Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 154

When we meet again, Yang Xu and an Jinyan are very embarrassed. No wonder the relationship between them and some things they have gone through are really embarrassing.

"Jin Yan, come and see, this is the big white and small white of Yang Xu's family. Is it cute?" Seeing that they were so embarrassed to meet, Tang Qin hurriedly pulled over Dabai and Xiaobai. The two little guys came together and shouted politely, "good Godfather."


An Jinyan was really confused about this sudden call. He often heard Tang Qin mention these two little guys, but he hadn't seen them once. He was really happy to hear them shout so.

"OK, two little guys are so cute." An Jinyan looked at the two little guys. Although he was like Tang Qin, he always had doubts about who the two children were Yang Xu and, he also knew that it was a sensitive issue for Yang Xu, so he didn't ask.

"Come on, let Godfather hug." He bowed down, one hand, and without much effort held the two little people in his arms.

"Godfather, you are so handsome. You are more handsome than white." Little Bai Bian said and kissed an Jinyan on his face, which made everyone laugh.

In this regard, big white has a squint. This little white said he was handsome when he was at home.

"Really?" An Jinyan couldn't help laughing, then deliberately teased her and asked, "do you think your mommy is beautiful or your godmother is beautiful?"

"Hmm..." Xiaobai made a mistake when he heard this sentence.

"I think my Xiaobai is the most beautiful when she grows up." At this time, Da Bai came out and said, which made everyone stunned. An Jinyan couldn't help laughing again and said, "you little man." It can be seen that an Jinyan also likes Da Bai and Xiao Bai very much. Since he picked them up, he has been reluctant to put them down and took them to play everywhere in the venue. These two little guys are naturally familiar and crazy. However, when he met for the first time, he called Godfather Godfather's kiss. It's all right

It's not strange.

An Jinyan played with them for a while, and gradually it was getting dark. A subordinate came and said to an Jinyan and told him that almost all the guests had arrived.

Seeing this, Yang Xu hurriedly hugged Xiaobai and said“ The guests are here. You're busy first. Don't worry about us. "

In terms of an Jinyan's status, there are naturally many guests at his wedding. Although they want to continue playing with these two little guys, they have to greet them first when the guests arrive.

"Well, if you'll excuse me, I'll greet the guests first."

Tang Qin also said hurriedly, "Yang Yang, otherwise you would take these two little guys to try the flower girl's dress? I'll send someone to call you when the banquet starts. "

"OK, go and be busy. You're still pregnant. Don't be too tired." Yang Xu also hurriedly told Tang Qin.

Watching an Jinyan and Tang Qin get busy, Yang Xu led the two little guys and said, "well, your Godfather and godmother are busy. Mommy will take you to try on the dress."

"Is it like the wedding dress worn by godmother?" Xiaobai asked.

Yang Xu smiled and said, "it's a little princess skirt. It's more beautiful than your godmother."


"Of course."

"What about the white one? Don't wear a skirt... "

The mother and son walked out of the venue and went back to the room of the manor. Informed by the servant, Yang Xu got the little flower girl's dress and put it on for them. After wearing it, the two little guys definitely gave people a bright feeling.

Xiaobai has a pair of pink shoes tied with a bow. Coupled with this pure white wedding dress, her hair is naturally loose, her face is pink and has a sweet smile.

"How's it going, Mommy? Is Xiaobai beautiful?" Xiaobai smiled a little smelly and asked Yang Xu with her hands moving her skirt.

"Beautiful, my little white is the most beautiful."

And big white, dressed in a small black suit, this is the first time for him to wear a small suit with a bow tie, completely like a little gentleman.

"My family is so handsome." After boasting, Xiao Bai Yang Xu was also busy boasting about Da Bai.

It's not against your heart. Objectively speaking, these two little guys are really outstanding.

Both of them were very excited. Seeing this scene, Yang Xu couldn't help shaking his mind. He couldn't help thinking how Yan Qin would react if he saw the two little guys? Although he always said he didn't care whether there were children or not, Yang Xu knew that he actually loved children very much. He began to take care of Jiang Guaner when he was very young. Speaking of it, he should be familiar with taking care of children and will definitely be a competent father. In the three years since the child was born, she often wondered how good it would be if Yan Qin could accompany the three of them to grow up, and whether the two little guys would grow up


After all, children who grow up under the care of both parents are different from children who grow up under single parents. It's a pity

"Miss Yang." Yang Xu was thinking of a servant coming in and shouted. She hurried back and looked at the servant.

"The banquet will begin soon. Dean an asked me to call you over."

"OK." Yang Xu smiled and nodded, and then hurriedly said to Da Bai and Xiao Bai, "the banquet has begun. Let's go, Da Bai and Xiao Bai."


"When you arrive at the banquet, you should be obedient. There are many people and you can't run around. When you see your elders, you should call your uncles and aunts. Don't be rude."

Yang Xu was very attentive to the education of the two little guys since childhood. She could teach them by herself and invited special private teachers to teach them. In terms of etiquette, the two children reassured her.

The banquet is located in a venue next to the venue. The blue sea and night sky, the cool evening wind, the lights are bright and beautiful. An Jinyan is wearing a white dress, while Tang Qin is wearing a very decent light colored dress. He looks really talented and beautiful. Xu Xu had been away for too long. She didn't know any of the people who came to their wedding this time. There were many guests. An Jinyan and Tang Qin were busy greeting the guests. Naturally, they didn't care about her. She took two little guys and sat in a group of strangers. Because they didn't know each other, they didn't say anything

From time to time, people came to tease the twins when they saw that they were very pleasant.

Just ask some questions about children, how old are they, what's their name, and then they all look envious.

"It's a blessing to have such outstanding babies."

Hearing this, Yang Xu smiled knowingly, but in the process of their inquiry, she was really afraid that someone would ask the child's father. Fortunately, no one asked.

There were many guests. The banquet hall was very large and full. Yang Xu glanced at the people at the banquet. They were all strange faces. Are all the guests here tonight?

Does that mean Yan Qin won't come?

Thinking of this, Yang Xu thought she was funny. She wanted to see him, but she was afraid to see him. She knew he wouldn't come, but she was a little lost. Now she seems to look at him secretly even in a corner? That's good.

The banquet went on very late. The whole atmosphere was very high and lively. It was destined to be a sleepless night tonight. All those who came to the wedding were enthusiastic at the moment. An Jinyan also said that all their high expenses were on his head tonight, which once again attracted everyone's excitement.

"Yang Yang, go and play with them. I can't. I can't stay up at night with pregnancy. I have to squint before the wedding tomorrow."

Yang Xu shook his head and said, "no, these two little guys are sleepy, and I'll take them to bed."

"OK, let's go together."

One of them led the other to the guest room. When they returned to the room, the two little guys went to bed one after another. Tang Qin hurriedly said, "Yang Yang, you're going to sleep soon. You'll have to fire a salute in a while, and you can't sleep long."

"OK." Yang Xu nodded. In fact, she knew she couldn't sleep.

"By the way, sheep." Tang Qin was just about to leave, but suddenly thought of something and came back and said to her, "Jin Yan said that all the guests have arrived. It seems... President Yan won't come."

"I just asked casually today. It's okay. OK, Tangtang, go and have a rest."

After Tang Qin left, Yang Xu covered the two sleeping children with quilts, and then lay down, but he couldn't sleep. If he couldn't see him at the wedding, he would never see him again in his life

Yang Xu looked at the two little guys again and couldn't help feeling that they were so poor. Although she could give them the best material, she couldn't replace her father's love. She was really afraid. What should she say if the two children asked her about her father one day?

Yang Xu always thought like this. Just as Tang Qin said, after a short time in the early morning, he began to set off fireworks and salutes outside, and the two little guys were awakened.

"Mommy, is the wedding going to start?"

"Well, it should be." Yang Xu picked them up and said, "well, two little flower children, behave well in a moment."

The wedding was about to begin, and everyone was in a commotion. Tang Qin sat on the bed in a cheongsam waiting for the bridegroom. The bridesmaids stood beautifully dressed aside, and the two little guys were very excited.

It's so sad to see Tang Fang.

The two little guys are flower children and have been with the new couple. Yang Xu went out alone and sat in a corner. Today, Tang Qin got married. She should be happy for her best friend, but now she wants to cry.

The bridegroom received the bride. The wedding officially began at 9 a.m. but Tang Qin, who lost his chain before the wedding, suddenly had an early pregnancy reaction and wanted to vomit. Seeing this, Yang Xu hurried to help her.

Tang Qin was really upset: "the wedding is about to begin. How can you react at this time? Depressed to death. "

"It's like this in the early stage of pregnancy. Stop talking. I'll take you to the bathroom first." Yang Xu hurriedly helped Tang Qin to the bathroom. At this time, the guests were also discussing something. At this time, outside everyone's real sight, a new limited Rolls Royce drove in and parked outside the venue

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.