Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 021

"I'm all right. It doesn't affect my work at all." Yang Xu said slowly. Seeing Yang Xu's insistence, the tigress had no choice but to say, "well, since it's like this, it's up to you, but don't be too tired. If you can't do it, tell me right away, okay?"“ Um. " In full view of the public, Yang Xu was really unnatural by her attitude. He hung his head perfunctorily“ OK, let's start the meeting now, meeting! " Speaking of the meeting, the tigress immediately returned to her usual stern manner. After the morning meeting, the tigress went back to her office. Yang Xu said to her colleagues, "who did the editor assign my work to and then give it to me? Thank you for what you have done for me." In the face of Yang Xu's words, the big guys looked at each other again, and then successively handed over Yang Xu's work to her. After receiving the work, Yang Xu entered the working state and was meticulous“ What's the matter with that Tigress? " Everyone was surprised at what they saw this morning and said, "I asked sister Yang Xu to work overtime the day before yesterday. How can I work today..." who knows, I really saw a ghost. "“ But I heard that Yang Xu seems to have a big background. Maybe it has something to do with this. "“ "It's not small?" People were surprised, but they couldn't help their curiosity. "No, I can't see it at all. Yang Xu has been silent. He doesn't look like a person with a background."“ I also heard about it. I don't know if it's true. Yang Xu seems to have been an Jinyan's deputy before. He has been a military doctor, and has something to do with the last leader of the army. " Hearing this, everyone was shocked and said, "an Jinyan's subordinates? Impossible? If an Jinyan's subordinates knew any military region leaders, how could they come to this broken magazine? "“ Yes, you are stupid. What is an Jinyan? He earns at least ten or twenty times as much as we do here. Only fools can do it. "“ Well, I also heard it by hearsay, or it may be false. " Everyone talked about the abnormal behavior of the female tiger. Although Yang Xu was working hard, she could hear these words, especially the last ones they said. Yang Xu was stunned. Are you stupid? Yes, it's silly to put the gold medal doctors of an's Hospital in this small magazine. Sometimes even Yang Xu thinks so. However, if she could choose again, she would rather be an editor of a small magazine at the beginning, and would rather never have an Jinyan as her boss... On the wide asphalt road, a low luxury Maybach was like a swimming dragon, wiping the ground at an extremely fast speed, creating a faint spark with the ground. Zhong Yi, sitting in the cab, drives the car attentively. Through the car mirror, he observes Yan Qin sitting in the rear seat. A trace of fatigue jumps on his handsome face. He is always full of energy. It is difficult to see this tired face from his face. But no wonder, since returning home, he hardly had a safe sleep. Last night, he was busy all night. He couldn't stand being beaten by iron“ Brother, go back to the dragon and phoenix garden? " Seeing this, Zhong Yi couldn't help saying, "you need a rest. Your body is important." According to the schedule, Yan Qin still has a video conference today, but Zhong Yi really thinks it's time for him to rest“ No need. " Yan Qin's decisive sentence. Yan Qin said that Zhong Yi couldn't help it. He continued to drive in the direction of the company. Suddenly, Yan Qin didn't know what he thought. He said to Zhong Yi, "Zhong Yi, turn around and go to the vast first."“ "Great entertainment?" Zhong Yi was surprised“ Um. " Yan Qin gave a faint reply. Zhong Yi never asked much about Yan Qin's decision. He just turned his head according to what he said and drove away quickly. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.