Miss Lin's Rebirth - Scheming CEO

Chapter 904

Mu Xianguang sat in the car, listening to their words, and couldn't help looking at Mu Xiaxi, "do you really love him so much?"

Only later did mu Xianguang know that Xia Xi dared to trade his marriage for a video of Jiang Qixing

Little girl usually looks silent, crazy, it's amazing.


Mu Xiaxi lowered her head and her long hair covered her side face, which made her look indistinct. Lin Yi looked at mu Xianguang and saw that he breathed hard twice and drank the wine in his glass. It seemed that he had made an important decision. He said, "you don't have to feel that you are carrying anything. The things of the last generation have nothing to do with you. Elder brother is my father, I replied

Just do it. "

If he didn't accept it before, what else could he say when he went through Lianjia's business and knew that this little girl was crazy for Jiang Qixing?

If you are unfilial, even if your father has nurtured them, the debt should be paid off, and it will come to the underground. It's up to him.

His younger sister is innocent, and now she is no longer the sixth young lady of the herdsman. She doesn't need to remember these.

Smell speech, Mu Xia Xi some consternation ground sees to Mu Xian light.

"Why, don't you understand me?" Mu Xianguang added, "I said, Jiang Qixing wants to be my brother-in-law, I have no objection!"


Mu Xiaxi's nose became sour. She put the cup aside, threw it directly into mu Xianguang's arms and held him firmly.

With nothing more, she has a brother who is willing to resist everything for her.

Bai Shuya smiles and releases mu Xianguang, hugged by their brother and sister.

Lin Yi looks at Mu Xiaxi and can't help smiling. It's always nice to feel sunny after rain.

Ying Hannian hugged her and leaned over to drink the juice in her hand. Lin Yi helplessly watched him drink the juice in his cup.

What, is the juice she drank better?


As if knowing what she was thinking, Ying Hannian pursed her lips and gave her an evil look.


Linyi black line.

At this time, Ying Hannian's mobile phone vibrated. He took it out and it was Jiang Qixing's name on it.

The call came so soon.

For fear that today's guests might say some nonsense, Lian's family released the news of Mu Xiaxi's death as soon as possible, which could send a message to the guests that the two families had reconciled.

The conflict between the company and the herdsman is not so fierce that they fight together. The guests are all smart, and they will not talk nonsense.

Unexpectedly, Jiang Qixing saw the news so soon.

After thinking about it, Lin Yi takes the mobile phone from Ying Hannian and hands it to Mu Xiaxi.

Mu Xiaxi retreats from mu Xianguang's arms and looks down at the mobile phone in front of him. His eyes are fixed and his fingers move, but he doesn't reach out.

The car is very quiet, only the mobile phone vibrates again and again.

Until the phone hangs up automatically.

"Xia Xi." Lin Yi looked at Mu Xiaxi and said faintly, "we have known each other for several years. I still remember that you were very bold and sincere when you were chasing the cold year."

"Lin Yi..."

Mu Xiaxi didn't expect that she would mention this paragraph. She was so embarrassed that she didn't even dare to look at Ying Hannian. She whispered, "I didn't know what to do at that time..."

Chasing her cousin, she wants to dig a hole and bury herself now.

Ying Hannian glances at Lin Yi. She hasn't forgotten it yet?

How long has it been?

They have been on and off for a long time“ I mean, you were simple and brave at that time. After so many things happened, you have become introverted, cautious and thoughtful now. " Lin Yi looked at her deeply. "I can't say it's bad for you to change like this, but you can ask your brother

Brother and sister-in-law, do they prefer you to live as you used to be

You don't have to be smart enough to guess the evil in people's hearts, just be a carefree girl.


Mu Xia Xi's eyes stagnated and turned to his brother and sister-in-law in silence. He saw a smile of encouragement in their eyes.

She suddenly realized that, in fact, she has not been nothing.

The mobile phone shakes up again. It's still Jiang Qixing's phone. It's playing over and over again. The shaking seems to deduce the anxiety of the other party.Mu Xiaxi sat there for a long time, and finally raised his hand to pick up the mobile phone and put it in his ear.

Connected, but did not hear the imagination of urgency, but a silence, only some heavy breathing sound fell in her ears, some burning.

He didn't speak, and she didn't know what to say for a moment.

It was a long time before she heard his hoarse voice.

"Is she really dead?"

Dumb to the extreme.

The voice of disbelief and despair.

Mu Xiaxi heard her breath stagnated, and her heart seemed to curl up. She heard her voice ring in the car, "I'm not dead."


There was a long silence.

It's like I heard it. It's like I didn't hear it.

"Jiang Qixing." She whispered his name.

"Are you sick?"

Jiang Qixing asked, his hoarse voice trembling.

"Jiang Qixing, I'll go to s city to see you. I'll explain to you face to face." She said, this sentence, spent all her courage.


The other end of the mobile phone, once again, fell into silence.

The sun outside the car window is very warm. It's so hot.


When he returned to the Mu family, Ying Hannian asked he Yaoli to take charge of the transfer of shares and the cremation and burial of Mu Xiaxi.

All things need to be done quickly so that people can't be prevented.

As soon as she got back to her room, Lin Yi immediately changed her dress, took off her high heels and put on a pair of flat slippers. She was pregnant for so long that she didn't wear high heels. Now she's tired to death by wearing them once in a while.

"What you said in the car today is very emotional."

Ying Hannian sits lazily on the sofa beside him, staring at the direction of the bathroom with black eyes, a tall figure flickering by the door.

Lin Yi changed into a long T in the bathroom. The hem covered her hips and showed her slender white legs. She came out with her long hair and asked with a smile, "which sentence?"

Ying Hannian held out his hand to her and kept his eyes on her legs.

Lin Yi walked over and was pulled into his arms by him. Ying Hannian strongly hugged her and touched her around her waist. "You said that you would rather Mu Xiaxi live in the past. Do you want to live in the past?"

Half of her growth now owes to him. Today, hearing her say so, can't he do it wrong?

"Me?" Lin Yi Leng for a while, in his arms laugh, "don't, I now see before he can't help but want to fight."


Ying Hannian holds her from behind, lowers his head and puts his chin on her shoulder“ Xia Xi used to be simple and brave, kind and lovely. I used to... "Lin Yi was a little depressed when she thought of her arrogant and domineering virtue with long eyes and short IQ.