Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 056

After learning that he was going to see commander Jiang this evening, Yang Xu was nervous all day. After all, Jiang Zhan was not an ordinary person. He was both Yan Qin's adoptive father and the commander of the military region. When he joined the rescue team, he heard that commander Jiang was strict and tight. No one in the whole army was afraid of him

To meet this person, she didn't know what clothes to wear. She picked around. She searched the whole wardrobe, and finally found a decent and beautiful dress.

"Can I wear this? Do you think it's appropriate? " Yang Xu stood in front of Yan Qin and turned around to show him.

Yan Qin didn't understand why Yang Xu was so nervous, but she was very cute.

"It's beautiful." Yan Qin nodded.

Seeing his attitude, Yang Xu's flat mouth knew that he was perfunctory. She looked at herself again and said, "I don't think it's good enough. I'll go and see if it's more suitable."

Seeing this, Yan Qin hurriedly grabbed her and couldn't cry or laugh: "all right, it's just a home meal. It's not an occasion."

Yes, he's right. It's just a family meal. It's not an occasion, but is it an ordinary family meal?

Finally, the afternoon arrived. Shortly after noon, Yan Qin was ready to start, and Yang Xu got on the car. After confirming that Yang Xu was all right, Yan Qin started the car, but Yang Xu began to be more and more nervous. It felt like a hell of tension.

I felt that Yan Qin drove for a long time. Finally, the car drove into a villa area and finally into a yard. As soon as the car stopped, a servant came to open the door for them and respectfully shouted, "young master."

"Here we are." In order to ease Yang Xu's tension, Yan Qin gave her a warm smile.

After getting off the bus, Yan Qin took her to go deep into the yard. At the moment, Yang Xu has seen what a deep house is. From the yard where he just stopped to the hall where Jiang Zhan is located, he has passed at least three big yards and several small separate yards.

Each yard is unique and the environment is very good. Yang Xu sees no fewer than 20 servants passing by, and Yang Xu sees only the tip of the iceberg. We can imagine how magnificent the Jiang family is.

When he was about to get to the hall, housekeeper Zhang, the housekeeper of Jiang's house, came out and said to Yan Qin and Yang Xu, "young master, Miss Yang, the old man is inside."

"OK." Yan Qin answered and led Yang Xu in, but Yang Xu noticed a detail while he was nervous.

That's why the old housekeeper called her Miss Yang instead of grandma. Who doesn't know that they are husband and wife in the Jiang family, let alone such an old housekeeper? What does this mean?

This adds to Yang Xu's tension.

After entering the hall, Yang Xu was shocked again. The decoration of the hall was very gorgeous. The scholarly smell was mixed with strong dignity. Looking at it, it would make people feel small to be in it.

Jiang Zhan is sitting on the sofa in the center of the hall. As Yang Xu imagined, his majesty is very comparable. Although he doesn't have a military uniform, the military soul from his bones is everywhere. Such a person really has to be awed.

Jiang Guan ER was sitting on the sofa. Since they came in, her eyes had never moved away from Yan Qin.

"Here we are." When they came in, Jiang Zhan opened his mouth. There was no expression on his face.

"Godfather." Yan Qin naturally shouted, but Yang Xu was a meal. He didn't know what to call. He still called in a very polite way: "commander Jiang is good."

Jiang Zhan gave a faint answer, and then motioned to them, "sit down."

Yan Qin took Yang Xu and sat down on the sofa opposite Jiang guan'er. Soon the servant came forward and poured tea for both of them.

"Godfather, why don't you tell me in advance when you come back so that I can pick you up." Yan Qin spoke first.

"You're so busy. There's no need for you to come again." Jiang Zhan also spoke naturally, just like talking to his own son.

"Godfather, you just arrived this morning? It's all over abroad? " Although Yan Qin didn't know what the specific task was, he knew that Jiang Zhan was a secret base abroad to do intensive training for special forces from various countries.

"I came back last night. This girl has such a big thing. How can I stay abroad at ease? I came back as soon as the thing is over. It's really inconvenient to make myself like this!" Jiang Zhan's concern also brought a stern tone.

Jiang Guan immediately dropped her head and said nothing. Although it was an accident, it was also a shame to fall off the lifting platform in the national live broadcast.

After Jiang Zhan finished, he looked at Yang Xu and said, "I heard that Miss Yang saved the little girl. I really don't know how to be grateful. Jiang thanked the little girl first."

Yang Xu hurriedly said, "commander Jiang is polite. It is the doctor's duty to practice medicine and save people."

Although commander Jiang was very grateful to her for the short dialogue just now, he spoke to an outsider. Miss Yang was really overwhelmed by her mouth.

"Godfather, when Yang Xu joined the rescue team before, he always heard people talk about you and was in awe of you. Today, he knew that he was excited to see you this morning." Seeing this embarrassing atmosphere, Yan Qin quickly opened his mouth and rounded the scene.

Hearing the meaningless smile of Jiang Zhan, he said, "what respect or awe? In the final analysis, it's just an old bone. If you can't do it in a few years, you'll retire, so as not to drag the country back." Jiang Zhan said that, not to mention Yang Xu, even Yan Qin felt unnatural“ Xiao Bei, listen to Xiao Er saying, "you just had a car accident a few days ago?" Jiang Zhan looked at Yan Qin and asked with concern, "how about it? Where did it hurt? Is it serious? "“ It's not serious... "It's not serious when several ribs are broken. What's serious?" Yan Qin's words were not finished yet. Jiang Guan inserted a sentence with emotion. Hearing this, Jiang Zhan's face sank and immediately said to Yan Qinxun, "since it's like this, I'm not in hospital and have a good rest. That's all. I'm going abroad on business. I don't want to die?" After the war training, Jiang didn't give Yan Qin a chance to speak, and immediately said to Yang Xu, "isn't Miss Yang a doctor? Since you are a doctor, you should know the consequences better than us. Why don't you stop him when you follow Xiao Bei? Let him spoil his body like this? "“ No, godfather, you misunderstood. This matter has nothing to do with Yang Xu... "Xiao Bei, I'm talking to miss yang." Jiang Zhan immediately interrupted Yan Qin's words. Yan Qin knew the consequences of Jiang Zhan's anger since he was a child. This also made Yang Xu's heartbeat mention the Adam's apple. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.