Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 933


Lin Yi looked at him, his eyes turned red unconsciously.

Seeing this, Ying Hannian said, "OK, let's talk about it today. I'll take you to the place where I stayed. At least the scenery here is not bad, there is no haze."

He told her that there was no haze.

Lin Yi walked slowly along the river with him. It was not easy to push a cart along the river. He should hold Xiaojing in his arms in cold years.

The weeds on the side of the road rubbed her legs, stinging and uncomfortable. She looked down and saw that her shoes had been stained with soil. Suddenly, a hand came to her.

Lin Yi raised her eyes and looked at him suspiciously.

"Come on, I'll hold one and two."

Ying Hannian is about to hold her in the same posture as holding her son. Lin Yi pushes him away in tears and smiles. "I don't want to hold her."

"I'm afraid I can't hold it?" Should cold year pick eyebrow, "rest assured, guarantee to let you rub less than a little mud."

"I'm not so pretentious, am I?"

It's just mud on the shoes.

When Lin Yi got his hand, she was just walking along the road he had gone through.

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that there was a dark shadow in the high field, which also brought a gust of wind. Lin Yi was so scared that he rushed to Ying Hannian, "what?"

"Little yellow mouse wolf."

Ying Hannian smiles and appreciates the expression of panic on her face.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa."

Xiaojing also saw that he was not afraid, excitedly bumping his little butt in yinghannian's arms.

"The weasel?" Lin Yi looked at him in shock, "isn't the weasel in the cartoon? Isn't it fake?"

The weasel steals the chicken to eat, is not all childhood animation only then has the plot?


Ying Hannian looked at her with low eyes and lost his smile. His eyes were full of spoils. His big palm touched her head twice. "Tuan Tuan, you are really a baby."


Lin Yi heard the mockery, and touched his ears in a friendly way. "I haven't seen a weasel yet."

She only saw it in cartoons. She thought it was just an animated image. In reality, there were weasels

As soon as the words came to an end, Lin Yi suddenly saw the sound of Xie Xie Suo in the grass beside her. She immediately took a breath of cool air and pressed it tightly against Ying Hannian. Her slender fingers subconsciously grasped his belt and asked in a low voice, "The weasel again?"

"The weasel is very fast. This should be a hedgehog." Should cold year low Mou see past one eye.


Lin Yi's eyes widened in surprise.

Ying Hannian looked down at her and said, "which cartoon is this Hedgehog?"

You can tell from the way she looks that she hasn't seen her.

"I know hedgehogs are real." She whispered, then said weakly, "I just haven't seen what it really looks like."

Going to the zoo seems to see the tigers and giraffes. I have no impression of these small animals.

"OK, today your man will give you a long experience."

Ying Hannian put xiaojingshi into her arms, unfastened her cufflinks, rolled up her sleeves and went to the field, just like a big fight.

For Xiaojing, his life is still blank. Because his family protects him so well, he stays in a beautiful house almost every day, and he knows little about the world.

No one would have thought that the first living animal Xiaojing saw was not a cute dog or cat, but a little hedgehog and a little weasel. Yinghan spent a lot of time to catch it intact and put it into the two cages specially bought by the bodyguards. Lin Yi was afraid of this small animal at first and didn't dare to see it. She couldn't stand the excitement of Xiaojing and then followed him

past times.

Take a closer look, these two kinds of small animals are quite lovely, both fleshy, one is fluffy, the other is prickly, like a ball. Ying Hannian holds Xiaojing's armpit in his hands and lets him stand on the ground to see. Xiaojing can't stand on his own, but it doesn't delay his excitement. He squats and squats there. He's so excited that his eyes are shining, and his mouth is always saying that others can't hear him

Understand the words, but also around the cage to see, small hands want to stretch into the cage.

Lin Yi was afraid of scaring two small animals. After watching for only five minutes, he asked Ying Hannian to open the cage and let them go.

This one let go can't, small scene when small mouth a shriveled, wail.It's really sad.

Crying almost out of breath.

Lin Yi gently comforted her with her arms. When Xiaojing was lying on her shoulder, she couldn't stop crying. Her head ached. "Do you like small animals to go back and raise a little dog for you?"

"Wow --"

The little guy cried even harder.

"He wants hedgehogs and weasels." It should be seen in the cold year.


Lin Yimo, what's her son's special hobby? How can he raise hedgehogs and weasels.

It's hard to coax the little guy to cry. Finally, Lin Yi has no choice but to take out his mobile phone and release the picture of the little animal he just took. When Xiaojing stops sobbing, she stares at the picture on her mobile phone with big eyes.

It was already dusk. Ying Hannian took some pictures for them and suggested to go back.

"There are too many insects here at night. Let's go."

When Ying Hannian took over Xiaojing, he went to the car.

The sun was shining down like a beautiful shawl over the field. Lin Yi followed him and turned his head to glance at the direction of the broken house.

There are many insects at night, but at that time, he survived in such an environment.

After many years of traveling, she knows his past at most. How can she understand it?

"In the cold year, let's set up a tent here for one night?"

She wanted to feel how he spent night after night.


Ying Hannian opened the car door with one hand, smelling the words and looking back at her, thin lips hooked, not smiling. "It's no problem after one night, but it's not easy to catch snakes at night."

And snakes?

"Go back to sleep, go back to sleep!"

Lin Yi didn't even want to get into the car. She was most afraid of such greasy things. She would get goose bumps when she looked at the photos.

What about my husband's past... Why should I know so thoroughly, right?


Ying Hannian watched her smile again. She bent down to put Xiaojing in the seat and tied the little guy's seat belt. The smile on her lips didn't go away. Her dark eyes were very deep.

He thought it would be hard for him to have any good memory when he came to this place again.

Memory is really not good, but with her, his pleasure has never disappeared

So I stayed for a long time. When I drove back in yinghan year, the car moved along the path. High and low, the car began to bump up again, and the villain in the seat also bumped up. Lin Yi sat by and looked at his son, silently wondering if the little guy had gone to bars and nightclubs too much in his last life, so he had not changed his habit in this life.