MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 163: All-or-one throw

At this time, many skeletons had gathered around Li Yao, and his points had soared due to the short-term killing. A novel<﹤<≦<

At this moment, the courtyard was in chaos. Although Li Yao could hold it here for a while, the gap was completely out of consideration.

Elite players continued to squeeze in and then joined the melee in the courtyard. Even the Yinying skeleton next to Li Yao was constantly dying. There were too many attacks.

Had it not been for Li Yao had been marking the target with the black arrow of death, and then killing people could replenish the skeletons, he would have been submerged by the crowd

Li Yao threw spike traps everywhere, but the arrow tower basically couldn\'t survive. The scene was too chaotic, and the arrow tower was attacked by various attacks the moment it was placed.

"Sure enough, the mechanical hunter still hasn\'t taken shape. It seems that continuous efforts are needed."

Li Yao sighed as he attacked. In his understanding, the mechanical hunter appeared on the scene, that is, accompanied by the fierce metal storm, the enemy suppressed by bullets could not raise their heads.

Around him are a bunch of mechanical pets, various fighting pets, auxiliary robots, mechanical ammunition, mechanical turrets, etc., forming a battle group that can stand in all environments.

However, the current situation is that he now mainly relies on the passive ability of the elite class of Dark Ranger to gain a foothold in the melee.

In his opinion, the passiveness of the Dark Ranger has huge limitations. After all, as the players gradually become stronger and their skills are getting better and better, who will give you the opportunity to summon the skeletons. The passiveness of the Dark Ranger can be used more often as a copy to make up for the output of the Ranger.

However, there are restrictions on passiveness in the dungeon. It is impossible for you to summon a hundred silver Ying to brush the dungeon, so how can others mix.

But now Li Yao doesn\'t need to think so far. He has a lot of advantages and he can fill up all the shortcomings, so that he has time to make up.

Freed from the chaotic thoughts, the dull Tongtong and the others came to him and formed a team quickly.

"You are all remote, use these skeletons as bunkers, try not to pose yourself, especially Da Vinci, you can stay farther, depending on the situation to increase blood." Li Yao said.

In fact, in this situation, with the cover of skeletons, Li Yao basically didn\'t need to add blood, and the blood bottle could recover, but Qin Fengyi and the others would definitely not be able to do this. It is still very important to have a big breast.

"I look down on people, don\'t you think I\'m a cumbersome if I don\'t show my hand." Da Vinci floated in front of a piano with colorful lights, and as she flicked, the beautiful melody surrounded everyone.

Li Yao checked the status, and his attributes immediately increased a lot. Each time a different melody was accompanied by a different blessing.

Several other people also brushed the buff silently, Li Yao\'s attack exploded even more, and the blood volume and defense also increased.

This is the benefit of the team, which can raise Li Yao\'s combat effectiveness to a new level. With the blessing of various buffs, Li Yao can also kill with two arrows in the face of heavy armor. Of course, if he does not have to use the black arrow of death, his damage will be even more terrifying.

"Are you a necromancer, or am I a necromancer." Qin Fengyi saw the hundreds of skeletons that were already on the scale and was immediately unable to complain.

As a necromancer and an elite player of pets, she was completely defeated by the necromantic pet herself, which made her a little depressed.

Because Li Yao\'s Yinying skeletons are blocking the knife, there is no need to worry about straight attacks, plus they can block melee combat. Li Yao\'s team players displayed terrifying combat power.

Qin Fengyi\'s attacks are not strong, but her pets are very characteristic, not as useless as she said.

The skeletons summoned by Li Yao have not been blessed, nor can they recover blood. But because of Qin Fengyi\'s necromancer\'s halo against the undead, Yinying\'s attributes have also been greatly improved.

The cute pupils release various totems around the crowd. Because of the existence of totems, no matter what the thief is, they will die one by one.

However, their firepower is fierce. But with more and more elite players joining in, the battle situation is still not optimistic.

Had it not been for the limited space in the yard and the slowness of players coming in from the cracks, Li Yao would have been overwhelmed by the crowd.

But even so, the situation is still not optimistic.

The opposing elite players just couldn\'t compare with Yinying in terms of blood volume and defense, and they had scruples at the beginning.

However, with the passage of time, the elite players have become red eyes and want to attack like life. With the increasing number of people in Li Yao\'s formation, it feels that it is already in danger.

The audience was completely brought into Li Yao\'s side. Most of them were worried. They felt that Li Yao had come to an end. Ozawa and KB also continued to explain and analyze the situation. They also dislike Li Yao. Elite players are also coming in more and more.

"Are these people lunatics? To be so desperate to have Angel Wings." Da Vinci\'s forehead was already sweating, and the opponent\'s offensive became more and more fierce, and the pressure to increase blood was also increasing, if it were not for Li Yao\'s skeleton Constantly blocking the knife, they were already submerged.

"These people have good skills, but their brains are a little insufficient, and there is no way to turn back." Qin Fengyi said while releasing a poisonous new star in the crowd.

"Why do you say that." The cute pupil still didn\'t want to understand.

"It\'s very simple. They don\'t know if they were tricked by the npc. It\'s too late to wake up." Sister Li explained: "Angel Wings, there are 30,000 players in the trial, and 20,000 of them think they can kill Liaoyuan. Get angel wings. Well, let’s suppose, even if Liaoyuan is killed, there will only be one. In this dangerous city, they are blinded by equipment."

"Hmph, these people, one by one, think that they are the protagonist and think that they can get angel wings. However, there are always smart people, these smart people have begun to accumulate points when they are busy searching for me. It’s not that they can get better. In other words, most of them are destined to be losers."

Li Yao said but his hands were not slow and he still hunted these players.

"Yes, they are like gamblers who lose their bets. They wake up to the top 100 standings and can only make a desperate move. Because they have killed a prairie fire and there is still an angel wing to fight for, if there is no angel wing. , They really lost all." Sister Li sighed and was tricked by the npc, which is really a clumsy calculation for their IQ.

These people are still immersed in the previous online games and have their own consciousness. If they can\'t understand this truth, they will suffer a big loss sooner or later.

"These lunatics have completely abandoned themselves. We stepped back to the steps of the hall and implemented the next stage plan. We couldn\'t hold it." Li Yao\'s forehead was also sweating, and he was a little tired from shooting constantly.

Just as several people have analyzed, the elite players who are wasting time looking for Li Yao are already crazy. They have no way out. Killing Li Yao has an angel wings to fight for. If Li Yao can’t be killed, they will be a trial. The complete loser...

ps: There is still 60 monthly tickets to go to the page. We are all at this point, and we continue to ask for support.

(To be continued.)