank you... Thank you... "Yang Xu was so embarrassed. She looked at Yan Qin's eyes, and then she didn't dare to look again. She just glanced around, and then murmured.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.