Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 022

Haoda entertainment is the owner of Jiang Guaner and one of the best brokerage companies in the world. Since its establishment, it has become popular with many artists. Jiang Guaner is naturally one of the best. In recent years, Jiang Guaner has been developing abroad. When she returned home for her tour, she was naturally busy. She not only had to prepare for the concert, but also received a lot of advertising endorsements“ Smile, look, this is your recent schedule. " Yao Fei, Jiang Guaner's agent, handed her a full schedule. Jiang Guaner took the schedule and looked at the full words. She felt her head was big. She simply threw the schedule aside and said directly to Yao Fei: "it's a headache to see these. Just tell me what I'm going to do next." Yao Fei looked at the time and said, "I made an appointment to shoot a group of advertising posters at 10 this morning. The photographer should be waiting at the base by now." Jiang Guan looked at the time. It was almost ten o'clock. She got up lazily, left a small luggage to the assistant and walked out. Not long after going out, he saw Yan Qin and Zhong Yi come in one after another. He saw Yan Qinjiang smiling and his eyes shining. He hurriedly said to Yao Fei behind him, "let the photographer wait a little longer. I'm busy now." Then she ran to Yan Qin, ran to him and said excitedly, "brother, why are you here? Come to me? " Yan Qin looked at her, then looked at the agent and assistant who followed her, and said, "I seem to have come at a bad time."“ It's time. Whenever you come, it's time. " Jiang Guan's small face couldn't hide the excitement, "what's the matter with me?"“ Do you still have the VIP ticket you left for me last time? " Yan Qin went straight to the subject. Upon hearing this, Jiang Guan became more and more excited, and looked at her with sparks: "brother, have you finally figured it out? I knew you would come to my concert! " Facing her excitement, Yan Qin had to pour cold water on her and explained, "it's not me, it's my wife's friend, she's your fan."“ Your wife? " These two words were like a sharp blade, which instantly pierced all the excited cells of Jiang Guan, and then became sensitive and sharp, "what wife? When did you have a wife? Why don't I know? "“ You knew about my marriage three years ago. I have a wife. Why don't you know? " Yan Qin explained without haste or delay“ Three years ago? " Jiang Guan's beautiful jade eyebrow tightened and became more and more anxious when he thought of it. "You mean the one three years ago? Didn't you say you were needed by the revolution? Didn't you have to marry her for some task? How can you take it seriously? "“ When I'm not serious, I has the final say. " Yan Qin said decisively, "smile, give me the ticket if you still have it. If not, I'll get it directly from your company. Go and be busy. They are all waiting for you."“ Is she unwilling to divorce? Is it because she's obsessed with you as Mrs. Yan? " Jiang Guan completely didn't care what he said. Her mind was full of the fact that he had a wife“ Girl, this is my private affair. "“ Your business is mine! " Jiang Guaner said immediately, "and I said earlier that if I didn't marry you, no one wanted to take you away from me!"“ Smile, don't fool around! " Yan Qin looked cold and reminded. As soon as he finished speaking, his mobile phone rang. Yan Qin hung up and said to Jiang Guan, "I have something to do now. You are obedient to me, Yao Fei, watch her!" After that, Yan Qin turned and strode away. Jiang Guan was so angry that he ordered Yao Fei angrily: "Yao Fei, do me a favor. I want the details of that woman!" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.