Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 15: racing with a police officer

Chapter 15 Drag racing with the police officer

   After the waiting time for picking up the gun passed, An Feng ran to the city.

  Find the gun shop, and as soon as he entered, someone greeted him: "Hey, you are finally here, your gun is already ready!"

   "Thank you, Jerry! I\'ve been busy recently and almost forgot!" An Feng said.

   "It doesn\'t matter, we will store unclaimed items for a period of time, and then we will call to notify you." Jerry explained with a smile.

   Then we got to the point. The guns were actually assembled in the store. Jerry took out two guns, one long and one short, and put them on the counter for counting.

   "Engineering plastic stock, plus rear non-slip grip, 870 with red dot sight, and this is the .45 caliber 1911 you want. Check it out."

  An Feng picked them up one by one to check.

  Jerry saw that he couldn\'t put it down, and smiled and said, "Now go to the shooting range?"

"Good idea." An Feng couldn\'t wait a long time ago. He thought that he could only buy 500 rounds of ammunition when he took it back to play. I chose a few more weapons, bought bullets and tried them slowly later.

  When you play this game, you lose the concept of time, and you become addicted unconsciously. The learning ability of the machine brain is very strong, and it can be turned into instinct after repeated several times. He has been to the gun shop twice before and after, and it only took a few hours for him to go from unfamiliar to proficient. The speed of progress made the staff stunned.

  After three hours of fierce fighting, An Feng, who smelled like gunpowder, left the "battlefield".

   These things can easily cost hundreds or even thousands in China, but here you can find them for less than one hundred dollars, so you don’t have to worry about buying counterfeit products. What made him admire even more was that "MADEIN CHINA" was everywhere. No wonder the group of Americans made a fuss last time, saying that their military uniforms and national flags were all made in China.

   Lock the guns according to the rules, pack the bullets and guns in the bag, and put them in the trunk specially to separate people from guns. The trouble is that it is a bit troublesome, but when the police stop you, if they see a gun within easy reach, the police will charge you with a crime or arrest you on the spot.

  Driving leisurely on the straight road, playing music, blowing the wind, looking at the unchanging blue sky and white clouds, this comfortable life should also be enjoyed by the family. But how to explain the money issue... Could it be that he has won the American lottery? How funny, it\'s better to say that patents are sold for money!

Just thinking about how to explain the origin of the money, there was a sudden "whoosh" beside him, and a black Cadillac CTS passed by him on the left. An Feng subconsciously glanced at his speed, 60 miles per hour , converted to a speed of almost one hundred kilometers per hour.

   "Reincarnation!" An Feng seriously despised, saying that there are only two types of people in the driver\'s eyes: rookies who drive slower than him, and idiots who drive faster than him. After all, I am also a Ferrari. Although the racing ability of convertible cars is not strong, it is not easy for everyone to bully, okay—

   With a "whoosh", another car passed by him. An Feng wondered, is it popular today to overtake Ferrari at high speed? He took a closer look and found that the front car was a Victorian Crown painted in black and white, with red and blue flashes on the top of the head. Isn\'t this the standard equipment for American police?

  He immediately changed the comfort mode of the Ferrari to the sports mode, stepped on the accelerator, and the sound of the horse in the sports mode was high-pitched and powerful. Car and sports car faster than? It\'s not at the same level at all, let alone a high-end sports car like Ferrari, which shortens the distance to the car in front in a few seconds.

  The police car was chasing the Cadillac and was ordered to pull over.

  An Feng kept a distance to enjoy the chase scene ahead, but unfortunately the scene was not exciting enough, it was just one-on-one, not many-on-one like in American blockbusters, and there were also gun battles, explosions, and helicopters dropping spikes.

  The police car kept yelling, ordering the car in front to stop. After several negotiations to no avail, the police car rushed forward and hit the opponent\'s car. Unfortunately, the performance of the CTS was not bad.

An Feng watched with gusto. Suddenly, the police car bumped into the rear of the CTS, but for some reason, it twisted at a critical moment. Maybe it was because the car in front braked. After stopping and twisting, the police car lost control and rushed. When I got to the side of the road, I hit a rock head-on, the hood of the car was crooked, and black smoke came out.

An Feng hurriedly stepped on the brakes, and the Ferrari stopped steadily on the side of the road. Just as he unbuckled his seat belt and wanted to get out of the car, the door of the police car over there also opened, and the distressed sheriff James moved his fat body and got out. Holding a pistol and a walkie-talkie in his hand, he ran towards An Feng after shouting a few words.

   "Are you okay?" An Feng asked kindly, James opened his co-pilot\'s door and sat in, pointing forward, panting angrily: "Catch up, catch up with him!"

   Now let you watch the excitement, it has been requisitioned by the imperial army! An Feng put on his seat belt again, and told James: "Don\'t forget the seat belt."

   "It\'s okay, run after me!" John was out of breath, obviously he needed to exercise.

   "Sit tight!"

After An Feng\'s voice fell, he stepped on the accelerator, and the Ferrari roared a few times. The high horsepower made the driving stability system not able to handle it. The red horse rushed out. He gripped the steering wheel tightly, and moved the shift paddles behind the steering wheel with his fingers. , The machine brain makes him quick in thinking and quick in response, and his performance is no less than that of a professional driver.

James felt as if he had been kicked hard, his whole body was tightly pressed against the seat, and the strong push of the sports car accelerated. The back feeling made it even more difficult for him to breathe. He stared at the front with wide eyes, trembling. I put on my seat belt and felt that my body was fixed before my heart calmed down.

  When the engine speed exceeds 7,000 rpm, this fierce horse is really activated. The thick engine roar and the tail sound wave work together, just like a roaring plane galloping close overhead. The sheriff sitting in the co-pilot felt like sitting on the back of a mad cow, a bit regretful.

   It took only 20 seconds for the crazy Cadillac to be bitten. An Feng glanced at the speedometer, and it was already over 200 kilometers per hour.

  James trembled and looked ahead: "Drive carefully!"

  An Feng ignored him, continued to accelerate, and asked, "Stop him or not?"

   "Stop it!" James said out of nowhere.

   "I hope the insurance company is in a good mood these days." An Feng muttered, the car in front suddenly turned sharply at an intersection, and the rear of the swinging car bumped into a small car that was normally waiting for a green light. An Feng slowed down a little, but the roar of the engine indicated that this fierce horse hadn\'t played enough.

   "Slow down! Slow down! You\'re going to crash!" James held on to the car door with one hand, rubbing his body back. He regretted it and wanted to get out of the car!

An Feng stepped on the brake lightly, downshifted, and slammed the steering wheel. The speed was still more than 100, but for the Ferrari with exquisite workmanship and excellent performance, passing this corner was a piece of cake. Looking at the CTS close in front of him, James felt that he could hardly breathe.

  An Feng stepped on the accelerator and turned the steering wheel, and the Ferrari moved sideways on the road, ready to overtake.

  Seeing that he wanted to overtake, the other party squeezed over immediately.

  An Feng Yile, it turned out to be a rookie!

He would not overtake, catch up, turn the steering wheel, the front of the Ferrari bumped into the rear of the other car on the left side, followed by another push, the car in front immediately lost control, swayed to the left, the driver hurriedly tried to turn the steering wheel, It\'s a pity that the speed is too fast, and the result of doing so is: overturning.

  This is the common traffic-blocking technique used by American police: Hit the rear of the target vehicle with the front of the car, and the target vehicle will suddenly change direction. If the technique is not good, tragedies such as skidding or overturning will occur. Of course, there are also those who stubbornly change direction and continue to resist.

   But now this one is clearly not.

  An Feng stepped on the brakes, staring at the scene of the overturned car in the rearview mirror. The car roared again before it stopped. The sports car turned 180 degrees in the lane and turned around to catch up.

   Finally stopped in front of the overturned car.

   "Hey, James! It\'s your turn!" An Feng reminded the pale James.

  (end of this chapter)