Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 937

"Auntie, you are a very emotional person."

Lin Yi smiles and his address has changed. Seeing that she was well-dressed and had a good temperament, but she didn't have a bit of airs when she spoke, the landlady immediately opened her voice, "isn't it? The shop at this crossroad has been closed and opened, and I'm the only one who's been there all the time. I like those customers going there

When I sit here, I'll have a bowl of wonton and talk about my family. You say that if I close the shop, those old customers will come back, How can you be worthy of them? "

"Auntie has been running a shop for so many years, so she must have met many special guests?"

Lin Yi asked.

Ying Hannian took a look at her and didn't interrupt. He lowered his head and ate a few wontons. When he turned around and took a toy to Xiaojing, Xiaojing screamed for him to hold.

The wind from the street is cool, and the heat on the wonton is blown away.

The shadow of the trees on the roadside was blown into various shapes“ That's for sure. " The boss's wife is very good at chatting, "the first two men came to eat wonton with the third child. The original mate came and almost lifted my pot. The man was so hot, tut Tut, but if I say, the man deserved to eat it, too

I don't think what's in the bowl is good. "

The landlady's indignation made Lin Yi laugh. Lin Yi then asked, "is there a guest that you remember a long time ago?"

"A long time ago?" The landlady was stunned. She sat there and thought about it. Suddenly, she saw Lin Yi's eyes fall on the carved flowers on the eight immortals table. She took a look at them and immediately pointed to them. She said excitedly, "here, here, do you see the trace on the lotus

It was carved by two little boys at the beginning, and I am particularly impressed by them. "

Seeing the proprietress on the road, Lin Yi pursed her lips and gave a low smile. Looking at Ying Hannian, who was entangled by her son, she pretended to be puzzled and asked, "what kind of little boy?"

"At that time, they were teenagers. They would come here almost every day. They were two poor children. Their clothes didn't fit very well. They even wore a pair of sandals in winter."

The landlady recalled and sighed with emotion.


Lin Yi listened to stay under, if not for her routine landlady, should cold year is impossible to say these with her.

She stirred the wonton in the bowl with a spoon. She was full of thoughts. Suddenly, Ying Hannian broke in and said, "what's the matter? Boys are not afraid of freezing."

That doesn't comfort her, OK?

Lin Yi took a silent look at Ying Hannian and ignored him, only to the landlady, "Auntie, you continue to say."“ Oh, it's not afraid of freezing. These two children are really poor. Sometimes they both eat a bowl of wonton separately. How can a tall person be full with half a bowl of wonton? I can't see it, so I give them an extra bowl of wonton.

”The landlady said, "I don't know how their parents don't care about them. When I ask them, they won't tell me that their temperament is very strange. One of them is very silent, and won't even shout when it's hot,

I can only catch up with another one who shouts "brother ah brother". The other one has long hands and long feet. It's very good-looking. His eyes and nose are all the same as those painted. It's very beautiful. Ah, if I want to have such a son, how can I give him up to live such a hard life? "


Lin Yi didn't like it. She wanted to know the details. Ying Hannian picked up a spoon and fed a wonton to her mouth. "Eat it well."

So many inquiries.

"Oh, this gentleman is so considerate. You are so lucky."

The boss's wife praised, did not remember at all, in front of the dignified man is the boy who wore sandals in winter. Lin Yi swallowed the wonton in his mouth and continued to look at the landlady with an inquisitive face. The landlady then said, "by the way, that beautiful boy is very smart. He asked me to borrow my son's book. He can read it once and point out the mistakes

It is estimated that he is also learning. "

"Is it?"

Lin Yi was surprised and couldn't help looking at Ying Hannian.

That's too much.

Referring to these brilliant deeds, Ying Hannian naturally won't hide it, throwing away a proud look.

It stinks. Lin Yi chuckled and heard the boss's wife say, "later, the boy asked if my shop needed any help. My shop didn't need any help. It cost money to raise the staff. I knew they were short of money, but I could help them with the next bowl of wonton

My son's old clothes, which have spare money to support, can only be rejected. "

“……”Ying Hannian sat there with dark eyes“ Later, the boy went to the stationery shop opposite to work. Later, one day, the boy came over and gave me 100 yuan to thank me for taking care of them At this point, the landlady's eyes are sore

He reached out and rubbed his eyes. "I don't know what happened to them. The two children are so young, and they are not in charge of by adults. How can they survive in this society... If only I had accepted them..."

At the end, the landlady sobbed low.

"Auntie, everyone has their own difficulties. You have done a good job." Lin Yi comforted him, took a look at Ying Hannian and said, "actually..."

Before he finished, some guests came in to eat wonton. The landlady wiped her tears and got up to cook wonton in the shop.

Ying Hannian sat there, and there was no wonton left in the bowl.

Lin Yi took a bite of the wonton and chewed its flavor. "I know why you brought me to eat it."

Ying Hannian has always been indifferent to diet, but since he was with her, he has been very concerned about health and other issues. When she was pregnant, he paid more attention to nitpicking.

But today, he brought her here.

One of the most humble shops.

"How delicious?"

Should cold year ask.

"Delicious." Lin Yi took a bite and added, "it's very delicious."

"You won't feel sad secretly in your heart, will you?" Ying Hannian stares at her in a funny way. "The story is not as sad as she said. Do you know where I went later?"

"Where have you been?"

Ying Hannian pointed to the opposite, "there used to be a stationery shop next to the primary school. I went to work there, where I did my first marketing in my life. I sold a panda pen out of stock and sold all the stationery in the boss's stock."

"Panda pen?"

Lin Yi was stunned, and then he was reminded of many memories.

When she was in primary school, she didn't know how to become popular with panda pens. Everyone was proud of owning panda pens, but only that stationery store had them and they were often out of stock. As a result, the trend of panda pens became more and more popular, but the supply was in short supply. She made people unable to buy them. She was so angry that she finally went to line up by herself.