Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 938

The team from the store door to the street, lined up four or five rows, she stood in the sun for more than an hour, it was one of the few time she showed perseverance, but not into the store, there was a voice inside, said the panda pen sold out again.

She was so angry that she went home and got into a big fire. She made a fuss and asked her father and aunt ANN to buy it for her.

Later, she finally got it, and she was proud of it. After two classes, she felt that the pen was not good, so she threw it aside.

Now, thinking about it, she looked at him strangely, "so you did the hunger marketing of panda pen?"

"You know?"

Ying Hannian looks at her“ Yes, I'm not in the primary school here, but I don't know how the wind blows to our school. Everyone comes here to buy panda pens, which can't be bought with money. " Lin Yi pushed away the bowl he had finished eating in front of him and said, "I was looking at you

I was so angry that I ran to line up for more than an hour. The sun turned my face and hands red. "

She remembers very clearly that as soon as she went back, aunt Ann painfully applied repair cream to her and said what to do if she was tanned.

The little girl was afraid of the dark. She had nightmares at night and dreamed that she would become a little black girl.

"Have you ever been in line?"

There is light shining in the dark eyes of Ying Hannian, who seems to be thinking about some possibility.

Lin Yi knew what he was thinking, and immediately said, "don't think about it. I didn't even enter the store at that time, but I heard someone shouting that it was sold out again today, and it would take a few days to get the goods."

So she didn't go into the store, let alone see him.


Ying Hannian was very disappointed. He glanced at her with dark eyes. "Aren't you used to be overbearing? How can you not break in when the sun was so hot?"


Lin Yi looked at him speechless. He could say such a thing.

"Can't you break in and meet me?" Ying Hannian looked at her disappointedly, "when it's time to be horizontal, Baisheng is a young lady's body."

If she broke in, they would know each other more than ten years in advance.

Lin Yi was shocked by his shameless remarks and retorted, "no matter how overbearing I am, I'm just a primary school student. The teacher told me to line up, of course I'll line up."

"So, you let us miss the chance to meet in advance."

Ying Han smashed a big pot on Lin Yi's head when he was young.

Lin Yi nearly vomited blood when he was smashed. "Why don't you say it's your problem? What's the hunger marketing? When you say it's sold out, are there boxes of goods piled up in the warehouse?"

At that time, almost all the primary school students in the city were competing with each other, and there was a huge demand for panda pens.

When she went to buy it, it was already fashionable. In response to the cold years, it was impossible not to let the boss hoard goods.

Smell speech, should cold young cough, solemnly amnesia, "don't remember."

"Ha ha."

Lin Yi sneered, "if you don't do hunger marketing, even if you don't do it that day, I can't go in and buy a pen. Can't I see someone's face?"


"Do you know how much I've been sunburned and how red my skin is? I've been sunburned. At noon, how strong the sun is. It's hard to hold an umbrella in line." I was exposed to the sun for more than an hour.


Ying Hannian was rarely blocked up by her and couldn't refute, "OK, my fault."

"It's your fault."

Lin Yi Road, finish saying, she looks at Ying Hannian's handsome face, suddenly smile again, help forehead way, "we two are sick, for more than ten years ago once brush past, in this argument."


She was really serious just now. She felt that her sunburn was due to Ying Hannian's fault. After many years, she finally found the culprit.

It's been more than ten years, and the species on the earth have been extinct.

"No disease."

Ying Hannian knocked on the desk, "I have another very important thing to ask you."


Lin Yi looks at him.

"So what did you feel when you heard me yelling that I had sold out?" Ying Hannian has a serious face.


Lin Yi looked at his solemn eyebrows silently, "how can I remember the voice more than ten years ago?""You said it yourself. When you heard that it was sold out, I was the only employee in the stationery store at that time. It must be my voice." Should cold year's index finger point table, "think quickly, is what feeling?"

"I really..."

"Think about it!" Ying was staring at her for years.


Lin Yi tried to recall the scene at that time. All he could remember was the hot sun, the stagnant team, and the anger after hearing the voice that sold out.

As for the sound quality of the voice, whether it was loud or loud, good or bad, she could not remember the specific words.

Ying Hannian sat there and looked at her with great interest. He had to come up with a result.

"I remember." Lin Yidao.

"Well, what was it like to hear your man's voice for the first time?"

When asked by Han Nian, he suddenly grasped her hand on the table and held it tightly. His finger joints were clear and well shaped.

"The feeling is..."

Lin Yi slowly said, slowly pulled away his hand, stood up from the table, looked down at the man's angular eyes, and then glared at him fiercely, "the feeling is disgusting! Unscrupulous businessman! Unscrupulous businessman! Unscrupulous businessman

With that, Lin Yi didn't look at his face. He pushed the cart and ran away.


Ying Hannian sat in his original position for a few seconds.


Blame him?

She fell into the hole of hunger marketing and blamed him?

In the cold years, Lin Yi has already put xiaojingshi on the safe seat.

"Check out."

Ying Hannian takes out a card from his pocket and presses it on the table. He stands up and leaves, and takes a long step.

"Ah, it's coming!"

The busy landlady came out immediately and saw a bank card on the table. She was stunned. She picked it up and saw a piece of paper with only two lines on it——

Thank you.

Password: 515515.


The landlady immediately stayed there. It suddenly occurred to her that when the boy handed over 100 yuan to her, he was also holding a "thank you" note.

The handwriting is illegible.

But she always remembered these two words, just like the boy's personality, he was down and out, but he never spoke lowly, his spine was always very straight.

When you think about it, it seems that this gentleman's age is just right.

Do you mean

The landlady looked up in surprise, "Sir, sir..."

As soon as I raised my eyes, I saw that the luxury car had turned out of her sight. I couldn't see anything, leaving only smoke and dust that dissipated quickly.

The landlady stood in front of the store with her bank card. She didn't come back for a long time