MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 162: Meet up

The effect of Li Yao\'s activation of the Dark Ranger itself is enveloped in black mist, and its own mobility bonus is also very high. ≯One Novel ﹤≦≦

There is a skill that can evade the wizard every time the shadow wheel turns on the emergency shooting.

At this stage, no matter any mage, the spell is nothing more than arcane missiles, fireballs, or ice bolts. Elite professionals are variants of these skills.

Moreover, the scene was chaotic, and some wizards even taught the release of mass attack spells, and the entire courtyard was in chaos.

Every time Li Yao turned over, it would be a black arrow of death and ordinary shooting.

Every time he turns over a shadow wheel, a mage is marked by a black arrow of death, and then the arrow pierces the throat.

With Li Yao\'s attack, the one with high defense can withstand it for a while. After the crispy skin of the spreading armor is hit the key, only the fate of being killed by a spike.

"This is the strength of the Liaoyuan God, it\'s terrible."

Not only Ozawa, all the audience saw it. What is meant to kill one person at one step? This is one person at a time.

None of the wizards that Li Yao valued could dodge his arrows. Those arrows seemed to have raised their eyes, as if they could see through all the actions of the mages, no matter how evasive they were, it was futile.

The first arrow is marked by the black arrow, causing normal damage, and then the second arrow directly kills the second arrow.





Every time Li Yao turned the shadow wheel, the body of a mage burst, and the skeletons with magical light on their arms fought, and then joined the battlefield.

The arms of these skeletons were either shrouded in red flame light, or blue ice weapons, or light blue arcane light.

They can release the surviving spells, fireballs, ice bolts, arcane missiles, and skeletons that can release fire rain, blizzard and other spells.

The players suddenly realized that except for the embarrassment of the Liaoyuan God being bombed by more than two dozen wizards at the beginning, the situation has begun to reverse.

"Dark Ranger, is this the Dark Ranger, as expected from the Dark Queen." KB also looked stunned.

"I thought heads-up and the use of tools were his most powerful methods, but I didn\'t expect that his strongest was group fighting. As long as he couldn\'t kill him at first, his undead servants would have more and more opportunities." Ozawa Analysis Road.

kB took a deep breath and said, "More than that, haven\'t you seen it? Although these skeletons cast the same spells as they did before they were alive, they are more powerful. It can only explain one problem. These skeletons are either elites or Yinying."

"If all of our analysis is correct, it means that if he can\'t be killed in seconds at the beginning, then he will become more and more difficult." Ozawa said grimly.

"It\'s not easy to kill him in seconds. The bombardment of more than two dozen mages hasn\'t failed, so what else can I say. How could there be such a perversion, it is terrifying to the extreme. When we think he is desperate, he can always come out. Unexpectedly, Boss Gu really hit the iron plate this time."

Hearing the analysis of the two commentators, all the audience took a breath, and the elite was nothing more. It was scary enough. If it were Yinying, I couldn\'t imagine it.

In a short period of time, before they recovered, Li Yao had gathered around a dozen mage skeletons, plus the original four skeletons of other professions, and Li Yao had already had the fighting power of a team.

The hearts of the audience followed Li Yao. They thought that Li Yao was really doomed this time.

After all, so many elite professions, although they sacrificed a few, they eventually broke Li Yao\'s defense alone.

More than two dozen mages bombed together, almost exploding, and the elite players in the gap were rushing in continuously.

However, the facts surpassed their expectations again. Li Yao didn\'t hang up, but stood firm. The mana coverage composed of more than a dozen silver Yings is simply terrifying.

The entire courtyard has been covered by violent spells.

"Quickly, even if he has a skeleton, with so many of us, he won\'t last long."

Gucheng\'s complexion was not pretty, but it was just a superficial appearance. He had already understood Li Yao\'s methods, how could he not know that Li Yao could summon the dead to become skeletons.

"Boss, we..." Yuelang Xingxi winked.

"Listen to my order, just wait, if he died so easily, why should we bother so much." Gucheng whispered.

"Boss, are you saying that he still has a back hand?" Yuelangxi County heard the overtones.

Gucheng glanced at Yue Lang Xingxi faintly, and said, "Do you think Liaoyuan is a fool?"

"No." Yuelangxing wondered.

"Since he is not, he dared to keep it alone. Will he have no backhands? It makes you use your brain more often, just don\'t listen, otherwise you will be sold and count the money for others." Gucheng said angrily.

"Isn\'t there a boss? You can do whatever you want me to do."

"You." Gucheng shook his head, stopped talking, looked at the situation inside, and said nothing.


With the skeleton used as a cover, Li Yao was even more unscrupulous. He would have a lot of scruples to avoid attacks, but behind the skeleton, besides a heavenly spell, straight-line spells could basically not hit him.

However, Li Yao was able to output unscrupulously, his attack was terrifying, and his crispy words were combined with the black arrow of death, killing two arrows. Now warrior professions can\'t wear plate armor. If the black arrow of death is considered, Peace Three Arrows can kill a heavy armored profession.

With Li Yao\'s output, the skeletons around him have had a lot of melee combat, and his front line has become more stable.

However, these elite players have been stunned, and this battle is not only due to an angel\'s wings.

The issue of their dignity has already been involved. They know that Li Yao has received special attention and live on the main screen. If he shrinks now, he can hardly afford to lose him.

Suddenly, Li Yao saw a player wearing a cloak, and was about to attack but heard.

"Brother, make us."

The dumb and cute Hitomi took off his and a lava burst staggered the player blocking them.

"Asshole, what are you doing?" The elite player turned his head and said angrily.

"Kill you." Da Vinci popped a beautiful note, which turned into a light and sank into the elite player\'s body, and the player was instantly taken hold.

"Dead." Qin Fengyi\'s bone spear and Li\'s ice arrow followed one after another.

The player who had already taken a blow to the lava burst and fell to the ground suddenly under the attack of three people.

"Everyone, be careful, there are traitors." A nearby elite player shouted loudly, but seeing the horror lineup of this squad, he decisively gave way.

A few people and Li Yao gathered together, and there were more and more players in the yard, and the battle became anxious...

ps: I\'ll send another chapter, and I still have 90 votes to be on the list. I go to bed, wake up at 6 in the morning to start the codeword, it should be updated at 8 in the morning,

(To be continued.)