Mixed In the United States As a Local Tyrant

Chapter 14: riding lessons

Chapter 14 Horsemanship

   I learned from the boss that the delivery will not be arranged until this afternoon at the earliest, so I returned home with Joanna, teased the two naughty dogs, and continued the oral class. At around five o\'clock in the afternoon, the other party called and informed me that it was time. When I went out to see, there was indeed a Ford pickup truck pulling the carriage and parked on the side of the road.

  The stables have been cleaned, and the staff brought the five horses into their respective compartments, and told them that they had been fed before they came, and that they could be done a little earlier tomorrow. "It\'s getting late, let\'s leave it like this for now, and we\'ll start training tomorrow." Joanna packed her things and left.

On the second day, An Feng got up very early, ate a breakfast in a hurry, changed into boots and jeans, put on a long-sleeve plaid shirt, put on a cowboy hat, and added some ornaments to his belt, The bell rang continuously as he walked, and he was so happy that he took a few selfies with his phone in the mirror.

  There was the sound of a car downstairs, probably Joanna was coming, An Feng took his equipment and went downstairs, and when he went out, he saw the transformed Joanna. Unlike An Feng, she wore a completely British equestrian style, with a black knight uniform, the necessary POLO shirt, white breeches, black boots, a helmet and leggings.

  An Feng praised: "It\'s amazing! You are so cool!"

  Joanna smiled and said, "Thank you! Let\'s go!"

When the two arrived at the racecourse, there were already knights galloping against the rising sun on horseback. Looking carefully, it turned out that it was Old John who had changed his clothes. He seemed to be a different person riding on the horseback. , driving the well-behaved bay red quarter horse under him in a heroic manner.

  He rode in front of the two of them, the horse under him stopped obediently, and Old John jumped off gracefully.

   "It\'s amazing!" An Feng gave him a thumbs up.

  Old John pressed his cowboy hat to greet An Feng, and then said to Joanna: "I haven\'t seen such formal British equestrian equipment for a long time."

  Joanna smiled and nodded.

An Feng can see the difference from their dress. The British style of equestrianism is more particular, with strict steps and clothing requirements, and a tall and straight posture; while the American style is more casual, paying attention to the "wild" flavor of riding, just like the American style of equestrianism. Same attitude towards life. The two are like Ouchi masters and martial arts heroes.

   After chatting for a while, Joanna said, "Let\'s feed the horses first."

   They came to the stable, and Joanna taught him how to feed the horses. Basically, they all like to eat carrots, plus corn and pasture, and the amount of attention is almost the same. Since Old John had already fed them in the morning, this step was skipped, and Joanna said, "Let\'s give them a name first."

  An Feng looked at his bay-colored Andalusian horse, thought for a while and said, "Let\'s call it...Philip."

  Joanna also thought about it: "Then my horse is called Angelina."

  After naming, Joanna asked him again: "Have you ever had experience riding a horse before?"

   "I have ridden, but I haven\'t had systematic training." When An Feng was studying in his hometown, he often rode those horses carrying manure, but they were all wild roads, and anyone could climb them and ride them. He was rather bearish back then, played **** "naked" riding games, and even fell a few times.

   "Oh, let\'s start over. Follow my prompts."

  "Before assembling the harness, tie the horse well. Use a bridle and a rein to tie the horse. It is best to use a live buckle to tie the horse, so that it is convenient to untie the rein in case of an accident."

An Feng tied Philip, and watched how Joanna prepared the saddle. She installed the saddle first, and then tightened the girth. Repulsion. Be steady in your movements, and don’t make too many movements that disturb the horse’s thinking.”

  Following how to put the water rein, bit and rein on the horse, Joanna slowed down and her movements were clear. "These horses have all undergone preliminary training, and they are not so resistant to people and harnesses. As long as your movements are standardized, there will be no accidents under normal circumstances."

   "Lead the horse out. You have to stand behind the horse\'s head and hold the rein!" Joanna held the rein with her right hand, and Angelina took a few steps forward.

   "Look, a domesticated horse will happily walk alongside you," she said.

  An Feng also led Philip and walked out of the stable slowly.

   "Attention! Before this horse is familiar with you, don\'t stand in front and lead it." Joanna reminded seriously.

An Feng took a step back, he was too particular. He didn\'t ride horses like this before. Ye Luzi didn\'t pay much attention. Horses have been tamed long ago. Professionally speaking, cold-blooded horses are good at hard work and have a good temper. Horses are good at being ridden by others. Flip up casually, even jump up from behind the buttocks.

  If he dares to do this now, he will probably be kicked off his **** by Philip.

Joanna said: "For a horse that you are not familiar with, you have to lead it for a while before riding, forward, backward and circle. In fact, they are like a child. You have to get familiar with it before it will Eliminate the strangeness and fear of you. This is an important step in communicating affection."

  Joanna took the horse for a few steps to demonstrate, and then said: "If it doesn\'t show too much resistance, you can really ride on the horse."

   After finishing speaking, Joanna put down the stirrup and grabbed the rein with her right hand. She was tall enough to step on the stirrup with her left foot without stepping on the ladder, and turned over and rode on with a beautiful movement. The horse under her was the brown Arabian horse she had chosen. When she turned over and rode on it, it panicked a little.

  Joanna pulled the rein, passed her order, and quickly controlled the restless Angelina. She said, "It\'s very docile and very obedient!"

  Joanna looked extremely confident and skilled when she was on horseback. She straightened her body and asked Angelina to walk a few times at a slow walk, then a trot, and finally a run. Within ten minutes of contact, she actually rode a horse to step over a low fence. An Feng watched with applause, beautiful!

Old John also followed behind with a few beautiful moves. He is very different from Joanna. The Western cowboy rides in a casual style, bending over, lying down, and pulling the revolver crookedly. But when Joanna rides, no matter what No matter how the horse below jumps, her body remains vertical.

  After running a few laps, Joanna said: "These horses have undergone preliminary training, and they are no longer afraid of riding. Try it."

An Feng approached Philip, adjusted the left and right reins to a suitable length, grabbed the reins with his left hand, and put down the stirrup with his right hand. When he was about to step on it, Joanna reminded: "After it is balanced, step on the stirrup. The toe of the boot is three points deep. One of them will do, and this is done to prevent the horses from suddenly becoming frightened and running away."

  An Feng nodded his head to express his understanding. He was thinking about one third, but in his mind was the funny image of stepping on a stool and jumping on the mane when he was a child, so he couldn\'t help laughing out loud. He stepped on the stirrup and turned over to sit on the saddle, but when his right foot was lowered, the boot accidentally rubbed against the horse\'s belly.

  Philip didn\'t know whether he mistook the order or was frightened. Before An Feng\'s right foot could be placed in the stirrup, it sprinted out.

   "Damn it!"

An Feng almost dropped his hand and fell to the ground. At that moment, he thought of his father\'s experience of taming a raw horse when he was young. When he got on the horse and ran or jumped around, the first thing he did was grab the mane. Clamp the horse\'s belly with your legs, and then use your hands as a fulcrum to move your buttocks and sit firmly on the saddle.

After stabilizing his body, An Feng straightened his waist, stepped into the stirrup with his right foot, and pulled the rein in his hand, trying to slow Philip down, but he neighed a few times, and suddenly jumped into the air with his front hooves. Although the movement was not large, it really People on horseback feel like riding a roller coaster. The center of gravity of the whole person drops rapidly, and the body is almost parallel to the ground. If it\'s a woman with little strength, it\'s likely to have flown out in eight or nine out of ten cases.

   "Damn!" Joanna and Old John hurried to catch up, and Old John even took a pair of lasso, ready to tie the horse\'s neck.

   But the troublemaker couldn’t get rid of An Feng with his leap. He clamped his legs around the horse’s belly, grasped the reins tightly, and sat firmly on the horse’s back. Philip jumped around in place, trying to throw him out. An Feng scraped the horse\'s belly a few times with the spurs from the heel of his boots. After a couple of jumps, it immediately turned into a gallop. After running a few meters, An Feng pulled the reins to make it turn around. Its head was pulled back, and it took a few steps back unwillingly. , The nose whimpered.

   "Be obedient! Be obedient!" An Feng comforted it. After more than ten seconds of fuss, it finally succumbed when it found that it was still no match for the guy sitting on it.

   "So cute!" An Feng smiled and stroked Philip\'s soft mane.

  Joanna and Old John who came here were all surprised. Is this inexperienced?

   "Boss, you have completely tamed it!" Old John smiled and applauded.

  Joanna said: "I\'m sorry, I thought these horses were only sold after passing the training."

   "It doesn\'t matter." An Feng said indifferently, "This guy is just right for my character, not a bit wild, I can\'t find the feeling!"

  Old John said: "Sometimes the place is suddenly changed, and the unfamiliar environment will make the horses overly nervous, which may be the reason for the shock just now."

Later, he also learned some skills from Old John and Joanna, but without long-term training, it is still difficult to use these skills. At least he can\'t be like Joanna who can make a horse less than ten minutes. It can\'t go to the hurdles, and it can\'t train the horse like a puppy like old John, who goes forward when he is told to go forward, and backs up when he is told to go back. Afterwards he knew that Old John had more than ten years of riding experience.

   No wonder it is so powerful, he asked again: "Which skill is better, you or Joanna?"

Old John smiled and glanced at Joanna who was teaching Angelina to walk around the barrel in the sand, and said: "I feel that Joanna has received very professional training in formal equestrian performances, dance steps, etc., but apart from these, other Technology needs to be accumulated over time, what do you think?"

  An Feng understands that there are mountains beyond mountains.

During the day, I spent all my time on horseback. In the evening, I followed Joanna to learn how to wipe and buckle the hooves of the horses. I learned about body brushes, water brushes, long-haired brushes, sweat scrapers, rubber brushes, hoof hooks, hoof oil, etc. Items, and try to use them on horses, as well as bathing it, shoveling horse manure, etc.

  An Feng didn\'t master the skills at the beginning, and all his energy was spent in places that shouldn\'t be spent. He gasped and asked, "Joanna, did you do this before?"

  Joanna said: "Of course, this can enhance your horse\'s affection."

"Oh, I see."

It’s not a tiring job for An Feng. Anyway, he is the most idle person in the vineyard. Apart from learning English with Joanna, he just goes horseback riding, walks the dog on horseback, and watches the sun rise from the east. , falling from the west again. The day passed so leisurely.

  (end of this chapter)