Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 037

"I don't mean anything. I'm just talking about things. They're all women, so I feel deeper." Yang Xu didn't say anything deeper and didn't dare to say it.

But even so, Yan Qin was annoyed. His cold eyes were frightening: "have you found a reason for divorce again?"

Hearing this, Yang Xu was also annoyed. She didn't mean that at all. What's more, even if she meant that?

Their marriage has no feelings. She occupies a title of Mrs. Yan and is provoked by Jiang Guaner. Isn't she unlucky? Should she bear this?

"Whatever you think." Yang Xu replied to him in a very emotional way. He didn't pay attention to him anymore. He turned around and walked upstairs. The table was full of food yet.

But she didn't know that this attitude was an emotional catalyst for a man.

At the moment, Yan Qin's mood is already on the line. Now the string has been intensified by Yang Xu's mood, and the arrow naturally broke out uncontrollably.

Yan Qin's eyes were cold, and he strode forward suddenly. It was easy to let Yang Xu's small body soar into the air. He firmly held it in his arms and walked upstairs without saying a word.

"Yan Qin, what are you doing?" Yang Xu panicked and the situation reappeared. It was the same scene as last time, but Yang Xu knew she couldn't hide this time.

Yan Qin didn't speak, but just took her upstairs. After entering the bedroom, Yan Qin put her on the bed and didn't give Yang Xu a chance to breathe. Her chest had been pressed up. The bed board "creaked" and the power seemed to break it. Her thin body loomed under his huge body, her chin was clamped by his big palm, and the hot warmth was unbridled, With the threat of aggression at any time: "you haven't answered me yet."

"Asshole!" Yang Xu's long curled eyelashes trembled slightly. He pinched them painful and itchy, but he didn't let them go at all. "Let me go!"

The harder she struggled, the tighter Yan Qin controlled her body. His eyes were cold and he raised his hand to clamp her chin. This time, his strength was a little heavy and hurt very much.

"Yang Xu, I admit that I owe you a lot, and because I let you bear a lot that you shouldn't bear, so I accommodate you and take care of your emotions again and again, but people's patience is limited. You can continue to be indifferent to me, but I can't stand you saying you won't mention divorce again, but I've been thinking about these two words in my heart!" Yan Qin's eyes were scarlet, and there was a fire rising in his heart.

"Yes!" Yang Xu's anger was also ignited. "I really still fantasize about divorcing you every day, because I don't love you. The person I want to marry has never been you. You ruined my happiness and you ruined everything. I hate you. I said, I hate you all my life!"

Yang Xu shouted hysterically, and the scar was opened again, like another stab in her heart.

And this knife just stabbed her in the heart?

Yan Qin tightened his eyes, and his anger became more and more serious. He opened his mouth and said loudly: "after three years, you still can't forget that man? But do you know you are my wife now? "

This was the first time Yang Xu saw Yan Qin get angry. It was so scary. It was like a wounded roaring lion.

But Yang Xu thought it was funny. Why did this man have such emotions?

Because of love?

Of course not, just because of men's strong self-esteem that should not be trampled on by women?

How ridiculous!

His self-esteem, his everything, why should she sacrifice happiness to guard?

"I just can't forget him, so what?" Yang Xu said this sentence taboo. She knew the consequences of saying this sentence, but because of her emotions, she couldn't help it.

Yan Qin is really tired these days. Many things have happened and his mood is very bad. Yang Xu's words just now undoubtedly angered him to the extreme.

"Yang Xu, do you know what will happen to other men when you lie under me?" Yan Qin warned.

Yang Xu doesn't speak. He completely wants to kill and cut you. Just don't look at him.

Yan Qin was completely angry and forced her to come over and look into his eyes, word by word: "Yang Xu, listen to me. You want to keep your body for him. I won't let you do what you want. If you want to fly, I'll break your wings and imprison you around me forever. I don't mind if you hate me, but I want you to remember me!"

He married her and treated her with all his heart. How can he allow her to have others in her heart!

"Yan Qin, you devil!" Yang Xu scolded angrily.

Yang Xu used her limbs together and resisted fiercely. The more she resisted Yan Qin, the stronger her desire to conquer and the stronger her sense of anger. His body controlled Yang Xu, squeezed her arm hard and raised her arm over her head.

"I am a devil, but remember, this devil is your husband!" Yan Qin was angry.

Three years, she was Mrs. Yan for three years. He owed her and tried to compensate, but he still couldn't change the little woman's temperament. He was angry, he was angry, he was crazy, he was crazy.

With the irreparable outbreak of Jiang Guaner!

Yan Qin's deep eyes became deeper and deeper, like a demon king who could devour the darkness, which made Yang Xu shudder“ Thinking about him? I'll let you know who your man is tonight! " Yan Qin was impatient, completely impatient. Irritability, anger, chaos and annoyance all intertwined together, making Yan Qin completely unable to control his reason“ Tear it! " Yang Xu's clothes were torn open. In front of him, he seemed to go back to the night three years ago. He was like this... He could see everything under the torn clothes. Yang Xu's skin was white and moving, his figure was graceful and just right, and his white and tender skin was as coveted as a peach. Yang Xu's eyes were dark and his instinctive Adam's Apple moved. This woman is really a goblin. She laughs and is angry. But such a moving appearance is such a indifferent nature. No, or just indifferent to him. Just like last time, she clearly reacted, but she still pretended to be completely indifferent. Thinking of this, Yan Qin's desire to conquer became stronger and more uncontrollable“ Yan... HMM... "Yang Xugang said something again, but his lips were sealed by him. He kissed like crazy, just venting an emotion. His body was getting hotter and hotter, and he couldn't control it. Yang Xu was as cold as jade, but he turned over with fire and ice, which made him itch. Suddenly, she lifted her small waist with one hand and fit her chest. The small body under her palm was as warm and soft as silk. It was refreshing and sweaty, and his fingertips burned her greasy skin inch by inch. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation