Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 055

Yan Qin, who was physically and mentally exhausted, wanted to go back to Longfeng garden and have a good sleep. As a result, Jiang Guan came and said these words to him, he was sleepless. Until this afternoon, Yan Qin didn't know what he had done.

When it was time, Yan Qin picked up the car key and went out. He parked the car at the door of the magazine early. As soon as Yang Xu came out, he saw the Maybach parked on the roadside. After all, the car was too dazzling.

She got on the bus and asked, "are you so early?"

"I didn't go to the company today." Yan Qin explained faintly.

Yang Xu looked at him and was quite different from him this morning. He was full of spirit this morning, but his face was ugly and tight at the moment.

"Why do you look so ugly? Is there something wrong with the wound? " Yang Xu asked worried.

"No, maybe I didn't have a good rest." Yan Qin made a perfunctory remark, then hurriedly changed the topic, "is the work going well today?"

"Yes." Yang Xu nodded, "Oh, by the way, I forgot to tell you that I was promoted to deputy editor in chief. Now the workload is very small, not as busy as before."

Yang Xu is like a child. When it comes to the promotion of deputy editor in chief, there is a sense of excitement of a little girl. This is the first time Yan Qin has seen Yang Xu smile so naturally.

"My wife Yan is really powerful. She is an elite in medicine. Now she is a monk and an editor. She is still top-notch. She is really powerful."

In the face of Yan Qin's exaggerated praise of Yang Xu's flat mouth, she certainly knows that she can't get rid of her relationship with her if she can be promoted to deputy editor in chief.

"Mrs. Yan has been promoted. It's just tomorrow weekend. Celebrate?" Yan Qin suggested.

Yang Xu thought about it, then shook his head and said, "didn't you just celebrate last night? You're not in good health. You just came back from a business trip. You just took advantage of the weekend to have a good rest."

Facing Yang Xu's intimate, Yan Qin smiled and nodded: "OK, listen to Mrs. Yan."

The night came unexpectedly again. After taking a bath, Yang Xu walked into the bedroom. Yan Qin naturally lay half in bed with a military magazine in his hand. When she came in, Yan Qin put down the magazine and looked up at her.

Yang Xu was wearing a big bathrobe, which should cover the place, but what should be exposed was also exposed. Yang Xu's skin was very good, white as jade, and Yan Qin's eyes were moving. This woman really had too much hook capital.

"Come up." Yan Qin said softly.

Yang Xu paused. Then, as he said, he took off his shoes and climbed into the bed. Yan Qin hooked his big hand and wanted to hug her little body, but Yang Xu hurriedly avoided and said, "you still have injuries on your body. Pay attention."

After that, Yang Xu looked at Yan Qin with a serious attitude and asked, "how do you feel now? Where else does it hurt? "

Yang Xu is still a medical student. She always inadvertently commits an occupational disease. When she asks here, she is the doctor's question to the patient. Before Yan Qin answers, she reaches out her hand to hold down his injury and asks, "does it hurt here? Here? " Yan Qin didn't answer, but when he pressed his chest, the expression on his face was slight. Yang Xu hurriedly let go and frowned: "if you have chest pain, you should pay more attention. Chest pain will make your breathing shallow and increase respiratory secretions, which will lead to many consequences, such as atelectasis and lung cancer

There are also... Ah... "

Before Yang Xu's words were finished, Yan Qin grabbed her wrist and pulled her into his arms. Yang Xu's small body fell heavily on his chest. Realizing that Yang Xu hurriedly wanted to come out of his arms, but he directly hugged her.

"Please let go. Your chest will hurt more like this. Do you hear me?" Yang Xu was so nervous, but the more Yang Xu struggled, the tighter he held. Yan Qin said, "I just want to hold you like this. If it hurts, let it hurt..."

"You man!" Yang Xu is really angry. As a doctor, her biggest headache is to meet such patients who refuse to cooperate.

I don't know if he is too confident in his body or because of something else. He doesn't care so much. He's going to die of anger“ I'm too lazy to care about you. I don't pay attention. You deserve the pain! " Yang Xu said so angrily. After that, she forcibly turned her back to him and stopped paying attention to him. Yan Qin still hugged her from behind. The cool breath stroked her ears in a regular way, but it was a little itchy

The moonlight was tantalizing, and the night was as soft as water. There was no sound in the silent room. Yan Qin fell in her ear and whispered, "Yang Xu?"

He didn't get any response. Yan Qin smiled bitterly. He didn't know if she was really asleep. He bent down, kissed her hair twice, hugged her body and went to sleep. The light was not turned off and the curtains were not pulled.

They slept soundly that night. When Yan Qin woke up, the little woman curled up in front of him was still asleep. Yan Qin smiled happily when he saw that she slept so well.

It's a rare weekend, and it's also rare for her to sleep so well. Let her sleep a little more. He, after so many years, decided to sleep back for the first time. Unfortunately, it backfired.

Just as Yan Qin was about to close his eyes, the mobile phone rang. He hurriedly pressed the mobile phone for fear of disturbing Yang Xu, but it was too late. Yang Xu in his sleep slowly opened his eyes because of the incoming call bell, and Yan Qin had to catch up when he saw the incoming call, because it was Jiang Zhan.

"Hey, Godfather." After hearing what was said inside, Yan Qin was surprised: "are you back?" After listening to what Jiang Zhan said, Yan Qin showed a trace of hesitation on his face, looked at Yang Xu, hesitated for a while, and finally agreed: "OK." After putting down the phone, Yang Xu was also completely awake and hurriedly asked, "is commander Jiang back?"“ Um. " Yan Qin nodded. "Godfather said he wanted me to take you to dinner tonight."“ Take me? " Yang Xu was also surprised. She had never seen Jiang Zhan, and three years ago, Yang Xu knew that Yan Qin had to marry her, which was also an order given to him by Jiang Zhan, and he was Jiang Guan's father. Yang Xu's heart was really a little bumpy. Unexpectedly, he also had the tension of seeing his mother-in-law. Looking at her, Yan Qin hurriedly comforted and understood: "don't worry, I'm here. Besides, the ugly daughter-in-law will see her in-law sooner or later." This sentence provoked Yang Xu's anger and hit him: "you're ugly." Yan Qin couldn't help laughing, but no matter how he joked, Yang Xu's heart couldn't relax. Besides, commander Jiang is his adoptive father, different from his biological parents. He raised Yan Qin from childhood. For Yan Qin, This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation