Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 153

"Don't play silly with me." Tang Qin looked very serious, "where did these two little steamed buns come from? Jumped out of a crack in the stone? "

In the past three years of contact with Tang Qin, Yang Xu always avoided talking about this problem. Every time Tang Qin asked her, she just perfunctorily said "it's a long story, I'll explain it to you later", but now she knows she can't hide“ Yang Xu, I found that you are a God. I went to a medical exchange meeting four years ago. Well, you evaporated when I came back. How can I contact you? I called the police, you know? But the police are unreliable these days. It's over. You can't live

I thought you were dead, you know? Do you know how long I cried? Well, shit, you didn't contact me until a year after you disappeared and said you had children. What's the matter? A living supernatural event in reality? "

Speaking of this, Tang Qin is going to die of anger. She thinks Yang Xu died of an accident. She cried many times. As a result

"Sorry, Tangtang, I couldn't help myself at that time." Yang Xu still didn't say much. At that time, she had just escaped from Heyuan City and had just arrived abroad. Everything was not stable. Heyuan City had a lot of means. A recording by Tang Qin almost killed her, and Tang Qin was really loose lipped. If he got any news from Tang Qin again, if she was found by Heyuan City again

There is no doubt that the child can't be kept until she dies.

So she didn't contact anyone during pregnancy. She just disappeared after playing for a year. When the child was born, she also had her own career and had enough ability to protect the child. Only then did she dare to contact Tang Qin.

"Forget it. I won't pursue it with you first. Talk about the child." Three years ago, Yang Xu suddenly got in touch with her and reported peace. She said she had children. She was scared to death. Couldn't she have children? Where did you steal the child?

"Whose?" Tang Qin asked, "don't tell me you're adopted. If you look like you, you're biological. Who's it with? President Yan or Heyuan City? "

According to the time period when Yang Xu disappeared and gave birth to a child, the child can only be one of them, but she doesn't know who it is.

She can only guess: "can't it be Heyuan City? Did you find out that you were pregnant with Heyuan City's child four years ago, so you decided to divorce president Yan? "

Hearing this idea, Yang Xu couldn't help laughing and said, "why don't you write a novel with such a big brain?"

Tang Qin had three black lines, but she also heard some information from her sentence and asked, "what does that mean? That means the child is president Yan? "

In this regard, Yang Xu didn't want to say too clearly. He just said: "I don't want to say too much about children. After all, children are small. After a while, I will tell you all, okay?"

"Well, if you don't want to say, I can't force you."

Yang Xu's eyes flashed and he beat drums in his heart for a long time before he hardened his head and asked, "president an has such a good friendship with him. Should he be in touch these years? He... How has he been these years? "

She always wanted to ask this question, but she didn't dare to ask, and now she can't help it.

"He?" Listening to Yang Xu's question, Tang Qin deliberately asked, "who is he?"

Listening to her deliberately saying this, Yang Xu was a little embarrassed and said, "even if you don't want to say it."“ Look at you. If you disagree, you'll stand me up. " Tang Qin's mouth was flat, and then said seriously, "I really don't know. Jin Yan has contacted him, but it's rare. He can't call several times a year. President Yan is erratic. Jin Yan doesn't know where he is at all

, especially in the last year, he was also missing, which is really unique to you two. "

Is it?

In the four years since she left, she seemed to miss him every day, but she never had the courage to inquire about him. She was afraid of contradictions. She was afraid that she could not bear to know that he was married again, and that he was not living well, and her heart became more and more painful.

"Will he... Come this time?" After Yang Xu asked this question, his heart began to accelerate“ I don't know. I can't get in touch, but the invitation was sent to his mailbox. It's hard to say whether he can see it. And Jiang Guaner, oh my God, the fire has exploded in recent years. Jin Yan wanted to tell her, but I stopped it. She was originally her fan, but later, all kinds of things have blackened her and didn't want to see her. Moreover, she is so hot now, Everywhere I go, there is a star aura. I get married once in my life. Tomorrow is my home. I don't want a big star to steal my limelight, so Yan will never come to this wedding. I really don't know. It's probably not because of mail

He didn't return at all. "

Hearing this, Yang Xu's heart darkened. She still knows the man. He belongs to a very calm person. He really wants to play missing and disappear in this world without trace.

Just like in the first three years of marriage, Yan Qin disappeared without a trace. Even an Jinyan, who is close to him, doesn't know how he got into Emperor Yan and became president. Even now, an Jinyan doesn't know Yan Qin's life experience.

No one will know what the man doesn't want to say or hide.

It's better not to come, so as to avoid the embarrassment of meeting. The embarrassment is small. She's afraid she can't stand that kind of torture.

Just now Tang Qin said he couldn't contact Yan Qin and wanted to contact Jiang Guaner. What does that mean?

"Yang Xu."

"Huh?" Yang Xu looked back at Tang Qin.

"Do you still miss president Yan?"

Miss? Is it more than thinking?

But she won't let Tang Qin know. She just smiled and said perfunctorily, "after all, it's a husband and wife. It's the divorce I mentioned first. Care about it."

"Just care so simple?" From Yang Xu's expression just now, "fools can see that you still think of others. If the wedding Yan will always come, you will seize this opportunity. Maybe you two can get back together."

a broken mirror joined together?

What a beautiful word. Where is it so simple?

Although she fled Heyuan City four years ago, the price she paid is no longer the lonely Yang Xu. How can she reunite with Yan Qin?

Besides, Yan Qin is already married.

Yang Xu smiled bitterly and shook his head: "it's impossible for Yan Qin and me, it's impossible anymore..."

His words revealed Yang Xu's helplessness and pain. Seeing her like this, Tang Qin was really crazy and couldn't help saying, "Yang Xu, I really don't understand you. What's the matter with you? What's on your mind? Four years ago, I suddenly wanted to divorce president Yan and said I wanted to be with Heyuan City. Well, I got divorced after a toss, and then I went to attend

After an exchange meeting, you and Heyuan City disappeared when you came back. I also thought about whether you two eloped. Later, you didn't mention him. You took your children with you for the past three years. What about Heyuan City? "

Heyuan City?

Now when it comes to his name, Yang Xu feels her scalp numb. After she escaped, she dared not think of the name again. She felt terrible when she thought of it. She had nightmares several times that he found her and strangled her child.

Yang Xu didn't speak. Tang Qin felt that he was going to collapse: "I'm really confused now. After analysis, I think my head is big. The two people around me have gone away once and disappeared when they came back. How damn do you think I am?"

Yang Xu has never dared to think of this name since she fled Heyuan City. According to Tang Qin, she didn't see Heyuan City when she came back from a medical seminar four years ago. It seems that she has been looking for her all over the world.

At that time, Heyuan City was penniless. She didn't even dare to think whether Heyuan City was still alive.

"Well, Tangtang, you're going to get married tomorrow. You're the happiest person. Don't worry about me anymore. Be your bride and have a baby in your stomach."

Speaking of this, Tang Qin's sense of happiness came up again, touched his stomach, looked at Yang Xu and said, "that is to spare you in the face of my child. You can tell me later that I want you to explain it all to me!"

"OK, sure."

Yang Xu said that Tang Qin's cell phone rang. It was an Jinyan. Seeing that it was an Jinyan, Tang Qin smiled more and hurriedly answered: "Jin Yan... Yes, it's right next to me. Now we're at the venue. Are you finished? OK, we'll wait for you here. "

Put down the phone, Tang Qin smiled at Yang Xu and said, "Jin Yan is back. He will come in a minute."

Listening to an Jinyan coming over, Yang Xu hurriedly shouted to the distance: "big white, little white, come here, your godfather is coming."

As soon as I heard that godfather was coming, two little guys ran towards this side. They were excited, but Yang Xu couldn't tell what he was in.

After all, for an Jinyan, her emotions are also very complex.

After a while, a car stopped outside the venue. The driver got off first and opened the door for him. An Jinyan was dressed in a black suit with a light tie, a snow-white collar and a straight figure.

Four years later, his style has not changed. It seems that the charm of men's maturity is stronger,

"Dean an." When an Jinyan approached Yang Xu, he shouted respectfully and politely. He had to admit that an Jinyan was kind to her.

The mood of seeing Yang Xu an Jinyan again is also quite complex. Her current identity is not only her former subordinate, but also the ex-wife of her good friend.

"Yang Xu." An Jinyan called her faintly, and then he simply looked at her and said, "I haven't seen you for a few years. I feel you have changed a lot."

It's not a change in appearance, it's a feeling“ Really? " Yang Xu smiled unnaturally. She also felt that there had been great psychological changes over the years. "You haven't changed much."

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.