Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 038

In the mild space, the light is very warm, but the atmosphere is far from so harmonious. There are only bursts of rough wheezing and silent sobbing in the air.

Later, Yang Xu simply gave up the struggle and was secure and tight under him, just like the weak sheep in the mouth of a lion, which could only be slaughtered.

Marrying him is doomed to this result. In the final analysis, men are animals thinking with their lower bodies. They have been married for three years and live separately. Even if he feels indebted to her in the bottom of his heart, what about giving in to her?

After all, he still can't achieve the reason that a person called "Mrs. Yan" can't move around him.

But she thought she was numb, but tears fell at the moment of being hurt by him. She didn't know whether it was because of pain or injustice.

Seeing her crying, Yan Qin's hand suddenly became soft, like suddenly waking up, but it was not up to reason.

The night is still going on, and the night is blurred, which also reflects the beautiful scenery of the room inside.

Maybe it was because Yang Xu cried and felt pity for her. Yan Qin's action slowed down and the kiss became gentle.

He pulled her hands and held her tightly in his arms, so that she could not move. His hands gently touched her sweaty hair, and his voice seemed to be mixed with poison:

"Yang Xu, you remember, one day I won't let you regret marrying me."

Yan Qin's words surprised Yang Xu. What do you mean? Is it a promise?

But now she has collapsed and has no strength to think about anything. Her whole body is as soft and weak as a bone.

Really powerless

Just like three years ago, she was possessed by this man.

Yang Xu's self mocking smile doesn't matter. It was hers three years ago. What are you doing with this body?

Very tired, really tired, the most tormenting thing in the world is the word emotion, but who can say what emotion is?

I really didn't have the strength to think again. As soon as my eyes were closed, I fell asleep in Yan Qin's arms.

When she woke up the next day, Yang Xu's whole body was sour and soft. Her back hurt badly, and her body was like falling apart. She slowly got up and looked around. Yan Qin was gone, and she was relieved.

She dragged her heavy body out of bed and walked out of the bedroom. She looked at the porch first. Only her shoes were there. It seemed that Yan Qin had gone out. That's good.

Now there is an idea that Yan Qin would like to leave again for three years without any news to make her comfortable.

"Grandma, breakfast is ready for you."

"I won't eat." Then Yang Xu went out and saw that she was going out. A servant hurried forward and said to her, "young grandma, President Yan said you don't seem to like using a driver, so he specially explained that he gave you the car key directly. You can drive by yourself wherever you go."

Then the servant handed the car key to her hand. Seeing the car key with Maserati logo engraved on it, Yang Xu smiled coldly. Yan Qin was really generous.

"No, I don't like driving by myself." Yang Xu didn't pick it up and wanted to continue to go out, but he was stopped by the servant again. It was difficult on the servant's face.

"Young grandma, President Yan specifically asked me to give you the car key. I'm just a maid. Don't embarrass me."

Seeing that she was so embarrassed, Yang Xu couldn't say anything. Yan Qin was always very strict with his servants. Yang Xu didn't say anything and reached out to take the key.

Yang Xu stepped on the car and drove it to Xingyu magazine?

It's really ostentatious.

Yang Xu started the car and drove in the direction of the magazine. She was also fully prepared. As soon as she went in, she would be asked all the time.

However, it's strange to say that yesterday's Jiang Guaner concert event also occupied the top of all major searches. Today, there is no trace at all. Don't think it's also a masterpiece of sleep.

That man can really cover the sky with one hand. Such a big thing was covered. She was worried that her identity as Mrs. Yan would be exposed, and the thing that Jiang Guaner wanted to confess to Yan Qin would also be exposed. Unexpectedly, nothing happened.

Yang Xu drove the car all the way to the underground parking lot of the magazine. After parking the car, she entered the magazine. Not surprisingly, as soon as she entered the magazine, she attracted everyone's attention, and she was shocked that when she entered the magazine, the first thing she saw was a big poster of herself.

"Yang Xu, you are really a lucky star of our magazine. Because of you, the popularity of our magazine has greatly increased." As soon as Yang Xu came in, editor in chief Yan rushed out of the office.

"Yes, sister Yang Xu, you're so good. You used to be a doctor. That is, it's not interesting for you to secretly go to see Jiang Guaner's concert."

Seeing these Yang Xu's heart was half relieved. It seemed that these people didn't know too much. She echoed with a smile and said, "nothing. I've learned some medicine before."

"You are a big celebrity now. You really cheer for our magazine, so Yang Xu, the magazine decided to triple your salary and promote you as deputy editor in chief. What do you think?" Editor in chief Yan actually asked for opinions.

Yang Xu has been in the magazine for three years. He thinks he has a strong working ability, but it's too difficult to get ahead here. Basically, the female tiger holds the power alone. This time, he actually wants to mention her as the deputy editor in chief? Of course she knows. It has a direct relationship with Yan Qin“ Yang Xu, as long as you stay in our magazine, all treatment is not a problem. " Now Yang Xu is the cash cow of the magazine. Editor in chief Yan naturally doesn't want her to go, but he is also worried that Yang Xu can't keep her at this small temple fair. After understanding the idea of chief editor Yan, Yang Xu said, "don't worry, I won't leave Xingyu." Yang Xu has done two jobs, one is a doctor and the other is an editor. She doesn't want to be a doctor anymore and has no more career. Of course, she won't leave here“ That's good, that's good, that's great. " Yan's editor has the final say, but other colleagues are happy. Finally, they are not the ones who say "no". Then I'll start working. "“ Well, well, you're busy, you're busy. " Editor in chief Yan is busy. When editor in chief Yan went back to the office, Yang Xu also sat down in his seat. A group of colleagues gathered together and secretly said, "editor in chief Yang, you can take care of us a lot in the future." They were all persecuted by editor in chief Yan, which Yang Xu naturally understood. Yang Xu responded with a smile. In fact, when she was in an's Hospital, she was also below one person and above ten thousand people, but she felt strange here. Forget it, No. Yang Xugang plans to turn on the computer and work well. Unexpectedly, the phone rings at this time“ Hello, sugar. "“ Yang Xu, where are you? " Listening to Tang Qin's urgent voice, Yang Xu hurriedly asked, "what's the matter?"“ Jiang Guan Er is just clamoring to leave the hospital. How can he stop it? "“ What about Yan Qin? "“ I can't find him. My mobile phone is turned off. What should I do? We can't make up our mind directly about this little aunt and grandma. The senior student of Jinyan can't help it. " Tang Qin had a headache and started making trouble early in the morning. Yang Xu frowned. There was no way to find Yan Qin. She had to go. Who called her "sister-in-law" in her name now“ You wait, I'll come right away. " With that, Yang Xu grabbed the car key and ran out quickly. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.