Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 934

Then, defeated by her own ideas, she couldn't help laughing.

Ying Hannian glanced at her in the rearview mirror and saw that she was not very sad, and the whole person was precipitated.

Cars cross a very narrow road, can't meet, can't overtake. There is a car parked in front of us. A man in a suit and trousers is squatting there to change the spare tire. It seems that the car is broken. Another man in the same dress is standing there with a file in his arms, anxiously urging. Seeing that a car has stopped, the man is in a hurry

Run over and say sorry to them that the spare tire will be changed right away.

Should be cold year did not open the window, only coldly should a.

Lin Yi raised her eyes and saw that the man had a work card on his chest with the name of the company written on it. She turned to the other side and saw a tall building not far away with the name of the company printed on it.

How can a company be built in such a remote place? This is obviously not the kind of company that produces raw materials.

"They are here to develop AI mall."

Should cold year suddenly way, line of sight from the document in that person's bosom take back.

Lin Yi realized that he had spoken out his doubts and couldn't help saying, "Ai mall? Isn't that from Mu's group? Sure enough, the big guys are doing it in the front, and a bunch of people are imitating it in the back. " Mr. Mu has always attached great importance to e-commerce. AI mall was developed in response to the cold years. It is more mature than many at home and abroad. It is fast, safe, easy to use, and almost monopolized in popularity

Some people want to imitate it.

But some technologies can't be imitated if you want to.

So Lin Yi is just a joke“ The core of AI mall is not ordinary technology. At that time, I spent a lot of money to get the old man to agree to allocate funds. More than half of the board of directors did not agree. This technology brings about long-term development, not temporary profits. When it comes to long-term development, it represents a long-term development

The investment is big and the return is not high. Everyone is worried about variables. So, the average company doesn't have the money to do this technology at all. " Should cold year sink sound way.


Only big companies have the courage to study this technology?

Lin Yi was stunned and looked at the building of the company again. He couldn't help saying, "but the company is built in a remote place. It's very common."

Maybe it's a boss who doesn't know enough, thinking that he can get a share of AI mall.

"It's too ordinary."

In response to the cold year.

"Don't think too much. No matter what others do, they won't surpass the Mu group." Lin Yi said that she is very confident in the cold years. He has put a lot of effort into this aspect, and AI mall is already more mature than others.

At this time, the car in front was repaired. Two office workers got on the car and drove away. Ying Hannian glanced at it with deep eyes. "There are no less than 2 million cars under this brand."


Lin Yi was stunned and immediately became alert.

The employees of small companies drive luxury cars in the countryside

It's really unusual.

Ying Hannian picked up his mobile phone, took a picture of the company building, sent it back to Imperial City, pressed the voice button and said, "he Yao, check the background of the company immediately."

Lin Yi saw him get serious and asked, "Ying Hannian, if there is a big company that specially chooses to open an AI mall in the countryside, what does that mean?"

Would it be for Mu's group?

To compete for the most powerful e-commerce industry of Mu group? Then why put it in such a remote rural area of s city? There are no other companies here.

"I don't know. I'll check it out." Ying Hannian put down his mobile phone and hooked his lips, "unexpected harvest, interesting."


It's a real windfall.

Lin Yi didn't think about it any more. She believed that Ying Hannian could resist everything. She took a toy to tease her son. When she found Xiaojing was noisy enough, she fell asleep in the safety seat. She could not help leaning back to him, slowly closed her eyes and took a rest.

The car continued to wobble on the road.

Lin Yi enjoys the turbulence. She knows that her husband and children are always around.


Back at Lin's, Lin Yi cooked a table and invited the bodyguards and nursery teachers who came out with them to have dinner together.

Everyone was a little bit restrained about sharing the table with Ying Hannian, so they all talked with Lin Yi and changed every dish on the table into a hundred different styles. The rainbow fart made Lin Yi almost think that he was the number one in the food industry."Eat, eat more."

Lin Yi said with a smile.

The mobile phone shakes up. She takes it up. It's a video from Mu Xiaxi. She connects and stands the mobile phone aside.

"Lin Yi! Hello!”

Mu Xiaxi's face appears on the screen. She waves to Lin Yi happily.

It's night here, but it's sunny there. She's standing on the deck, wearing big sunglasses and a silk scarf around her neck.

"How many jet lag do you have?"

Lin Yi asked enviously. It's really nice to travel around the world on a cruise ship.

Mu Xiaxi said a place name, then walked down the river and said, "the climate here is good, warm as spring. Now the cruise ship stops at the dock. I see a lot of trinkets. Lin Yi, please see which one you like. I'll buy it for you."

Mu Xiaxi is completely immersed in the honeymoon state, blushing, clear voice, more and more back to the original appearance.

Under her warm introduction, Lin Yi put down her chopsticks and followed her camera for a moment, then chose a dream catcher.

"Where is Jiang Qixing?"

Lin Yi asked.

"Oh, that straight man, I said you didn't know how to give me a surprise, so he now..." Mu Xiaxi said. Turning the camera, a man with trousers and a sun hat appeared on the screen, sitting on the edge of the dock, fishing with a fishing rod. Mu Xiaxi said, "he's fishing now, I don't like the food on the cruise ship

He wants to fish and roast fish for me. In order to do this, he can't accompany me around. I'm really surprised now. "


Lin Yi couldn't help laughing, and everyone else on the table laughed.

Although Mu Xiaxi's tone is loveless, it's obvious that it's not really strange that Jiang Qixing yells at him, "Qixing, look here, I'm talking with Lin Yi and second brother."

The man who was fishing turned his head at once.

Lin Yi adjusted the direction of the mobile phone and aimed the lens at Ying Hannian. Jiang Qixing stood up immediately when he saw Ying Hannian, "brother Han."


Should cold year coldly should a, glance then continue to eat.

"Brother Han, we met an old Chinese medicine doctor on the cruise ship today. He gave Xia Xi a pulse and said that we have a good chance to have a daughter." Jiang Qixing sincerely shared the good news with them.

Ying Hannian's hand holding chopsticks was stiff, and he glanced coldly, "are you showing off with me?"

"Why, brother Han, I just want to comfort you."

"..." Ying Hannian's face was stiff.